"I have both, but since the first season, the game of secret rooms has become more scary and adventurous." Yang Mi couldn't help complaining about the bad taste of the program group. Since you found the key to open the traffic gate, the scripts behind are all black and white. , No way, who makes the audience happy to watch it.

After Ye Xingchen heard about the adventure and terror, the word "resistance" was clearly written on his face.

Seeing him like this, Yang Mi couldn't help becoming interested: "You are not afraid, are you?"

Ye Xingchen's reaction was particularly strong, and he quickly explained: "How is it possible, I just thought that I might not have time to participate in variety shows in the future, after all, I still have to attend classes."

Yang Mi smiled and said to Ye Xingchen: "Don't worry, it only takes one day to record this show, plus the preliminary preparations, it will only take two or three days. It will be good to ask for a leave at that time. Maybe it will catch up with the holidays." I can record a few more episodes, my sister will definitely not treat you badly here."

Ye Xingchen still wanted to discuss it: "But..."

"Why, I just don't want to help my sister." Seeing Ye Xingchen procrastinating, Yang Mi showed displeasure.

Ye Xingchen quickly waved his hand: "No, I, personally, I don't like to play the Chamber of Secrets, it's too boring."

"Puff hahaha." Zhao Jinmai who was next to him couldn't help it anymore. She knew Ye Xingchen was timid, and she wanted to laugh when thinking of Ye Xingchen's appearance when they were playing in the secret room.

Seeing Mai Mai who suddenly laughed, both of them looked puzzled.

"It's okay, I just thought of a joke, you guys continue." Mai Mai quickly covered his mouth, but still smiled secretly.

Yang Mi turned his head and said forcefully: "That's the deal, you are not allowed to refuse, and you, Mai Mai, I will talk to your company, and you will go when the time comes."

"Okay, I'll listen to Sister Mi." Zhao Jinmai answered very happily, without procrastinating.

In the end, Ye Xingchen really had no reason to refuse, so he could only agree first.

Seeing that the two agreed to his request, Yang Mi nodded in satisfaction, and then left them here alone to chat with the director team.

After watching Yang Mi walk away, Ye Xingchen squeezed Zhao Jinmai's face a little bit harder, and said slightly angrily, "You still dare to laugh."

"It hurts, it hurts." Although Ye Xingchen didn't use much strength, Mai Mai's tender flesh couldn't stand such a pinch, and tears of pain fell out after a while.

Coupled with the "delicate and pitiful" expression, it seems that people feel distressed to death. Although Ye Xingchen knew that she was pretending, he still couldn't help but feel distressed.

He gently rubbed Zhao Jinmai's face, and said apologetically, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for hurting you."

"I'm sorry, if it's useful, what do you need the police to do?" Mai Mai looked at Ye Xingchen with his big pear-blossom rainy eyes.

In the end, Ye Xingchen couldn't stand Mai Mai's eyes anymore, he raised his arms helplessly and said, "It's okay if I'm wrong, if you can't get angry, just bite me."

Ye Xingchen originally thought that his move of retreating into advance would have an effect, maybe he would be fine if he admitted his mistake and had a good attitude.

But he still thinks too simply. Although what he did these days moved Mai Mai, he still hasn't remembered the most important thing. It's really annoying. Thinking of this, Zhao Jin Mai unceremoniously bit Ye Xingchen's arm.

"Hiss, what a bite." Ye Xingchen said, holding back the pain.

Zhao Jinmai didn't use too much force either, because she was also reluctant, probably because Ye Xingchen was bleeding from the bite last time, so she was especially careful this time.

When he finally let go of Ye Xingchen, he said angrily: "I'll let you go this time. I don't want to treat your wound after biting you to bleed like last time. Trouble."

In an ordinary sentence, Ye Xingchen still got some important news from it, last time?Treat the wound?

Immediately afterwards, his brain frantically flashed back the previous memories. In his memory, only Da Miaomiao treated the wound for him. Combined with his own analysis and Miaomiao's reaction that day, Ye Xingchen already understood that Mai Mai Still have memory.

"As expected." Ye Xingchen suddenly smiled inexplicably.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen, who was still screaming in pain, and suddenly laughed. She thought that her head had been bitten off. She touched Ye Xingchen's forehead and said, "Have you got a fever? Why did you start talking nonsense all of a sudden? What is this?" Ah, what is it like?"

Ye Xingchen looked around and found that there were no other people waiting, then he suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm and pulled it hard.

Zhao Jin Mai, who didn't react, was pulled into his arms like this. At this time, Mai Mai hadn't turned his head and was still in shock.

Ye Xingchen approached her little by little, and slowly their foreheads touched together.

"Ye Xingchen, what do you want? Let me warn you, don't act recklessly, I will call you if you act recklessly."

Mai Mai's mood at this time is quite complicated. Although he said so on his lips, he was looking forward to Ye Xingchen's next move in his heart.

When Mai Mai thought that Ye Xingchen kissed her forcefully as before, he didn't move on to the next step.

"You said that morning, I had something to say to you, said, I forgot at that time." Ye Xingchen said.

"Yes, yes." Zhao Jinmai was overjoyed, but then panicked again, thinking, he wouldn't propose here.

Ye Xingchen let go of her slowly and said, "I'm going to redo what I didn't finish before."

"You, what are you doing?" Zhao Jinmai was still playing dumb.

At this time, Ye Xingchen suddenly took out an exquisite box from his coat pocket.

Zhao Jinmai immediately recognized that this was the ring box that Ye Xingchen used when he proposed to Lin Miaomiao.

She is now feeling happy and nervous.

Ye Xingchen straightened his clothes suddenly, opened the box to reveal the diamond ring inside, and then knelt down on one knee.

To be honest, Mai Mai's heart was really moved at this moment, she was looking forward to Ye Xingchen's words.

"Miao Miao, no, Mai Mai, are you willing to marry me? Ye Xingchen said these words affectionately.

Zhao Jinmai looked down at Ye Xingchen at this moment, and slowly passed her hand over. Just when Ye Xingchen thought that she agreed to take it for Maimai herself, Zhao Jinmai suddenly withdrew her hand and stepped back. After taking two steps, a sly smile appeared on his face:
"Hmph, I just found out now that it's too late. If you proposed that morning, I would have agreed, but you forgot. Now I've changed my mind. I can't afford you so cheaply. If you behave badly in the future, you will never agree." .”

The anger on Mai Mai's face was clearly visible when he spoke.

Although few girls could refuse such a thing as being proposed by someone they like, Mai Mai still withstood Ye Xingchen's sugar-coated bullets.

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