"I thought you didn't remember at the time, why did you tell me directly." Ye Xingchen, who was rejected, felt a little disappointed, with a bit of complaint in his tone.

Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but get angry when she heard this: "I don't remember? Why do you think I don't remember? Not only do I remember, but I also remember everything. Ye Xingchen, you are an out-and-out scumbag."

"No, why am I a scumbag again?" Ye Xingchen couldn't help feeling puzzled when he saw that this question had escalated to another question.

"Do you still remember what you said?" Seeing Ye Xingchen's unsure look, Mai Mai gave him a hint.

Ye Xingchen also had a bad feeling in his heart, he pretended to be calm and asked: "What did I say?"

"Hmph, when you gave me flowers, when you asked me to be your car, I remembered that what you said was beautiful, how about it, do you need me to repeat it to you?"


This is embarrassing, although what I said at the time was very rigorous, but now standing in front of me is a person who has all the memories, and there is no way to wash it now.

"I haven't had a close relationship with other girls before, and there are no other girls around me, doesn't that explain who I am?" Ye Xingchen tried to save the situation.

Zhao Jinmai sneered: "Sister Linglong, sister Mu Yunxi, why do you need me to list them for you?"

Hearing these familiar and unfamiliar names, Ye Xingchen didn't know why, and felt inexplicably guilty, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "I have a clear conscience, and we have nothing. It's not that you don't know me, but you have no choice."

"I don't care. Anyway, I'm not happy. I'll think about it when I'm in a better mood. I won't make it difficult for you because of your good performance today." Zhao Jinmai said This is the matter of marriage proposal.

After listening to her answer, Ye Xingchen felt lost, and at the same time he was relieved. To be honest, the one standing in front of him is not only the naive Miaomiao, but also a well-known national girl, who is shining. Star, the current self is really not qualified to marry her, at least after he has made some achievements.

"Okay, I will behave well, but... I want to get some interest back in advance." Ye Xingchen smirked.

Zhao Jinmai: "!!!"


When the two returned to the camp, they saw that everyone had moved out all the barbecue items, and Han Dongjun had already put the grill on, leaving only some carbon.

Ye Xingchen naturally had a smug smile on his face when he came back, but Mai Mai looked nervous and shy, with a faint blush on his face forever.

This scene seemed to make the sisters "fantasy", and always felt that the two little ones must have done something behind their backs.

Li Sidani came to Mai Mai's side and quietly took Mai Mai away. Naturally, an interrogation was inevitable.

And Ye Xingchen is here to help Han Dongjun make barbecue together.

"What did Sister Mi talk to you about?"

Facing Sun God's inquiry, Ye Xingchen said calmly: "Just ask me what my future plans are."

Han Dongjun was also quite curious about this question, so he continued to ask, "And then, what are your future plans?"

"Let's talk about it after the college entrance examination results. If you don't delay your studies, you can participate in some variety shows if you have the opportunity. It's like a different industry experience." Ye Xingchen didn't hide it, and said what he thought in his heart.

"By the way, how do you feel about the college entrance examination this time? Do you have confidence?" Said the college entrance examination Han Dongjun couldn't help but ask, after all, after this program is broadcast, Ye Xingchen's college entrance examination results will definitely be revealed. Bad grades are not good for him.

This question naturally hit Ye Xingchen's gun. As a mobile library, the result must be a grand slam. Of course, it must not be said that way. After all, you have to be humble: "Do you believe me when I say I can win the champion?"

"Cough, cough, cough." Han Dongjun didn't react much, but Ding Chengxin who was next to him choked on the water.

Ye Xingchen pretended to be angry and said, "You don't believe me so much."

"No, no, I was quite surprised." Ding Chengxin originally wanted to say that he didn't believe it, but thinking of Ye Xingchen's famous "a little bit" law, it might really be what he said.

Seeing Ding Chengxin shaking his head wildly, Ye Xingchen stopped teasing him, and expressed his concerns: "Hahaha, I'm teasing you, after all, everyone wants to be the champion, so I can't say it in advance Go out, if the score is not up to what I said, the Internet will definitely scold me to death."

"That's right, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, so it's better to keep a low profile." Seeing Ye Xingchen who was thinking so well, Han Dongjun nodded and said as someone who had been there.

Ding Chengxin also felt that it was right to keep a low profile.

But what they don't know is how much commotion the conversation between the three will cause after the show is broadcast.

"To be honest, Brother Chen, you really admire me for taking the college entrance examination again. If it were me, I might not have such courage." Ding Chengxin said with admiration.

Ye Xingchen said jokingly: "I don't think it has anything to do with courage. The main reason is that I don't want to have any regrets in my life, even if I take risks to gain a little hope."

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin agreed after hearing Ye Xingchen's words, saying that a life without regrets is an incomplete life, which is completely nonsense.

Soon, with the help of Ye Xingchen, the charcoal was introduced, and the next step was charcoal-grilled chicken wings, as well as the prepared sausages. It seemed that everyone had a good time today.

Zhang Kaili looked at the three younger brothers who were working hard to prepare dinner, and she couldn't help but praise: "It's great to have you, the younger brothers are really good, and they are busy for us."

"Yeah, what a wonderful three brothers, that's great." Liu Mintao looked at the three little ones of different sizes, feeling very relaxed.

To be honest, the two elder sisters in the back always praised them, and Ye Xingchen and the three were a little embarrassed.

"Brother, come here and take a test. I'll get the squid and make a squid for my sisters." Han Dongjun gave up the main barbecue position to Ye Xingchen.

"Put on the gloves and don't fall on your body." Ye Xingchen reminded, and then said to Xiao Ding next to him, "Help Brother Sun God get the gloves."

"it is good."

Soon Xiaoding took out the gloves from the tool cabinet of the RV and handed them to Han Dongjun.

"Thank you Xiaoding."

What you need for barbecue is to bake it and eat it right away. It won't taste good when it's cold, so Han Dongjun suggested that everyone eat it here instead of taking it over there, because it's very hot after all.

Yang Mi and the director team seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, and it seemed that the negotiation went smoothly, so when he came back, he kept smiling on his face, and after smelling the smell, he ran over quickly and asked Ye Xingchen to bake it. Ready-made:
"Is the sausage ready? Give me one. I'm exhausted because of the two of you."

"Thank you for your hard work, sister." Ye Xingchen directly handed her a relatively large sausage.

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