The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 438 Missing a Bouquet of Blue Roses

Ye Xingchen smiled, then got up and motioned Zhao Jinmai to follow.

Watching the backs of the two people leaving slowly, Li Sidani swayed the strings on the guitar a few times, and the ear-splitting voice came to Ding Chengxin's ears along with her words: "Why don't you talk to your brothers and sisters?" go together?"

"It's not suitable for me to go." Ding Chengxin said while touching the back of his head.

Li Sidani continued to ask with a smile: "Which is inappropriate?"

"This can't be said, anyone who knows understands it, hahaha."

"Slippery, hahaha."

As Ding Chengxin knew the last sentence, the two smiled in tacit understanding, and the music continued to play slowly with the wind.

When the two came to the swing, Ye Xingchen grabbed the rope in front and said, "Go up, I'll push it for you."

Zhao Jinmai was not polite either, and stepped forward to sit on the swing.

With Ye Xingchen's arm slowly exerting force, the swing slowly swayed.

Zhao Jinmai enjoyed the feeling of being blown by the wind, and couldn't help saying, "A little higher."

Ye Xingchen didn't speak, and swung slightly.

As the swing got bigger and bigger, Mai Mai, who was sitting on it, felt a little bit of excitement and stimulation.


It can be seen that Mai Mai is completely having fun at this time.

While Ye Xingchen was exerting his strength, he also concentrated his mind, because he could make a timely remedy in case of danger, and he was afraid that it would be bad if this idiot, Mai Mai, let go of his hands in excitement, which would cause a tragedy.

After the two played for a while, Zhao Jinmai stopped slowly, until she stood up she kept saying that it was too exciting.

"Is it fun?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen with her hands behind her back and said, "It's fun, but I always feel that something is missing here."

Ye Xingchen didn't understand, so he asked, "What's missing?"

What can be missing from the swing, the hanging rope?
Zhao Jinmai gave Ye Xingchen a deep look, then turned around and said while walking, "A bouquet of blue flowers is missing."

"Blue flowers?" Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, and then the fragments in his mind kept flickering.

When the string of memories completely appeared in Ye Xingchen's mind, he couldn't help showing an excited look on his face.

"Hua, could it be that Maimai didn't have amnesia? Yes, everything makes sense in this way, it must be so."

Because the system will not let Ye Xingchen be affected by the memory of time travel, so every time he comes back, he will dilute his emotions, but this will not make the memory disappear. When a certain sentence or a certain thing reappears in front of him, the memory The depths will be activated.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen finally understood why he was beaten up for no reason this morning, and he wanted to slap himself right now.

What else can I say, propose marriage.

However, I was still thinking stupidly if I forgot something yesterday (yesterday in reality).

After figuring it out, Ye Xingchen quickly chased after him.

"Mai Mai, do you remember the flowers you mentioned just now?"

He grabbed Zhao Jinmai's arms excitedly, but because he was too excited, he used a bit too much force.

"It hurts, you hurt me." Zhao Jinmai showed a painful expression on his face.

After Ye Xingchen realized it, he quickly let go: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was too excited."

"What's wrong with you, you're nagging, do you remember anything?" Mai Mai rubbed her arm with her hands, and said dissatisfied.

After hearing this sentence, Ye Xingchen's excited heart suddenly turned cold: "Didn't you say that you are short of a blue flower, then you must remember."

The conversation stopped here, and he looked at the camera brother not far away, then covered the microphone and whispered: "You must remember the memory of that world."

"I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm going back to take a shower." Zhao Jinmai showed a puzzled expression, then turned her head and said.

But the moment she turned her head, a sly smile appeared on her face, and then she turned around and ran back to the camp.

Ye Xingchen stood there puzzled, could it be that he was too sensitive?But obviously everything is reasonable, could it be that she is just pretending?It shouldn't be, shouldn't girls be excited about the marriage proposal?Why hide?
Because of the extreme contradiction, he forgot the reason why he was beaten this morning.

Ye Xingchen was thinking and walking towards the camp. He was re-analyzing the matter, so that Yang Mi didn't even hear him greet him.

"Hi? What's the matter with these two people, one seems to have won the lottery, and the other is directly stunned." Yang Mi asked Han Dongjun next to him suspiciously.

"You have to ask Mai Mai tonight, after all, the person involved definitely knows." Han Dongjun said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll ask Mai Mai, you can ask Xingchen, and we will exchange important information tomorrow."

Yang Mi made Conan's signature moves, and at first glance it really looked like something happened.

Han Dongjun also sensibly cooperated and said, "Okay, Mr. Kemi."


After Ye Xingchen brushed his teeth and washed his hands, he returned to the tent. He put his arms behind his head and looked at the tent above his head and began to calm down and think about it.

He didn't communicate with the system, because the stupidity of the system is simply a mental retardation, and it is not as useful as Heitan.

He communicated with the black charcoal that was completely integrated into his body with brainwaves.

Because the reward of the system after coming back this time is to upgrade the level of black charcoal, and you can use brain waves to communicate, just like communicating with the system.

"Heitan, help me analyze the probability that Maimai has memory."

"hundred percent."


"According to what the host was beaten this morning..."

"Stop, stop, stop, just get to the point"

"The system checked all the host's memories, but it really couldn't find out why the host was beaten, and it couldn't analyze why the host was angry. There was no reason for anger. This is unreasonable.

There are many colors of flowers, there are many places to send them, and there are many scenes that match, but the other party completely matches the time, place and item. This kind of probability is almost impossible to happen, unless..."

"Unless it's something, hurry up and say it." Ye Xingchen's face was slightly displeased, thinking that he would be tricked after upgrading.

"Unless you are as lucky as the boss."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

That is to say, black charcoal has no entity. If it exists, it must be cruelly ravaged.

I have to say that Heitan's analysis just now is very reasonable, and it is exactly the same as what he thought (Heitan: Shameless, tui), but in order to prove this idea, Ye Xingchen still needs to find a chance to verify it.

At this time, Han Dongjun and Xiaoding also washed up and returned to the tent, Ye Xingchen also withdrew his thoughts, packed up and went to sleep.

"Brother Chen, what did you guys go to talk about on the swing? I saw that Sister Maimai came back by jumping. It seems that you guys had a good time." Ding Chengxin started gossiping when he came up.

Han Dongjun also put it aside and began to inquire about the news: "Yes, and I felt weird when I saw you back just now. Tell me, what did you talk about?"

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