Although everyone had doubts, they still did it.

Ye Xingchen accelerated sharply, waited until an open place turned the steering wheel sharply to the left, the car body drifted 180 degrees, and then repeated the operation just now, and finally had a good time, and even played reverse acceleration drift, I don't remember it at all There were three other people in the car.

In the end, it was Yang Mi who couldn't take it anymore and called to stop.

The three of them felt dizzy and nauseated after getting out of the car.

Ye Xingchen knew that he had caused trouble, so he immediately took out water from the trunk and handed it to the three of them.

After a while, the feeling of dizziness and nausea eased. Yang Mi couldn't help asking: "Aren't you motion sick? Why are you still drifting?"

"I just get motion sickness in the car, and I'm fine when I'm driving. Besides, I carry medicine with me. If something feels wrong, just take a pill."

As he spoke, Ye Xingchen took out a small bottle of motion sickness medicine from his pocket.

Bringing medicine with him is indeed a real man.

"I can't tell, you still know how to play racing?"

Ye Xingchen brought her more and more surprises, and he had to be pulled over. As long as he was persuaded, the explosion would be certain. In addition, his relationship with Mai Mai was probably no less than that of Li Yifeng back then. Existence, even hotter.

"Well, a little bit." The classic billion points, modesty will never go out of style.

Ding Chengxin looked up to the sky and sighed, "Oh, it's just a little bit, I'm numb."

"Go ahead, let's go and ignore him." Yang Mi said this angrily, and pulled Mai Mai and Li Si together.

"Hahahahaha." Looking at Ye Xingchen, who was always disliked now, Maimai couldn't help laughing.

Ye Xingchen arched his nose at Zhao Jinmai dissatisfied.But in return it was a grimace.

Ye Xingchen also slowly followed the three of them back to the camp.

At this moment, Ding Chengxin suddenly slowed down, came to Ye Xingchen's side and said, "Sister Maimai's wish is to watch the sunset."

Then he trotted up and followed.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback, "Sunset?"There is no sun in this weather.

But since it is Mai Mai's wish, I must find a way.

Ye Xingchen began to ask the system: "System! Come out."

"The host wants to watch the sunset, right?" Before Ye Xingchen could ask a question, the system said what he wanted to ask first.

"Smart, is there any way?" Ye Xingchen couldn't help being a little surprised seeing that the system has become smarter this time.

System: "Please host not wishful thinking."

"System, don't be so rigid, you are the system, the supreme system, you must have a way, just a little bit, or I'll dance for you to cheer you up?" Ye Xingchen himself said I feel sick, but I endured it for Mai Mai.

This is the first time Ye Xingchen has such a good attitude towards the system, which makes the system think that this product has been taken away, but then again, he will not hit the smiling face, so after Ye Xingchen's repeated requests, the system finally said The price paid for coming out: "There is a one-time drug in the system store. After drinking it, the host will have the ability to speak and follow, but the price is not cheap."

Ye Xingchen said impatiently: "Just tell me how many system points you have."

"Two world points, but because the host has not obtained world points, but for the sake of the host's sincerity, they can be credited."

Ye Xingchen heard that there was such a good thing, but he always felt that the system was setting him up again.

Sure enough, what the system said next confirmed his point of view.

"However, if the host returns, he will have to return 3 world points."

Damn, profiteers, they are really powerless.But having said that, who knows what this world is for, no matter what, Mai Mai's wish is the most important.

"Yes, exchange!"

"Heroic, it's being exchanged...the exchange was successful."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bottle of golden potion appeared in Ye Xingchen's hands.

"Is it okay to just drink this thing?" Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously as he looked at the glistening golden potion.

"Yes host."

"After drinking it? Just say a word and it will work?"

"As long as the host thinks in his heart and then speaks out loud, it's fine."


After getting the things, Ye Xingchen exited directly from the system space, then went to sit in front of the shed, looked around and did not find Mai Mai, so he asked, "Where is Mai Mai?"

"That's right, where did Mai Mai go? He was still here just now." Only then did Yang Mi realize that Mai Mai seemed to have lost it.

At this time, Mai Mai was asking the boss over there: "Hi boss, do you know where you can see the sunset?"

"The setting sun can be seen from the other side of the lake. Yes." The middle-aged man pointed to the other side of Liuye Lake.

After getting the news, the smile on Zhao Jinmai's face was obviously wider: "Okay, thank you. That one person"

She walked back to the camp slowly, and then said to everyone: "Shall we go to see the sunset?"

Yang Mi shook his head and said, "I'm not going, you guys go."

"I'll go." Ye Xingchen was the first to raise his hand.

"Ye Xingchen is going, who else is going?"

Han Dongjun and Li Si glanced at each other and then launched a new round of condemnation to Yang Mi: "My sister wants to watch the sunset and you don't accompany her, it's too much."

"That's right, it's too much, how can you bear to refuse Mai Mai who is so cute." Li Si held back a smile and said.

Yang Mi looked at the two of them angrily, especially Li Si, who had been finding fault with her every day these days, and it seemed that she was going to "teach her a lesson" tonight.

In the denunciation of everyone, Yang Mi finally planned to paddle with everyone to the center of Liuye Lake.

"Let's go, can't I go? Why can't my sister like me?"

Li Si: "That's right, I can still paddle. I haven't paddled yet."

In the end, the whole team was a group of 8 people who were ready to go into the water.

When they came to the lake, everyone put on life jackets. Mai Mai was a little clumsy when she first put it on. Ye Xingchen helped her put it on by himself, and said: "You can paddle in front later." , I'll follow you, don't be afraid."

"Well, I got it." Mai Mai put her hands behind her back, with a little coquettish tone in her tone.

Seeing this scene, Yang Mi started to be funny: "Oh, no one put on a life jacket for me."

Zhao Jinmai hid behind Ye Xingchen with a reddish character, and Ye Xingchen rolled his eyes unceremoniously and said: "Sister, you are so old and you still need someone else to wear your clothes. It's not easy, just look at it and you will have great luck."

Ye Xingchen's mouth is really perfect, there is no dirty word at all, and there are both sweet dates and barbs in the painting, which is the kind that makes people want to hit him without any good reason.

After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Yang Mi was furious, but there was nothing he could do about this guy.

Mai Mai also suffocated a laugh behind her, trying not to let herself laugh out loud.

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