Zhao Jinmai nodded slightly.

Ye Xingchen has almost recovered at this time, except for a little swelling, I have no major problems, and I just checked through the bracelet and there is no major problem.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen took the unlit firework from Mai Mai, went outside and lit it.

A few seconds later the fireworks exploded in the dark night.

Mai Mai who followed seemed to be a little worried about Ye Xingchen's health, so he asked worriedly: "Do you really not need to go to the hospital for a checkup?"

Ye Xingchen turned his head with a smile and said, "How about rubbing it for me?"

"I don't, oh, what time is this, can you be more serious." Zhao Jinmai stepped on the ground lightly twice, and said anxiously.

Ye Xingchen said with some helplessness: "I said it's okay, I don't worry about it. You just said to help me and now you blame me for being a hooligan. No matter what, I will be the victim. Do you think it is reasonable? A big star."

"I, I didn't do it on purpose, I want to help you too."

At this time, Ye Xingchen had already brought the fireworks to the Sun God who was playing with flowers, took another one from his hand, guided it with the one in his hand, and handed it to Mai Mai's hand, saying: "Anyway, just rub it." Okay, hurry up, don't rub it, I'm fine now, my lord has a lot, I forgive you this time, so don't get entangled."

Zhao Jinmai took the fireworks and stared at the sparks blooming in the darkness, not knowing what she was thinking.

After Ye Xingchen came, he took over all the fireworks, and within a short while, the fireworks were destroyed by Ye Xingchen himself.

"OK, the task is complete, go to bed." Ye Xingchen threw all the fireworks sticks in Ding Chengxin's hands, then stretched himself and walked into the tent.

"It's really not for me, I don't play much." Ding Chengxin looked at the fireworks sticks in his hands and fell into deep thought.

Han Dongjun couldn't help smiling when he saw this scene, and he could only comfort him: "It's okay, you can't play with fire at night, and you will wet the bed if you play too much."

"Okay, I'll take it that way." Ding Chengxin packed up all the fireworks sticks and went back to sleep.

Zhao Jinmai has been looking at Ye Xingchen's tent worriedly. She knows Ye Xingchen, and she must have pretended to be okay today to prevent her from worrying too much. She may have been holding on just now.

So tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

Mai Mai kept thinking about this while lying on the bed, so that she didn't hear Li Sidani talking to her.

"Mai Mai! Mai Mai!" Li Sidani shouted from the side.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Mai Mai, who heard Li Si's words, was taken aback and thought something had happened.

"What's the matter? I just called you and you haven't spoken."

"I was thinking about something just now, I'm sorry." Li Sidani could hear a trace of melancholy from Mai Mai's tone.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still thinking about what Brother Xingchen said today?"

Just now in the tent, Li Si saw that Mai Mai was a little jealous, so he thought that Mai Mai was thinking about that now.

But Mai Mai, who had just reacted, was a little confused: "What?"

"Still pretending to be stupid, are you not jealous?"

"Why are you jealous?" Then Zhao Jinmai thought of what she was talking about, "What's the matter, I don't care, okay?"

Li Sidani asked in disbelief: "Really?"

"Really, forget it if you don't believe me, I'm sleepy and sleep."

Mai Mai didn't want to chat on this topic for too long, so he ended the chat on the grounds of sleeping.

Seeing that Zhao Jinmai ended the chat under the guise of sleeping, Li Sidani secretly smiled, thinking she guessed it right.

And Ye Xingchen was also fatally interrogated.

"You rested a little early today. Are you tired from playing? Are you tired from the interviews? Or is there another reason." Han Dongjun asked "charmingly" with his arms crossed.

Ye Xingchen only glanced at it, but never opened his eyes again, and then replied copiously: "I have to get up early tomorrow, go to bed early, and I can wake up tomorrow."

Ding Chengxin: "Wake up early, what are you doing early?"

"Pack up your things, prepare your things."

"what to prepare?"

"Umbrella, it might rain tomorrow."

"How do you know?" Han Dongjun asked in surprise.

"Weather forecast!"

Ye Xingchen answered the boring questions of the two while sleeping, and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, just as Ye Xingchen had imagined, there was a hazy drizzle in the sky.

"I'll go, it's really raining." Han Dongjun, who just got up, looked at the weather outside, feeling a little distressed.

Ye Xingchen put on his clothes, walked out of the tent with the two of them, stretched out his hand to catch the rain outside, and then said slowly: "I seriously doubt that the rain is following us, where does it fall wherever we go?"

"Didn't the weather just clear yesterday? Why did it start to rain again, Brother Chen, why don't you make another wish?" Ding Chengxin turned his eyes to Ye Xingchen.

"You think I'm a god, yesterday was purely an accident. Go wash up after that, wait for the sisters to get up later and ask them if they still want to go to the zoo and botanical garden. If you want to go, go as soon as possible. "Ye Xingchen said impatiently.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen's phone rang, and it was Mu Ying calling.

"I'm going to answer a call first." Ye Xingchen said to the two of them, then opened the umbrella and walked back.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, where are you now? I didn't know to call home after going out for so long." Ye Mu cared with a hint of blame.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said: "I was playing outside, traveling, and I couldn't come out to play for various reasons when I was in college. Now that I have finished the college entrance examination again, come out and have a good time."

"I don't ask you how good you can be in the college entrance examination, but you can't be too lazy. Although your dad and I believe you can't, you must pay more attention to safety issues outside."

"I know, I'm not a child anymore. I'm in Hunan now, and I'll be back in a while, about 10 days." Ye Xingchen reported the itinerary to his mother, although his parents in various worlds They are different and have different status, but they all care and love themselves very much.

Of course, the premise is that there is no girlfriend before.

Didn't Mu Ying ask this question as soon as he mentioned it.

"Don't just know how to play when you are outside. If you think girls are pretty and you like them, you can boldly make friends with them. Don't be shy. You are too introverted, so communicate more."

If the other 7 people here heard what Ye Mu said, they would definitely be shocked, saying that Ye Xingchen was introverted, hehe, they couldn't tell at all.The whole one is shameless and introverted.

Of course Ye Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry, although he really wanted to tell his mother that he had a girlfriend, but in order to preserve his status for a while, Ye Xingchen still chose to hide it.

"Understood, I will try my best."

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