Ye Xingchen looked around at the two people, put on the same posture as "thirsty for knowledge", couldn't help laughing and said, "Aren't you two sleepy? You still have the mood to ask about this."

"I'm not sleepy. I feel much more relaxed today. This is the best day I've played these days." Ding Chengxin said with a big smile on his face.

Han Dongjun followed up and said, "That's right, I had a great time today, motorcycles, kites, chatting, etc. Most importantly, there was no rain."

Seeing these two not pursuing, Ye Xingchen couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart.

The real camping is cool, and there is no such consideration at all, because the essence of camping is to enjoy life.But... the first two days can only be regarded as enjoying the storm.

Ding Chengxin followed up and said: "Isn't there a motorboat tomorrow? That should be more fun."

"Well, it's fun. Everything in the water is fun." Ye Xingchen replied perfunctorily.

However, this sentence is still sophisticated, after all, the first time I met Mai Mai was underwater, um... the memory is still fresh.

"Don't change the topic, hurry up and talk about what you two said alone." Finally, Han Dongjun remembered what his mission was, and brought the topic back.

"Yes, tell me quickly, if you don't say it, we will be served by torture."

Ye Xingchen lay under the quilt and pretended to be dead, allowing the two of them to ask him what was wrong, pretending he didn't hear it.

Seeing that they couldn't talk well, the two attacked Ye Xingchen directly, and finally looked at Ye Xingchen who was motionless like a corpse, and decided to give up.

"Brother, your mouth is so hard, I'm convinced." Ding Chengxin put his pillow down and lay down.

"Ding, touch him to see if he's still breathing? If not, drag him to the lake and let him sink."

Ye Xingchen frowned, with a question mark on his face, thinking that this thing will soon be out of air, how many times will it be played in the later stage.

"It's gone, I'll carry it away for him later." Ding Chengxin also had a smirk on his face, anyway, hey isn't breaking the law, so come on as much as it's fun.

Ye Xingchen didn't answer them either, and found a comfortable position to sleep again. He still had things to do the next day, so he didn't have time to chat with the two of them here.

This trick really worked. Seeing that Ye Xingchen was ignoring them, the two didn't disturb them anymore, and then lay down to sleep.

The next morning, Ye Xingchen still woke up early as before, but unfortunately there was no Maimai after opening the tent, and he did not see Maimai when he woke up early in the morning, so he will give God a bad review first.

"Huh? I'm sleeping now anyway, I'm going to do something."

Ye Xingchen gave a funny smile, and then went ahead with it.

He didn't know where he got a screaming chicken, then sneaked to the RV and put it at the door, and then ran away quickly. He wanted to give Mai Mai a different surprise today.

Ye Xingchen came to the front of the camp and sat there waiting for the result.

After an hour or so, the automatic door of the RV opened, Yang Mi stretched out at the door, and then stepped on it.

After 0.01 seconds... slightly! ! ! ! ! ! !


The loud sound of screaming chickens resounded throughout the camp accompanied by the woman's shouts, and everyone woke up from their dreams at this time.

One by one, they ran out of the tents and RVs and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Li Sidani had just returned from putting on her makeup at this time, and when she heard the voice, she hurried over and asked concerned: "What's wrong, Sister Yang Mi?"

Ye Xingchen looked back, he was in a cold sweat from fright, what about Sister Mi and Mai Mai?

Just thinking about it, Mai Mai also came out at this time, and asked with concern: "Sister, are you okay, this is... screaming chicken? Who threw it?"

Zhao Jinmai saw the screaming chicken at a glance, picked it up and asked.

Ye Xingchen quickly slipped away with a guilty conscience.

But Zhao Jinmai stopped him directly: "Ye Xingchen, do you think who threw this?"

Ye Xingchen pretended to be calm, turned around and said, "No, I just finished washing, and then I heard a voice before coming out."

"What was that sound just now?" At this time, Han Dongjun and Xiaoding came out of the tent, both of them looked sleepy, and those who didn't know thought what they were busy with last night.

"I don't know who put this in front of Ye Xingchen's car door. It's so wicked, it seems to scare Miss Mi." Li Sidani said angrily.

Ye Xingchen heard Li Sidani's scolding, and kept beating his heart. He was so guilty that he was going to die now. If he was caught, it would be the consequence of letting him go... I dare not think about it.

Yang Mi waited for a long time before returning to his soul. The first thing to do was to find out who lost it.

Ye Xingchen quickly issued an order to notify Heitan to delete all the fixed cameras and all the records just now, in order to prevent surveillance surveillance.

Sure enough, after Yang Mi gathered everyone together, he began to interrogate: "Who did it, I know it must be ours. We are the only ones in the camp. Hurry up and admit it, or let me find out, hehe!"

Seeing Yang Mi showing a slightly evil smile, Ye Xingchen couldn't help trembling seeing it.

"Both Ding and I just woke up. I guess my sisters are just waking up too, so brother Xingchen should wake up earlier. Ask him if he saw who lost it?" Han Dongjun yawned, after all, this matter He didn't do it so there's no need to feel guilty.

At this time, everyone turned their eyes to Ye Xingchen, waiting for his answer.

The face accumulated in the past three years is already bulletproof. Although I feel very guilty in my heart, there is no panic on the surface. It can be said that the waves are calm.

"No, I did wake up early today, but after I washed up, I sat there and played with my phone for a while, and no one came to the camp. Even the camera crew didn't open for a long time. Could it be that someone lost it? got there."

Zhao Jinmai directly denied Ye Xingchen's guess: "Impossible, it wasn't there yesterday, obviously it was released today."

"Yes, it wasn't there when I went to sleep with Mai Mai yesterday." Yang Mi said.

"Then I don't know, anyway, I really didn't see anyone passing by."

Zhao Jinmai kept looking at Ye Xingchen, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked seriously, "Say, did you let it go from the door?"

Ye Xingchen was startled, but then he regained his composure and said, "What do I do with that thing when I have nothing to do, and besides, where can I get a screaming chicken?"

"I testify that Brother Xingchen did not bring back the Screaming Chicken yesterday." Han Dongjun gave Ye Xingchen a testimonial after thinking about it.

Someone testified, and now Ye Xingchen ruled out the suspicion.

"Go check the surveillance, let the director team adjust the video, and it will be over." Zhang Kaili said.

"Yes, let's see what's going on." Liu Mingtao also agreed.

After all, a screaming chicken appeared out of nowhere, and the camp was either burglarized or haunted.

In the end, Yang Mi still planned to ask the director team to watch the video, who knew that when the video fell out, it showed that everything was normal, and the screaming chicken was indeed lying there alone, without moving.

It turned out that Heitan directly cut the video and put it back in, because it would be too deliberate to delete the video directly, so it is more perfect to do so.

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