The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 452 What do you think of Sister Zhao Jinmai?

"I can only answer this question with harmony, and the correct answer must be harmony. This is not a nonsense." Ye Xingchen glanced at the camera silently and said.

But how could the director team let him go with this kind of answer.

"You have to tell the truth."

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath, and then sat there solemnly. Just when the director team thought that he was about to reveal big news, Ye Xingchen replied slowly: "It's very harmonious, really, I won't lie to you, maybe it's because I'm a As an amateur, my brothers and sisters take special care of me, even though they sometimes tease me, they really treat me sincerely."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's sincerity, the director team had nothing to do with him, but then asked a fatal question:

"How do you think your entire team is getting along? Are there any conflicts or things that make everyone unhappy?"

Ye Xingchen obviously paused when he heard this question, then smiled and looked at the person who interviewed him in front of him and said: "You guys are pushing me into the fire pit, okay, the fire pit is the fire pit, whatever you want. I'll do it Let me tell you what I think, if I am wrong, please lightly spray."

Ye Xingchen sat down again and answered this question earnestly: "There will definitely be such and such friction between the teams, especially this kind of life program, as the number of days increases, there will definitely be more such and such problems. Inevitable, and the more people there are, the more problems there will be.

Because everyone's living habits are different, your own lifestyle may not be suitable for you in the team. If you want the team to go on for a long time, you need enough tolerance.To give a very simple example, this problem can be seen from getting along in the university dormitory. "

Ye Xingchen's answer not only answered this question from another aspect, but also gave a very reasonable opinion.

The director team couldn't help showing admiration for this amateur.

"Okay, that's the last question for today."

"Quickly ask, if you have any tricks, hurry up and use it, I'm not afraid." Ye Xingchen wanted to put it wrong at this moment, he answered the last question quickly and left, suffering.

At this moment, the little brother at the back handed over a note to the staff member who was interviewing. After she opened it, she looked at Ye Xingchen with a smirk and asked, "The last question, you..."

Ye Xingchen suddenly had a bad feeling at this moment.

"What do you... think of Sister Zhao Jinmai?"


Ye Xingchen was almost choked to death by his own spit. He looked at the director behind him in shock, and then at the interviewing staff, as if he wanted to see if they were joking.

It's a pity that they are serious, and it is impossible to let him go without answering this question.

Helpless, Ye Xingchen could only ask the program team to try to narrow the scope: "Which aspect?"


"Pretty, cute, gentle, and caring about others."

"anything else?"

"Anything else? Another thing is that Mai Mai can be a little silly sometimes, but this doesn't affect her cuteness. Getting along with her is very relaxed and comfortable. I think there should be no one who doesn't like Mai Mai like this girls."

Apparently Ye Xingchen had already answered very cautiously, firstly to prevent Maimai's fans from exploding after the broadcast, and secondly to prevent Maimai from exploding, but it was still a hundred and one sparse, allowing the program team to catch the language loophole.

The interviewing staff member smiled maliciously and said, "In other words, you also like Mai Mai, right?"

"Yeah, that's the same sentence, who doesn't like such a girl." Ye Xingchen replied very calmly, anyway, he guessed that Reuters had already figured it out, and now the fans outside were blown up, anyway, he was not afraid of throwing fire.

"Thank you for your sincere answer. The interview is over." It was obvious that the program team got the answer they wanted, and they could let Ye Xingchen leave contentedly.

Ye Xingchen finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It's over, I can go, right?"

Staff: "Yes."


Ye Xingchen felt relaxed after the interview, and trotted towards Mai Mai.

Seeing Ye Xingchen approaching, Yang Mi greeted with concern: "The interview is over? How do you feel?"

"Suffering." Ye Xingchen uttered two words after sitting down.

"Suffering?" ×7
Everyone said in unison in surprise.

Liu Mingtao felt very strange, and she asked with concern: "How can it be suffering? Why don't I just ask you a few questions?"

"That's right, she asked me a few questions, but each question was a big pitfall. I just felt like my CPU was burning out, and the program crew is too good at cheating people." Ye Xingchen slumped on the chair and said that he didn't want to recall .

Mai Mai looked at Ye Xingchen with a pair of beautiful eyes blinking on the opposite side and asked, "What's the problem? It's so brain-intensive?"

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai with an inexplicable smile and said, "You'll know when the show airs."

"What, I hate the Riddler." Zhao Jinmai rolled her beautiful eyes.

Han Dongjun: "Add one."

Ding Chengxin: "Add one."

Yang Mi: "Add one."


Although everyone condemned Ye Xingchen for the behavior of a riddler like Ye Xingchen, Ye Xingchen didn't say what the interview was about, after all, it involved everyone, and he didn't want to cause more trouble.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't talk about life and death, everyone didn't continue to ask.

Zhang Kaili saw that everyone was here and started the task of today's study committee: "Then each of us share a sentence, or the feelings of the past few days, we can share whatever we want, don't be restrained."

"Who does it start with?" Li Sidani asked.

At this time, everyone smiled at the same time and said, "You."

"Here, why am I talking so much, if it's okay, let me do it."

Then Li Sidani shared a very special sentence with everyone. It may be that the atmosphere has reached this point, so after she finished speaking, her eyes turned red unconsciously.

(Because the words to share are too watery, I won’t write them one by one for everyone. Let’s go and see for yourself, and save me water.)
"Danni is feeling this way." Zhang Kaili stroked her shoulder, trying to make Dani feel better in this way.

After everyone shared it in a circle, Ye Xingchen found that everyone seemed to share with their heart, maybe there was an element of pretentiousness in it, but judging from everyone's understanding of this sentence, it was really touching .

In fact, Ye Xingchen felt that this link was completely unnecessary, and could only say that it was a formality, but he was still very interested in what Mai Mai just shared with Ye Xingchen, at least he got what book "she" wanted to read.

After one lap, only Ye Xingchen was left.

"I don't know what to share, not because I'm unprepared, but because I want to say a lot, but I don't know which sentence to say. Today I will share with you a sentence I just saw recently.

It is not life to get what you want, but life to be wrong.You think what you miss is youth, no, what you get is youth.Don't just remember to look up at the moon in the sky every day, and remember to pick up the sixpence on the ground occasionally. The combination of these two is called life. "

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