"By the way, the results of the college entrance examination will come down in one month. How do you have the confidence to get a score of 600 or more?" Yang Mi is still more concerned about Xiaochen's score. Can have a good character.

Ye Xingchen nodded, then shook his head again.

This made Yang Mi unable to understand, and she thought Ye Xingchen had no confidence: "You said you had a dream come true, when the time comes, no matter if the results are good or bad, you must tell the sisters as soon as possible, remember, yes must."

"Received." Ye Xingchen's heart felt inexplicably warm.

Ding Chengxin is quite confident in Ye Xingchen, because after so many days of contact, Ye Xingchen is considered a think tank type of person, and his academic performance should be quite good.

Zhao Jinmai was inexplicably amused to hear the conversation between the two, because she was the only one who knew how terrifying Ye Xingchen was. Not to mention the 20-year-old doctorate status, in terms of high school grades, 600 points are really low , if she is allowed to take the college entrance examination again, she can get 600+.

This is not a joke, it's true. Although Zhao Jinmai doesn't know the reason for it, but he does remember all the knowledge from high school. Is this the benefit after time travel?

"Why did Mai Mai keep silent and was completely fascinated by Chenchen's singing?"

Only then did Yang Mi turn his attention to Mai Mai, and found that she was very quiet all the time, so he couldn't help but tease her a few words.

Zhao Jinmai rolled her pretty eyes and said, "What, I see you keep talking, so it's not easy to disturb."

"Then you say, what do you want to say, don't bother me now."

Zhao Jinmai thought for a while, then looked back at Ding Chengxin and Yang Mi and said, "Why don't we make a bet."

"What are you betting on?" ×2
The two said in unison.

"Just bet on how many points Ye Xingchen can get in the exam."

"What kind of gambling method?" Yang Mi found it quite interesting when he heard it.

Zhao Jinmai smiled playfully: "One person says one number, but for the sake of confidentiality, this number can be sealed and opened on that day."

"Okay, when the results of the college entrance examination come out, we will post on Weibo to determine the winner." Yang Mi smiled.

"Okay, when we get to the place, we will record it on a piece of paper and post it on Weibo the day before the results come out." Ding Chengxin also joined in.

Ye Xingchen was the only one who felt that he had become a pure tool person, and he dared to bet too much on himself.

After half an hour, several people finally arrived at the place.After getting off the car, he saw a waiter outside the door, greeted them politely, and asked, "How many of you are there?"

Han Dongjun stretched out his hands and said, "A total of eight people."

"Okay, please come with me."

Everyone followed the waiter in, came to the yard and saw that the environment inside was very good.

The waiter led them to a private room, took out the menu and said, "This is our menu, take a look, is there anything you want to eat?"

Several people first pushed the elder sister to the main seat, and then sat down one by one.

After Ye Xingchen took the menu, he saw several familiar dishes on it, and ordered two almost subconsciously, without asking everyone's opinions.

"Xiaochen seems to like this very much. Since my younger brother likes it, then order it. Anyway, sister Kaili will pay for it today." Yang Mi's words were an explanation to Ye Xingchen, otherwise someone would definitely say this after the broadcast Although this is not a big deal, but sunspots, you know.

In fact, Ye Xingchen also knows a lot about the dining table, where there are many rules, including talking and doing things at ordinary times, which belong to Shuangshang Online, but after seeing those two dishes today, Ye Xingchen subconsciously pointed out, no For others, Mai Mai likes (Miao Miao likes.)
Only Zhao Jinmai knows that Ye Xingchen ordered it for her. Every time he goes out on a date, Ye Xingchen will know what he likes to eat, and he will even remember how much he likes each dish, so that he has formed a habit. It was Ye Xingchen who cooked for her, so she was familiar with it.

In fact, Zhao Jinmai was no longer angry with Ye Xingchen at this time, but now there is no chance to be alone together, otherwise...

At this time, everyone discussed what they would like to eat, then ordered and called it a day, waiting for the food to be served.

Ye Xingchen didn't explain what he did just now, but just smiled.

"I think we have to wait for the food to be served, why don't we play a table game." Han Dongjun suggested that he was embarrassed to sit still.

Ye Xingchen thought it was quite interesting. He hadn't played this game for a long time. The last time he played it was when he was drinking with his roommates. It was an interesting memory, so he said, "Yes, I agree."

"I can do it too." Seeing Ye Xingchen speak, Zhao Jinmai immediately expressed his opinion.

Then came Xiaoding, and then Miss Mi.

Teacher Zhang Kaili may be in an older grade, so many children don't understand much, so she asked, "What is a dinner table game."

"Well, let me tell you one, and then I will show you the rules." Han Dongjun felt that it was quite troublesome to say, but this thing is actually very simple and basically clear at first glance.


The two sisters agree.

Han Dongjun suddenly thought of a relatively simple one: "Do you know how to concentrate? I point my finger in one direction, and then the other person turns back in the opposite direction. If he faces the same direction as me, he loses."

This rule is very simple and easy to understand, so everyone understands it.

Li Sidani was the first to come. As the game black hole of the entire team, she perfectly interpreted what obedience meant, and she was completely led by the nose by Han Dongjun.

Ye Xingchen looked at this game as a way to practice his reaction ability. In fact, whether it is a so-called dinner table game or a wine table game, it all depends on a person's reaction ability, especially the wine table game is the most test of reaction ability, after all, drinking Well.

After a burst of laughter, it was soon Maimai's turn, and Ye Xingchen was on her right hand watching her performance quietly.

Han Dongjun asked with a smile, "Are you ready?"

"Ready." Zhao Jinmai withdrew her smile, and then concentrated on watching the sun god clean up.

As the sun god "casts a spell" downward, Mai Mai suddenly raised his head.

"Sister, don't get excited, Sun God, you scare my sister." Yang Mi couldn't help laughing and said.

Others couldn't help laughing when they saw Mai Mai's appearance, including Ye Xingchen.

Then Zhao Jinmai just rolled his eyes at Ye Xingchen and continued the game.

Although Mai Mai dodged all the previous "castings" of the Sun God, one of the spoons was on the verge of falling due to the large range of movements.

Because the game was played more seriously, everyone didn't care.

In the next round, as the Sun God cast spells to the left, Mai Mai suddenly turned to the right, the spoon fell at this moment, Ye Xingchen subconsciously stepped forward to catch the spoon, just like this coincidence, their mouths touched got together.

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