The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 447 How to deal with the two of you

"Really, this is too romantic." Li Sidani covered her mouth, she originally wanted to say that Mai Mai was lucky, but she didn't expect to eat dog food again.

"No wonder Miss Mi said that the title of my sun god will change hands, so it's because of this." Han Dongjun showed surprise on his face, "This is too coincidental."

"What's a coincidence? It's obviously because the heavens heard Brother Xingchen's pious wish, and it suddenly became sunny." The smile on Yang Mi's face did not diminish.

Listening to them talking about themselves like a magic stick, Ye Xingchen quickly explained: "I just said it so casually, I didn't expect the sky to be really sunny, the main reason is that Mai Mai is lucky, I don't have such great skills .”

But everyone didn't listen to his words at all, Li Sidani continued to talk beside her, and the more she said, the more outrageous she said: "Forget it, if you are my sister's boyfriend, you can barely do it, I'm serious."

Ye Xingchen just took a sip of water and almost spit it out. He subconsciously looked at the camera brother's position and Mai Mai's performance.

"Sister Danni, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Jinmai pulled Li Si's clothes with a red face, and said with a pleading expression on her face.

"Okay, okay, it's okay if I don't talk anymore." Seeing his sister so shy, Li Si decided to change the topic.

As the head of the group, Yang Mi has no intention of teasing the two of them at this time. What she is worried about now is the broadcasting of this variety show. The melons between the two of them are really too big in the past two days, although she often communicates with the director team on this issue. , but there are only so many post-editing materials. If it is not broadcast now, there is no need for the entire variety show to continue.

"Stop, stop, this is the end of this topic. Well, everyone should clean up early today. Xiaochen and Sun God are going to have a barbecue later. Let's make a big move and take out all the things." Yang Mi He started to arrange today's tasks, and then said to Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen: "You two come here, I have something to talk to you."

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai looked at each other, knowing what to say to him.

The two followed Yang Mi to the swing, then signaled to the cameraman not to come over, and then turned off their microphones.

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jin understood in seconds, and they both turned off their own microphones.

"The two of you have been, how should I put it, too close recently." Yang Mi didn't show a look of blame, and still smiled like an adult looking at his own child.

"No, it's just a little more interaction between the two of us."

Ye Xingchen spread his hands and didn't feel that he and Mai Mai were too close.

Holding the magazine in his hand, Yang Mi tapped Ye Xingchen on the head angrily: "You still have the nerve to say, did you do it on purpose at noon today?"

Ye Xingchen felt very wronged instantly, he was really innocent at noon.

"That was really an accident, I really just wanted to pick up that spoon." Ye Xingchen desperately explained.

And Mai Mai shyly kept her eyes on the other side. It was too shameful to say such a thing. Now she wanted to hide under the quilt and cover her head so that no one could see her. .

"It's not important. The key is that we don't know whether you two can make it public or not. There is a high probability that Mai Mai's company will not let her make it public. Then these will definitely be cut off in the later stage. It's okay to cut it off. The key is The two of you stick together every day, which made the director team edit later, people came to me today to protest."

Yang Mi angrily reprimanded the two of them.

After Ye Xingchen heard it, he couldn't help but feel a little troublesome. He felt that he had already restrained himself, and the two of them didn't do anything too outrageous.

But this is just his opinion. In the eyes of others, Ye Xingchen is "too eccentric", just like today's cold spirit, although Ye Xingchen made it for Mai Mai naturally, as a friend, it should be like this , but the audience may not think so.

In the end, Ye Xingchen smiled and said to Yang Mi: "Actually, isn't that what variety shows want? Even if you don't do some things, cp fans will think you mean it. It's normal, you can tell the director team to cut it normally, you can cut out your daily concerns, as for the noon thing, forget it."

Mentioning this, Ye Xingchen scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Mai Mai, what do you think?" Although Yang Mi agreed with Ye Xingchen's opinion, he still asked his sister's opinion again.

"Listen to him."

Zhao Jinmai said softly, her voice was subtle, maybe she was too shy,

"Husband and wife, it's fine, as long as you two discuss it." Yang Mi twitched his eyebrows and said, "You two have a chat here, and I'll go talk to the director team."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Miss Mi, it's hard work." Ye Xingchen really thanked her, if it wasn't for her helping him and Mai Mai back and forth, it would be really difficult for him to deal with later, although he is not afraid of the Internet Public opinion on the Internet, but Mai Mai can't.

After Yang Mi heard Ye Xingchen's words, she thought in her heart that she still had a bit of conscience. She turned her head and looked at Ye Xingchen with a smile and said, "No trouble, you can't refuse when I ask you for help in the future."

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Um, if I can help my sister, I will definitely help."

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to help in the future. Neither you nor your sister can run away." Seeing that he had succeeded, Yang Mi smiled even wider.

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai always felt like they were being hooked.

To be on the safe side, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "Can you be more specific? After all, I'm a little scared when you're like this."

Zhao Jinmai nodded immediately. To be honest, she was really afraid that Sister Mi would sell her.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Yang Mi sighed and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I have a variety show of my own, not this kind of life, secret room, do you know about escape from the secret room?"

When he heard that it was the secret room, Zhao Jinmai's eyes suddenly lit up with a different kind of light, and he agreed, "Well, I can participate, but I just don't know if my company will agree."

"Don't worry, what I said back there will definitely not hurt my sister." Yang Mi looked at Mai Mai who agreed, and couldn't help but pinch her flushed cheeks happily.

Although Mai Mai wanted to break free, Yang Mi didn't give her a chance and continued to "ravage" her.

On the other hand, Ye Xingchen had the word "slowly reluctance" written on his face, he had a shadow of the chamber of secrets.

Of course, this is also the main reason why Mai Mai agreed so readily.

"Why, I don't want to." Seeing the changing expression on Ye Xingchen's face, Yang Mi said dissatisfied. .
Ye Xingchen waved his hands hastily: "No, I just want to ask, is this secret room a horror type or a decryption type."

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