"Very good, I'll remember it, just wait for me." Yang Mi put on the life jacket angrily, and it could be seen that she pulled the clothes with more strength.

Ye Xingchen continued to carefully check whether there was any damage to the life jacket on Mai Mai's body just in case, and everyone else was forced to eat this dog food.

Even the staff here couldn't help sighing: "This little brother is very professional, and he has some knowledge about this."

"Understand a little bit." Ye Xingchen raised his head and replied politely after checking.

After hearing this sentence, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but roll her eyes. Now she really wants to know what else this guy can't do.In her impression, it seemed that she had never seen Ye Xingchen learn before, but he just knew everything.

"It's not a little bit, I think you are more professional than me." The staff said with a silly smile.

"Uncle is a freak, you don't need to worry about him," Li Si said.

Facing Li Si's personal attacks, Ye Xingchen was completely immune, after all, being too good would cause others to be jealous.He picked up the life jacket on the side and put it on himself. Although he can swim, it is right to be careful.

However, at this moment, a heartwarming scene happened, Zhao Jinmai took the initiative to help Ye Xingchen get dressed, just like Ye Xingchen helped her just now.Although it is reasonable and reasonable to help each other, it can't stop others from thinking too much. I will give a shot alone in the later stage, and there will be a hot search.

"I'm so jealous, what should I do?" Li Si said while hugging Liu Mingtao's arm.

"How wonderful, brother and sister love each other, the family is so warm, why are you jealous?" Liu Mintao said angrily.

Li Si pouted and said aggrievedly: "Why is no one treating me so well, I want to find a boyfriend too."

Liu Mintao, who heard this sentence, was so frightened that he quickly covered her mouth, and said in a low voice, "You can't talk nonsense, sister."

Li Si also realized that he had said too much, so he shut up quickly.

Because of what she said just now, Mai Mai also took his hands away from Ye Xingchen's body and subconsciously moved away from him.

Ding Chengxin and Han Dongjun looked at each other, each sighed, picked up the paddle board and started to enter the water.

"Be careful you two." Mi Tuan couldn't help but said with concern.

"I know ma'am."

Han Dongjun obviously played this before. After getting on the paddle board, he stood up and began to slide slowly.

Xiao Ding is also a bold boy, and he is more excited about this kind of things that he has never played before, so he can control it well.

Everyone has made preparations. Seeing the two having such a good time, everyone is eager to try.

Mai Mai threw his paddle board into the water and climbed up cautiously.

Because this is a one-layer board, it is inevitable that there will be some swaying from side to side, so seeing Mai Mai swaying on it makes me feel very cute.

"Mai Mai, try to kneel on it, grasp the balance and row."

Ye Xingchen rowed to Mai Mai's side, and began to demonstrate to her sitting on the paddle board.

Zhao Jinmai watched his practice and tried to swipe, and found that it was really useful. As he became more proficient, he swiped faster and faster.

Ye Xingchen has been following behind, and if he accidentally falls into the water, he can rescue Mai Mai in time.

"It's fun, but a little tired." After paddling for a while, Mai Mai found that her kneeling legs were a little tired, and her hands were also a little tired. Sure enough, rowing is not for ordinary people.

Ye Xingchen controlled her paddle to approach Maimai slowly, then supported her paddle and said softly: "Try to lie on the paddle for a while, I will help you, and look at it from here. It’s nice to look at the sky.”

Listening to Ye Xingchen's words, Mai Mai's heart moved. She was about to sit up when Yang Mi's voice came from behind: "Mai Mai, where is your sunset?"

"Ah? Sister, what are you talking about?" At first, Mai Mai didn't hear clearly, so she turned her head and asked.


Yang Mi repeated it loudly.

This time Maimai heard clearly, the setting sun, she looked at the weather in the sky, the clouds were so thick, it seemed that she couldn't see the setting sun.

"There's no sun this day." Han Dongjun said beside him.

"Oh, it's cloudy and cloudy." Ding Chengxin felt a little regretful. It was true that no matter whether it was the starry sky he wanted to see, or the sunset that Miss Maimai wanted to see, they couldn't really fulfill their wishes because of the weather.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the sky with a look of regret on his face.

"Want to watch the sunset?" Ye Xingchen's voice rang out just when Zhao Jinmai wanted to give up.

She turned her head and looked at Ye Xingchen with a multifaceted smile and said, "Yes."

The two just stared at each other, and after about 20 seconds, Yang Mi rowed behind them and said playfully, "What are you two doing, are you playing with wooden figures?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Xingchen closed his eyes. To be honest, he wanted to push Yang Mi down now, really.

"Why don't you pay attention to me, my sister is sad." As he said that, Yang Mi actually had a few tears in his eyes.

Ye Xingchen said helplessly: "Sister Mi, as the head of the group, you don't talk about helping everyone fulfill their wishes, but only know the skin. Are you embarrassed?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi became angry for a while, she pointed to the sky and said: "Look at the sky yourself, tell me how I can help Mai Mai, you are so powerful, why don't you help me, just say, man, hehe !"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

"It's a pity that we won't be able to see the setting sun. It doesn't matter to everyone. Isn't boating fun? Anyway, there will be opportunities to watch it in the future." Mai Mai said sensiblely.

"Not necessarily, you can ask Brother Xingchen to pray to the sky, maybe God will release Father-in-law Sun as soon as he is moved." Yang Mi said with a smug look at Ye Xingchen, "How is it, brother?" , give it a try?"

"Okay, sister Mi, stop teasing him, let's paddle."

Originally, Zhao Jinmai wanted to smooth things over, but Ye Xingchen suddenly said at this time: "It's ok, anyway, I must find a way to satisfy Maimai's wish."

"How satisfied? You don't really intend to pray, do you?" Yang Mi asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen ignored her, slowly put his hands together, closed his eyes and prayed, murmuring something.

"Stupid boy, do you really think..." Yang Mi originally wanted to tease Ye Xingchen, but she was stunned by the next scene before she finished speaking.

During this short period of time, a ray of sunlight shines through the clouds, and what is even more amazing is that the clouds are slowly moving to the sides until the sun is completely exposed.

Not only Yang Mi, but even Mai Mai was shocked. She looked at Ye Xingchen in surprise, and asked with a slightly trembling tone: "This, how is this possible? You did this?"

Although it is silly to ask this sentence, it is also a coincidence.

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