Chapter 440 Three Intimate

After Ye Xingchen avoided Yang Mi, he ran to his RV and found a cold spirit, and soaked Mai Mai in hot water in advance.

The few people who were resting saw the cup in Ye Xingchen's hand and laughed.

"Look at how caring my brother is, and prepare a cold spirit for my sister in case she catches a cold." Yang Kaili said with a smile.

Yang Mi sat there angrily and looked at Ye Xingchen who was walking slowly, and said dissatisfiedly: "What, he only cares about Mai Mai, so he doesn't care about our life or death."

Ye Xingchen put the cup on the table, and refuted what Yang Mi said just now: "The sisters didn't fall into the water, no matter who fell into the water, I will prepare this for everyone, otherwise I said it is so heartless, okay."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen's face didn't blush when he lied, Yang Mi's teeth were itchy with anger, thinking that the two of them made a match by themselves, and now they started to abandon her when they got along. Isn't this a typical example of crossing rivers and tearing down bridges?

Then Ye Xingchen saw that sister Liu Mintao was still very tired, so he asked with concern: "Sister, do you want me to press your shoulder for you?"

"No, no, brother, you are tired too, don't bother, just take a good rest." Liu Mintao subconsciously refused.

Ye Xingchen didn't just say a polite word, but went over to massage sister Liu Mingtao's shoulder with great enthusiasm: "It's okay, you don't need to be polite to me here, and I'm not tired."

In fact, Ye Xingchen knows Liu Mingtao very well. She is a typical person who doesn't want to cause trouble to others, but is also different from others who cause trouble to herself.For example, this afternoon's public event to paddle to watch the sunset. The original sister Liu Mintao didn't want to come, but everyone said so and had no choice but to paddle with everyone.

Some people may say, don’t go if you don’t want to go, why do you have to act like you are sacrificing yourself.Yes, everyone will have this kind of doubt in their hearts, but the fact is not the case. Let alone saying that this is recording a program, even if it is not recording a program, such an approach will seem particularly out of place. Although it seems that nothing is done, but Such an approach will cause everyone to alienate and even isolate.

So people like Mintao don’t want to do things they don’t like, and they are afraid that their refusal will have a bad influence on others. If they come and go, they will bring double fatigue to their mind and body, so this is why Liu Mingtao has been looking sick these days.

"Xiao Chen is so nice, who said Xiao Chen can't take care of my sisters." Liu Mintao enjoyed Ye Xingchen's professional massage. Although he still resisted in his heart, he still accepted Ye Xingchen quite well. After all, he was good. A person with a sensitivity buff.

Ye Xingchen smiled heartily: "Hahaha, don't praise me, I'm afraid I'm going to float to the sky if you praise me."

"That's right, you can't praise him. A man will turn bad if he praises himself, especially someone as handsome as Ye Xingchen." Li Sidani slapped Ye Xingchen on the back hard to vent her dissatisfaction.

Maybe it was because Ye Xingchen pushed Mai Mai away under their noses, so he felt a little angry in his heart.

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to bear what he shouldn't have endured.

Soon Mai Mai changed into cooler clothes and ran out with her hair loose.

Ye Xingchen was attracted by Mai Mai's figure at a glance, and frowned slightly when he saw Mai Mai's outfit: "Put on a coat, it's a bit cold today, don't catch a cold."

Hearing his deep concern, Maimai felt sweet in her heart, and she said softly: "It's okay, it's not very cold."

Ye Xingchen was still frowning, but he said: "Okay."

The sisters next to her didn't speak, and watched the two little candies silently.

Perhaps seeing Ye Xingchen's frowning, Mai Mai obediently put on the clothes that he wanted to return to Ye Xingchen just now.

"Tut tsk tsk." Seeing this scene, Yang Mi not only sighed in his heart, "The little cabbage that has grown up has been arched again."

Ye Xingchen concentrated on helping sister Mintao to press her shoulders, but he saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why don't we have a barbecue tonight? We didn't enjoy our meal last time. Today, my brother and I are grilling together. The weather is also good. It's just right for an outdoor barbecue, brother?" Han Dongjun said about the dinner , and asked Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen's answer was also rather straightforward: "Yes, no problem."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you two boys, and we girls will help you." Yang Mi knew that if it wasn't for Ye Xingchen last time, he and the others really didn't know how long they would be busy, so this time he helped out. Just some chores.

Then she said to Zhao Jinmai with a half-smile: "Sister, Ye Xingchen prepared that for you, drink it quickly, we don't have this kind of treatment."

"What is this?" Zhao Jinmai asked after taking the cold spirit.

"Cold spirit, drink it while it's hot, take precautions in advance, it's really uncomfortable to catch a cold." Ye Xingchen said lightly.

"Oh, okay, thank you." Maimai blushed slightly, lowered her head and warmed her hands while drinking slowly.

I have to say that Ye Xingchen is really good, just for a while Liu Mintao felt his body and mind were greatly relieved, and he was not as tired as before:
"It's okay, brother, you can rest for a while, sister is not tired anymore."

Ye Xingchen: "It's much better, sister."

"Yeah, it really works." Liu Mintao said gratefully.

"That's good." Hearing Miss Mintao's answer, Ye Xingchen nodded with a smile and returned to his seat.

"Really or not, brother, please press it for me next time you have a chance." Zhang Kaili couldn't help but want to experience it when she heard what Liu Mintao said.

Ye Xingchen felt nothing at all: "Mr. Kaili is ready now."

"No, no, you need to rest quickly, the child is tired enough to play for a day." Zhang Kaili did not ask Ye Xingchen to press it now, after all, everyone is really tired all day, and I feel sorry for him.

"Actually, I'm not particularly tired." Ye Xingchen touched the back of his head and said.

Zhang Kaili: "If you have a chance in the future, sit down and drink some water just to rest."


Afterwards, everyone just chatted with each other, anecdotes and strange stories, all kinds of funny jokes, in short, everyone was very happy.

At this moment, Li Sidani asked suddenly: "Hey, the sunset is really amazing to me today. It was originally cloudy, but unexpectedly it suddenly turned sunny."

Yang Mi showed a mysterious smile: "The most amazing thing this time is that today I told Brother Xingchen that I have the ability to make a wish to make the sun come out, and then my brother really made the sun come out."

"Really?" Li Si looked in disbelief.

"You can ask Mai Mai." Yang Mi looked at Zhao Jinmai.

At this time, Li Sidani cast a confirming look at Mai Mai.

"This is real."

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