In the end, this matter can only be handled as a supernatural event, but everyone still thinks that neither of them saw it, which caused the oolong, and the culprit, Lian Screaming Chicken, was also confiscated by the program group.

And the next thing that Ye Xingchen couldn't figure out finally came to light.

Time went back to last night. After the interview, Yang Mi didn't go back to his tent. Instead, he slipped into Ye Xingchen's RV to sleep with Mai Mai. In fact, he came to gossip, but Mai Mai's mouth is better than Ye Xingchen's. Still strict, insisting that the two just chatted casually, and in the end Yang Mi didn't get any useful information.

Maimai thought to himself: After all, you can’t talk nonsense about this matter, or you will be arrested for research.

Since nothing came to fruition, the small meeting was broken up, and the few people went back to clean up, and the time to clean up came after 10 o'clock.

"Did everyone come here and haven't had a good meal?" Yang Mi looked at everyone and said.

Li Sidani complained: "In the past two days, there is nothing but noodles, so how can I eat well?"

"It's okay, then there's my brother's canned food, it's delicious." Han Dongjun said, picking his teeth.

Liu Mingtao looked at Yang Mi with a smile and said, "What? Is our secret group going to take us to have a good meal?"

The corners of Yang Mi's mouth rose slightly, he coughed twice, cleared his throat and said, "I asked the director team just now, and he said that there is a place called Quesui Restaurant nearby, which is quite famous, so do you want to go at noon today? "

Han Dongjun, a carnivore, immediately patted the table and replied, "Go, you must go."

"That's right, let's go. We've been struggling for two days. We need to improve our food anyway. Sister Yang Mi, take us there."

Li Sidani helped Yang Mi's hand and said coquettishly.

This made Yang Mi couldn't help but roll his eyes at her, saying bad things about himself every day, and when he heard that he was going to have a big meal, he became your sister Yang Mi again.

Zhao Jinmai sat there quietly listening to the chatting of the few people, and couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing this scene.

Only then did Yang Mi shift his gaze to the three young men, and asked, "Ding, Chen, Mai, what do you think?"

"Go, why don't you go? We are also here to travel, why don't we experience it when we come here." Needless to say, Ye Xingchen definitely agreed with it, after all, he didn't pay for it himself.

Yang Mi said angrily: "Shut up, you picked it up halfway, it's good if you don't ask for money."

I don't know why, but Ye Xingchen always felt that what happened in the morning was done. Although the video playback proved his innocence, her intuition told her that Ye Xingchen must have something to do with it.

"You didn't ask me." Ye Xingchen whispered.

"What?" Yang Mi's tone turned cold.

Ye Xingchen quickly confessed: "It's okay, I'm just saying what Mai Mai has in mind."

"I can do it, but I also want to have a big meal." At the end of the talk, Mai Mai still had a glimmer of expectation.

After asking here, before Yang Mi asked Ding, Ding Chengxin said directly: "I want to go too."

"Okay, since everyone wants to go, then let's go and be proud, everyone pack up and start." Yang Mi held his hands for a while, very much like the big sisters I saw in TV dramas before.

"Long live≧▽≦!"×7
tidy?What to pack, as soon as you hear that you can go to a big meal and open your mouth, everyone is ready to go, and they are waiting for the car to set off.

Ye Xingchen took the initiative to undertake the driving business, the main reason is because the co-pilot is Mai Mai, because he promised Mai Mai that the co-pilot must be her. Thinking about it from another position, the main driver must be me.

In the end, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai were in front, and Yang Mi and Xiao Ding sat in the back.

After the car started, the navigation showed that the distance was still a bit far away, and Ye Xingchen was very comfortable driving while humming a song.

"What's the name of the song that Xiao Chen is humming, I remember it was very popular at that time." Yang Mi asked after hearing Ye Xingchen's humming.

Ye Xingchen then said the title of the song: "The beauty of the world is closely linked with you."

"I've also heard this song before, it's sung by Bo Song." Zhao Jinmai suddenly remembered that she had played this song as a single in the past.

Seeing that everyone knew this song, Yang Mi suddenly had an idea in his mind: "Xiaochen, can you sing this song? Do you still remember the lyrics?"

"Yes, the lyrics are easy to remember."

"Then you sing for us."

"Huh?" Ye Xingchen was taken aback.

Yang Mi hurriedly said to Mai Mai and Ding Chengxin: "Hurry up and applaud, why are you standing there?"

The two understood in seconds, and applauded without hesitation.

Ye Xingchen couldn't refuse at this time, he cleared his throat and said: "Maybe the singing is not good, but don't laugh."

Yang Mi: "Don't worry, don't laugh."

Zhao Jinmai: "+1"

Ding Chengxin: "+1"

Under the expectation of the three, a magnetic voice sounded slowly:
"I just go out at night holding candles,
Midnight stars are like running friends


The overall melody of this song is very good, and Ye Xingchen's voice is very pleasant, and there is no out of tune, so even without the accompaniment, it still sounds good.

The one who felt the most was Zhao Jinmai, who was sitting in the co-pilot, because she could feel that Ye Xingchen sang this song with all his heart, and it goes without saying who he sang it for.

A song in less than 3 minutes has been sung, and the three of them even feel that they still have more to say.

"I strongly suggest singing it again." Yang Mi said behind.

Ding Chengxin grabbed Ye Xingchen's seat in front of him and said, "Brother Chen, you're totally going to be a singer. You sing so well, it's a pity not to be a singer."

"It's okay. I used to play in the National K Songs for a while, but then I didn't find it interesting. My parents also said that I have a talent for singing." Ye Xingchen said very modestly.

Yang Mi was puzzled and said, "Then why don't you consider becoming a singer?"

Ye Xingchen told Yang Mi about his concerns: "I am an ordinary working family. If I hadn't been lucky, I might not have chosen to take the college entrance examination again. An ordinary second-year student would find a stable job. It's been a lifetime, after all, my family can't bear my failure once."

Zhao Jinmai, who has not spoken all this time, can't help being curious about Ye Xingchen's family. In the two worlds, Ye Xingchen's parents are exactly the same, and the families are very good, but this world is just an ordinary salary. Is it that extremes must be reversed?
"Is the shit luck you're talking about the so-called winning the lottery?" Yang Mi did remember that Ye Xingchen seemed to mention that this car was bought after winning the lottery.

"Yes, otherwise, do you think I might retake the college entrance examination?"

"Then can you tell us how much you won?" Yang Mi asked with a smirk.

Ye Xingchen is not stupid, he still knows about the fact that the money is not leaking out, and it will be broadcast in the future, so he dare not say nonsense: "A little bit, a little bit, not much, after buying a car, there is not much. "

Zhao Jinmai suddenly felt that Ye Xingchen seemed to be really lucky, as if the 2 million that rescued Haozi back then was also won in the lottery.

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