The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 436 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 436 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
Although motorcycles are fun, there are always times when you get tired of playing, especially when Han Dongjun saw that Ye Xingchen was not thinking about the game at all, so he said to Ye Xingchen and Xiaoding: "Don't play anymore."

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen stopped the car and asked in confusion.

"Take a break, it's boring to play all the time, and don't you feel the pain in your butt?"

Ye Xingchen moved his body immediately, his butt really hurt a bit, he saw that his sisters had returned the cars one after another, and Remai Mai was among them, he also lost interest in this thing.

"Let's lock the car back, or we'll have to pay more if it's overtime." Ye Xingchen said.

"Okay, let's take a final sprint." Han Dongjun restarted the car and accelerated the sprint.

Xiao Ding followed closely and said, "I must win this time."

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "Childish."

Then he followed.

After parking the car, Ye Xingchen was about to get out of the car when he saw Zhao Jinmai quietly jumping behind him.

Ye Xingchen turned his head helplessly and asked, "What do you want to do? You rascal."

"I'm not a rambunctious ghost." Mai Mai's small face immediately showed a reluctance.

"Oh? Isn't it?" Ye Xingchen asked back.

"No, I came here to tell you about this." Zhao Jinmai looked at the brothers and sisters around, and then whispered to Ye Xingchen, "Is it okay if I want to bet and admit defeat? How stingy, what did I do before?" I didn't realize that you are so stingy, you don't look like a man at all."

"This is what you said, hehe, that is, you were underage at that time, otherwise you wouldn't have said such ignorant things."

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows when he heard Mai Mai questioning him, and a frivolous smile spread across his face.

Zhao Jinmai understood what Ye Xingchen said in seconds. She was angry and ashamed, and the blush on her face deepened: "You, shameless."

"Why am I shameless? What did I say? Don't slander me out of thin air." Ye Xingchen showed an innocent look on his face again, completely different from him just now.

Zhao Jinmai knew that she was not his opponent, whether it was before or now: "Okay, I don't want to quarrel with you, anyway, I'm willing to admit defeat, so don't be angry now."

"Well... I didn't take it seriously just now, but since you said that you are willing to admit defeat, then I will not be polite."

Ye Xingchen's expression of beating up, not to mention Mai Mai, even Yang Mi, who was watching the two bickering not far away, couldn't help but want to kick him.

"Hehe, I'll bear it, you're a liar." Zhao Jinmai rolled her eyes at Ye Xingchen, and then went to play with her sisters.

After everyone put the motorcycles back, everyone discussed again where to go next. It was obvious that everyone had a good time and wanted to continue playing. From here, it can be regarded as a real camping trip.

After a period of discussion, it was getting late, Yang Mi suggested: "Why don't we do this today, and tomorrow we get up early, and we can go to that kayak and other activities."

"It's fine, I have no objection." Ye Xingchen said.

After Yang Mi glanced at him, he ignored him and said, "Your opinion is not important."

"I'm..." Ye Xingchen was so wronged that he was dying.

After seeing this scene, Mai Mai smiled gloatingly, and blinked at Ye Xingchen.Don't get me wrong, it's not a flirt, it's just a simple taunt.

Everyone laughed, and then the answer was the same, rest today and play something else tomorrow.

After returning to the camp, Ding Chengxin came to Ye Xingchen and said, "That, Brother Chen."

Looking at Xiao Ding who hesitated to speak, Ye Xingchen smiled and said: "Just say it, it's a big boy's mother-in-law."

Ding Chengxin patted his head in embarrassment when he heard it, then pointed to Mai Mai and said, "Liuye Lake is the place Miss Mai Mai has always wanted to come to."

"so what?"

"So you have to behave well. You have made Sister Maimai angry a lot today, don't you plan to coax her at night? In fact, Sister Maimai's character should be easy to coax."

In fact, there is a very mysterious setting among boys. When I fall in love, my IQ is zero, and when I teach others to fall in love, my IQ soars. Xiao Ding is a typical example, and of course Ye Xingchen himself is also a typical example.

"I didn't make her angry, don't slander me." Ye Xingchen said angrily.


Then Ye Xingchen quickened his pace.Although Ding Chengxin's words are worthless, one thing is still true, that is, Mai Mai has a very good personality, a very soft kind, and it is easy to calm down after a good coaxing.

On the way back, Ye Xingchen kept communicating with the system in his mind, basically asking about the next shuttle time.

However, after hearing the system reply that the time travel would not take place in a short period of time, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, a dungeon will last for a few years, but in reality it will only last for one day. Although this will not affect his lifespan, it will definitely make him feel in a trance for a long time.

After returning to the camp, everyone quickly sat on the chairs and took a rest.

Ye Xingchen took the initiative to sit next to Mai Mai, and coughed lightly at Mai Mai: "Ahem!"

"?" Zhao Jinmai looked at him suspiciously.

Seeing that the silly girl didn't understand what he meant, Ye Xingchen gave her another look.It turned out that he wanted Mai Mai to pour water on him.

"Don't you have hands yourself?" Zhao Jinmai said in a small voice, gritting her teeth.

Ye Xingchen leaned close to Mai Mai's ear and said softly, "Someone said he would be my little follower for two days."

Although he was very angry, but under the "threat" of Ye Xingchen, Zhao Jinmai poured Ye Xingchen a glass of water in full view.

Seeing this girl being so upbeat, Ye Xingchen didn't hide his complacency at all.

The others were discussing where to play tomorrow, so they didn't notice the small movements of the two of them.

The camera only captured Mai Mai pouring water for Ye Xingchen in grief and anger at the end, and he didn't know the reason for this.

After countless whispers, the two of them have developed a habit of blocking the mic, and even the two of them are already familiar with which words should be blocked and which words should not be blocked.

In this way, in the chatting of everyone, the time came to the evening.

Today's dinner is still rice noodles, maybe the program team didn't prepare other dinners, but Ye Xingchen's car is a small warehouse, there are all kinds of good things, but there are no snacks, which are all eaten by Zhao Jinmai (attached by Lin Miaomiao) body), even Snowball's stuff.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Si ate the can that Ye Xingchen took out, and said a few words that it's okay.

Liu Mingtao looked at her with a smile, and then she said, "Fortunately, there is Xiaochen."

"Yes, fortunately there is brother Xiaochen." Li Sidani said the whole sentence again.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "You're very naughty today."

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then pointed to himself uncertainly and said, "Me?"

(End of this chapter)

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