The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 445 Mai Mai falls into the water

Ye Xingchen smiled and did not answer directly: "I am serious about fulfilling wishes."

Originally, Ye Xingchen thought that Yang Mi would either be surprised or ask him questions, but this situation did not happen. Who knew that she suddenly turned to look at Han Dongjun and said, "Sun God, what are you doing?" The title is about to change hands."

To be honest, not only Ye Xingchen was stunned, but even Han Dongjun was stunned, completely unable to understand the meaning of these words:
"Sister, what did you say?"

Seeing that the other party didn't hear clearly at all, Yang Mi gave up communicating with him, and talked to him after landing.

"It's okay, the sun has come out, we can watch the sunset now." Yang Mi said loudly to the older sister and younger brothers behind.

Yang Kaili also felt strange in the back, why the sun suddenly came out when it was still cloudy just now, but this is more reasonable, after all, the weather can't be figured out from time to time.

"My sister's wish can finally come true. Mai Mai, have you brought your camera?" Li Sidani swiped over and said excitedly.

"Take it, here it is."

Mai Mai picked up the instant camera in his arms, and took a picture of Li Si.

And Li Si also put on a poss very cooperatively.

Ye Xingchen, who was on the side, saw the afterglow of the setting sun shining on Mai Mai's body, making Mai Mai look very sacred at this time, so he picked up the camera and couldn't help but record this scene.

Seeing the camera in Ye Xingchen's hand, Yang Mi couldn't help asking, "Where did you get the camera?"

Ye Xingchen: "I brought it myself."

"You know how to take pictures? Forget it, it's a waste of time to ask." Yang Mi knew what the next sentence would be without even thinking about it, but she thought about it, why did Ye Xingchen bring a camera all of a sudden.

Yang Mi jokingly said, "You didn't bring it specially to take pictures of Mai Mai, did you?"

These words made Zhao Jinmai who was next to him blush, and under the shining of the setting sun, he merged with the red sun and became one color, the color of sunset.

Ye Xingchen aimed at Yang Mi at this moment and pressed the shutter, and said, "To be precise, I'll take pictures for everyone. Sister Li Si looks here."

Li Si and Mai Mai looked at Ye Xingchen at the same time, and with the soft shutter sound, Ye Xingchen recorded the appearance of the two of them.

"Well, it's not bad. It seems that my skills have not deteriorated." Ye Xingchen looked at the photo and praised.

Li Sidani: "Let me take a look."

"Let's go back and look at it, it's not convenient here." Ye Xingchen put away the camera and said.

Then he aligned with Mak-May's paddle, and sat on the paddle to watch the sunset.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's movements, Mai Mai also sat down, looking from a distance as if he was sitting next to Ye Xingchen.

Yang Mi and Li Sidani saw that the quiet two were not talking, and watched the afterglow of the setting sun quietly.

Maybe it was influenced by the two of them, the rest of the Huashao members also slowly rowed over, stopped and rowed side by side, forming a beautiful landscape on the entire lake.

The program team also used drones to record this warm moment.

From time to time, Ye Xingchen would secretly take pictures of Mai Mai from different angles. Although he was spotted several times, Mai Mai didn't say anything, just rolled his eyes at him a few times, then picked up the camera in his arms and began to chat with him. harm.


As the sun slowly disappeared from everyone's sight, Yang Mi worriedly said to everyone: "Let's row back, it's not easy to go back when it gets dark."

Yang Kaili: "Yes, yes, the secret is right, hurry up and swipe back, I didn't expect it to get dark so quickly."

Ye Xingchen turned the paddle skillfully, and then helped Mai Mai to turn around.

"Mai Mai is happy now, her wish has come true." Li Si said to Zhao Jinmai.

"Hmm! I'm very happy." Maimai didn't hide her joy at all, the smile on her face proved everything.

Yang Mi said to Li Si at this time: "This sunset is made by Brother Xingchen's wish."

"What do you mean?" Not only Li Si, Han Dongjun and Xiaoding were also curious.

"Go back and tell you."

Yang Mi smiled mysteriously, and deliberately sold a trick.

Everyone started paddling ashore with doubts.

Maimai, also clumsily sliding the paddle slowly, may have been kneeling for a long time and was rather tired, so the whole person was wobbly, and the next second he accidentally fell into the water.

"Mai Mai." Yang Mi shouted worriedly.

"Mai Mai, are you okay?" Yang Kaili also looked at this side worriedly.

Ye Xingchen quickly rowed to Mai Mai's side, pulled Mai Mai up, and immediately took off his coat and put it on Mai Mai.

"Why are you so careless?" Ye Xingchen could hear the trace of blame in his tone.

Zhao Jinmai subconsciously pulled the clothes that were draped over her body, and whispered aggrievedly, "Legs are numb."

Looking at the stupid Mai Mai in front of him at this moment, Ye Xingchen couldn't bear to talk about him.

"Mike is okay."

"Miss Mai Mai, are you okay?"

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I have a life jacket." Zhao Jinmai stroked her wet hair and waved her hand.

Han Dongjun "That's good."

"Let's go, go up and change clothes and blow dry your hair, don't catch a cold." Ye Xingchen said lightly, and his hands moved a little faster, "Sister Mi, Mai Mai and I go up first."

"Hurry up, don't catch a cold."

Then Ye Xingchen immediately accelerated the speed.

Zhao Jinmai tightened her clothes. The weather was cool at first, but after falling into the water and the wind blowing, it was still a bit cold.

"Is it cold?" Ye Xingchen said softly.

"A bit."

Ye Xingchen turned his head directly, put himself in front of Mai Mai, paddled the paddle backwards, and asked:
"Is this much better?"


Zhao Jinmai nodded lightly, her voice as thin as silk.

Ye Xingchen also slowed down a little, in order to let Mai Mai feel less wind, so as not to really catch a cold.

After a while, the two finally arrived at the shore. Ye Xingchen helped Mai Mai take off the life jacket, and then asked her to go back to the RV in her own clothes and change.

Of course, Ye Xingchen carefully covered all the equipment in the program team's RV, so that this stupid girl would not forget.

"Okay, change your clothes quickly, and dry your hair later. I have a washing machine in my RV. Where can I wash my clothes?"

"it is good."

Zhao Jinmai replied shyly.

Ye Xingchen didn't stay long, and after leaving the caravan and closing the door, he went directly to the shore to see his brothers and sisters.

Yang Mi happened to come ashore at this time and asked, "Is Mai Mai okay?"

"It should be fine. I'm changing clothes in the RV now. I have a cold in the car. I can take precautions in advance." Ye Xingchen said lightly.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen appreciatively and praised: "The preparations are complete enough. I doubt whether you are here for tourism or for outdoor survival."

"I originally came here to travel, but after joining you, it became an outdoor survival."

"What did you say?" Yang Mi made a gesture to hit him.

"Look at the UFO!!"


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