"To be honest, I have a deep understanding of this sentence. Sometimes I feel that my life is really immeasurable, and it is impossible to see the bottom at a glance. So sometimes we can not only see regrets, but also see the things brought about by regrets. Stuff you don't notice."

Ye Xingchen always looked at Zhao Jinmai unconsciously when sharing, and more importantly, Maimai actually understood Ye Xingchen's meaning.

"Very good, it's very well said, life is life when things go wrong, really, when you think about it, it's true." Zhang Kaili sighed.

Yang Mi said with a smile in his eyes: "Every sentence prepared casually has such profound meaning."

"Don't worry, I prepared it with my heart, so I have to be careful." Seeing that Yang Mi was about to play tricks again, Xing Chen hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Hahahaha, look at Xiaochen's modesty." Liu Mintao said.

Ye Xingchen didn't want to be humble either, but there was a big devil here, and he didn't want to be targeted.

After this session ended, everyone had nothing else to do. It could be said that the air was suddenly quiet. Maybe it was because there was nothing to talk about, or maybe it was because they were tired all day and didn't want to say anything, but Ye Xingchen felt that they had both.

As the team leader, Yang Mi had to revive the atmosphere, so she asked the others: "Let's play truth or dare."

"Yes." Ding Chengxin, as a young man, prefers to play games and is energetic, so he was the first to agree.

Ye Xingchen nodded and said, "Yes."

"I play too." Mai Mai sensiblely raised his hand.

Zhang Kaili was a little puzzled. After all, she was the oldest among them, and she was more than 40 years younger than Ding Chengxin, the youngest, so she didn't quite understand this new vocabulary.

"What is Truth or Dare?"

Seeing her sister's puzzled look, Yang Mi smiled and explained tirelessly: "Truth or Dare is like we play a random game, if someone loses in this game, then the winning person will let the losing one People choose to tell the truth or take a big risk, and the truth is that we ask a random question and must answer the truth, and taking a big risk can punish him for doing something, or call someone to say I like you, that kind of thing.”

After an explanation, Sister Kelly understood what it meant.

"It's okay, sister, you'll know when we play around." Yang Mi looked at Sister Kaili who seemed to understand half-understanding, and couldn't help but smiled and waved his hands and said.

At this time, Han Dongjun suddenly mentioned a game. The name of the game was also called Er, What's in the Zoo, and whoever failed to catch up after one lap from him would lose and be punished at the same time.

Originally, this game was friendly to Ye Xingchen, after all, the amount of knowledge was here, but after a few rounds, seeing the questions they asked and the punishments they proposed were really meaningless, it was too plain.

Of course, there is a reason for recording the show, and everyone doesn't want to use too much force, but if this game is so plain, it will lose its meaning.

"It's so boring." Ye Xingchen lay down on the back and began to mess around.

Yang Mi sighed: "I feel the same, but I don't have that feeling."

"It's too plain. If I play with my roommate...it will be really exciting." Ye Xingchen thought that when playing this game in the dormitory, what kind of truth or dare would definitely be meaty, that is the real game.

Li Sidani said maliciously: "Xiaochen thinks it's plain, then do you dare to lose once, and see if the game is still plain after you lose."

"If you can't lose, why lose? I don't have any tendency to be masochistic."

Li Sidani then used the aggressive method: "It's not that I dare not."

Ye Xingchen snapped his fingers, and said coolly: "You are right, but you just dare not."

Yang Mi recently discovered that Ye Xingchen likes to play badly: "You are really flexible."

"I miss college life a little bit." Ye Xingchen looked at the starry sky, although the stars were covered by dark clouds, but this did not affect Ye Xingchen's emotion.

The aura emanating from Ye Xingchen almost covered everyone here, and a small emotion directly brought everyone into memory.

The college life that Ye Xingchen said was the kind of college life when he was a student. It was ordinary and beautiful. Maybe his life will not be so ordinary in the future. After all, since he came into contact with Maimai, his life trajectory has changed. is different.

"I have forgotten what university is like." Yang Mi said, "I have been to several universities now, and I feel that I am out of place there."

"Yes, I also have this feeling. As long as you go to your alma mater or other schools after graduation, you will have this feeling. You just feel that you don't have a sense of belonging, and what you have is just memories and thoughts."

Han Dongjun agreed with what Yang Mi said.

After talking about this topic, everyone was silent, as if they were thinking about their time in college, maybe Ding Chengxin didn't have a deep feeling, after all, he was still in college.

As for Mai Mai, looking back now, it seems that she really only has memories and thoughts left.

In fact, her memory is incomplete. The memory she can recall is the acquaintance and acquaintance of Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao. As for the others, they seem to have been forgotten.

But this does not affect her enjoyment of college life now, after all, she is just a sophomore in this world.

"It's okay, brother, you can go to the university you want when your grades come out." Ding Chengxin said.

"Well, that's right, Ding, what kind of college life do you imagine?"

Speaking of which, Ye Xingchen sat up suddenly, waiting for Ding Chengxin's answer.

Ding Chengxin thought about it carefully for a while and said: "It is to attend classes while still in class, and then play basketball in free time, and use vacations to travel and check in."

"No more?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise.

Ding Chengxin nodded and said, "It's gone."

Then he asked back: "What about you? Brother Chen."

Ye Xingchen lay down on the chair again, and said comfortably: "In the past, I'm talking about the past, I used to think that the first thing after I went to college must be to fall in love, and then I will be like you." , take advantage of this time to visit the great rivers and mountains of our country, the premise is to bring your girlfriend with you."

"So, have you achieved it in the past two years?" Mai Mai asked this sentence. Although he still kept a "sweet" smile on his face, if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of the back molars rubbing.

Ye Xingchen was still unable to extricate himself from his own memories at this time, and he didn't pay attention to who asked this question at all: "No, the success is stuck in the first step."

At this time, everyone looked at Zhao Jinmai in unison, as if to see how she would react after hearing this.

"So, you feel sorry." Mai Mai continued to ask.

Everyone's eyes returned to Ye Xingchen.

"Of course, but as I said today, it is youth that has regrets." Ye Xingchen stood up abruptly, and suddenly froze when he saw Mai Mai.


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