The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 442 I Didn't Do It On Purpose

Ye Xingchen was stunned, and Zhao Jinmai was also stunned. Everyone in the private room seemed to be frozen in this wonderful time.

"Oh My God!" Li Sidani covered his mouth and exclaimed.

Zhao Jinmai's pupils shrank slightly, and after a second of reaction, they immediately separated.

"Well, I didn't mean it, it's because the spoon fell off right away, and I reached out to catch it, and I..."

Ye Xingchen was a little flustered, and quickly explained what happened just now. The main thing was that it was not intentional. This time it was purely an accident. The most important thing was that everyone saw it, so he had to explain it clearly.

But before he finished speaking, Zhao Jinmai lowered her head shyly and said in a small voice: "I know."

Ye Xingchen looked away from Zhao Jinmai at this moment, and subconsciously looked at the camera with a guilty conscience.

"Be careful next time you play the game. If the spoon breaks, you will lose money." Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Yang Mi, as the leader of the team, must break the deadlock in time.

Han Dongjun immediately understood, took the words and said: "My, my, this is really unexpected. Everyone, quickly push the plate in front of you, don't drop it."

Although it was a bit awkward for the two to strike up a conversation, it still played a role of relief.

Zhao Jinmai also looked up at this moment and pushed the cup in front of her.

It can be seen that Mai Mai's face is flushing red at this time, and the mist above her head can be vaguely seen, which makes Mai Mai, who is already a little baby fat, even more cute.

Ye Xingchen especially wanted to pinch it with his hands. He suppressed the thought in his heart. After all, if he made such an intimate gesture at this time, wouldn't it be clear that the two were lovers?

In fact, except for the two of them who thought they hid it well, the rest of the team knew about it. After all, they are not fools. The big brother of the driver knew that something must have happened to these two people.

But they all signed a non-disclosure agreement, so everyone knows it in their hearts.

"Ye Xingchen, you're really lucky, that's my sister's first kiss, hum! If you let me know that you bully my sister, let me see how I deal with you."

Li Sidani is like an old mother marrying her daughter, warning Ye Xingchen aggrievedly.

Zhao Jinmai said angrily, "Sister Li Si!!"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, can't you continue playing the game?" Li Si quickly stopped when he saw that Mai Mai was shy.

Now that he continues to play the game, Ye Xingchen is next, and he is also playing this game.

Zhao Jinmai moved the chair a little to the left calmly.

Everyone saw this little move, but they all tacitly said nothing.

Although it was reasonable, Ye Xingchen was quite disappointed.

In the next game, no matter how fast Han Dongjun "casts the spell", Ye Xingchen successfully cracked it. After all, he is a real magician, the kind who can throw fireballs.

Soon the food was served one after another. Unfortunately, the two dishes Ye Xingchen ordered were on the opposite side, which was a bit out of reach normally.Because it is recording a show, it is rare to turn tables. Everyone will only eat what is in front of them. This is a matter of upbringing, and it is also a good impression for everyone and fans.

"Okay, the dishes are ready, let's start." Yang Mi looked at the eagerness of everyone, and directly "ordered" without saying any more useless nonsense.

After all, they have been eating fans for two days in a row. Faced with such a sumptuous meal, even the stars don't have the burden of idols, and they all put their chopsticks to work.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the two dishes on the opposite side from time to time, but he didn't make any movements, just glanced over occasionally.She wanted to eat it very much, but the reason she wanted to eat it was not because he liked it, but because it was Ye Xingchen's wish, and she wanted to respond.

Naturally, Ye Xingchen noticed this little trick, he slowly turned the table when no one was picking up the dishes, and brought the two dishes to the front of Zhao Jinmai, and then went to pick up the side dishes as if nothing had happened. .

Zhao Jinmai slowly turned his head and glanced at Ye Xingchen who was concentrating on cooking, a happy smile appeared on his face.

When she tasted the familiar taste again, her thoughts seemed to return to the scenes of the countless dates between the two.

Ye Xingchen's actions just now were smooth and flowing, and there were no clues.

But how can this scene escape Yang Mi, who is a ghost and a ghost?

She felt something was wrong when Ye Xingchen ordered food just now. After all, during this period of contact, Ye Xingchen was casual but not too proactive, but today was a bit different. The first one to know was also the only one who deduced that the two had known each other for a long time, so she guessed that Ye Xingchen was helping Mai Mai to order.

"Ahem, is the spicy chicken delicious?" Yang Mi asked abruptly.

Zhao Jinmai was a little confused, why did you ask yourself this?But he still answered honestly: "Huh? It's delicious."

Yang Mi smiled inexplicably: "It's good to eat, eat more."

"Uh, good."

Although he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Sister Mi's gourd, Mai Mai nodded in agreement.


After everyone came out after eating, they agreed tacitly and didn't mention what happened just now, as if nothing happened just now.

"Where are we going next? A motorboat?" Ding Chengxin asked.

Ye Xingchen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yes, we're going to go motorboating and rowing next."

"Let's go, driver, don't be in a daze, let's go."

After getting into the car, Yang Mi began to urge Ye Xingchen.

This status has changed from younger brother to driver. If this is officially announced with Mai Maizhen in the future, the status may become a son-in-law.

Ye Xingchen sat in the driver's seat helplessly, waited for Xiaoding to come up and turned on the navigation, and then drove off.

After what happened just now, Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai didn't seem to have spoken to each other again. It's not that Maimai was angry, but both of them felt very embarrassed. Besides, all the brothers and sisters saw it, and the cameraman also It has been recorded, and I may have to communicate with the director team at night, and this part needs to be cut.

After arriving at the destination, everyone saw that Han Dongjun in front of him suddenly made a tail drift and stopped there very handsomely, so everyone wanted to try it.

"Wow, it looks fun, I want to play too." Yang Mi said excitedly.

Ding Chengxin: "I want to try it too."

Although Mai Mai didn't speak, her eyes told Ye Xingchen that she wanted to try it too.

"You all want to play?" Ye Xingchen asked softly at this time.

Ding Chengxin nodded: "Yes, how cool."

"Why, you will too?" Yang Mi asked uncertainly, as if he had discovered a new continent.

I saw Ye Xingchen suddenly put down the handbrake, turned his mouth slightly and said, "Fasten your seat belt."

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