After hanging up the phone, Ye Xingchen saw that the rain was getting heavier, so he hurried to gather everyone.

Ye Xingchen walked over with an umbrella. At this time, everyone was discussing whether to go to the botanical garden.

"Looking at it like this, the rain may not stop for a while, why don't we go?" Yang Mi asked everyone.

Han Dongjun felt that the rain would not be too heavy, so it was okay to go.

"Call me and ask." From the perspective of an elder, after all, it is planned. If the botanical garden and zoo are open, it is no problem to go, after all, there are umbrellas.

Afterwards, Maimai dialed the number of the staff, and after the communication, the other party said that he could go there even if it rained. In the end, everyone did not cancel the original plan and planned to rush there this morning.

"At that time, Han Dongjun and Ye Xingchen will come to drive. Let's slow down and be careful on the road, and pay attention to safety." As the head of the regiment, Yang Mi made up his mind decisively.

Ye Xingchen, who had just walked over with an umbrella, was honored to be the driver before he could speak.

"Do you really want to go play on a rainy day?" Ye Xingchen felt that although it was recording a program, there was no need to work so hard. It would affect the itinerary plan, but not completely.

Maimai held the mobile phone in his hand and explained: "Because I just made a phone call and said that I can visit, and the museum is not closed. Anyway, it will not rain heavily, so I decided to stick to the original plan."

Because Mai Mai was only wearing a very thin dress, Ye Xingchen could clearly see her current coldness.

Just when he was about to remind, Yang Mi urged everyone to pack up quickly.

In the end, Ye Xingchen was also forced to leave.

However, he was careful and prepared to take a piece of clothing for Maimaiduo, because Heitan predicted the weather today, and the temperature might drop sharply at night.

Ye Xingchen came to the car, and after opening his suitcase, he realized that he didn't seem to have brought winter clothes, no down jacket or anything like that. Back then, he went out for a trip, and didn't expect how cold the weather was, so he brought a few at most. Jackets and tops, so he directly exchanged two sets of down jackets, one black and one white, in the system space, which can be worn by both men and women, and it is also a couple style.

Apparently, he didn't think so much at this time. After he got his clothes, he heard that everyone was preparing to assemble.

He took the clothes and put them in the back of the car, and waited for the others to get into the car. When he saw Mai Mai, it was obvious that Mai Mai had changed into a thicker dress.

"Hurry up and get in the car, it's cold outside."

Ye Xingchen said to the outside, although he didn't tell anyone clearly, but everyone knew it in their hearts.

After getting into the car, Yang Mi complained: "My God, this weather is too against us, it wasn't that big just now."

Maimai quickly put away the umbrella and ran up in a hurry.

"Slow down, don't fall anymore." Ye Xingchen said with concern.

"It's okay, I believe it."

After Mai Mai came up, he shook his head frantically, and mischievously shook the water off his head.

Although the water splashed onto Ye Xingchen's body, he didn't get angry. Instead, he said a little funny, "Are you emptying out all the water in your head?"

" the botanical garden." Zhao Jinmai pointed at Ye Xingchen and wanted to scold Ye Xingchen to death, but luckily held back in time.

Ye Xingchen made a face at her, then started the car and set off.

Because they didn't know the way, there seemed to be a problem with the car's navigation, so they followed Han Dongjun's car along the way.

The botanical garden is not particularly far from this camp, but the more it goes here, the rainier it is.

Ye Xingchen watched the raindrops on the car window gather more and more, frowned and said, "This rain..."

"What's the matter with the rain? Is it raining again?" Yang Mi looked out the window from behind, "It's really alas, it's not far away, why has it become so heavy?"

"This rain, I feel, is coming for us, wherever we go, it will fall." Ye Xingchen sighed.

Just as he was talking, the car in front stopped.

Han Dongjun came out with an umbrella and said, "We are here, everyone come down."

"It's here? Is it here?" Zhao Jinmai said as she was about to open the car door and get out.

Ye Xingchen suddenly stopped her: "Mai Mai!"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Zhao Jinmai stopped, turned around and looked at Ye Xingchen suspiciously and asked.

"It's okay, slip carefully and put on the hat." Ye Xingchen said lightly.

Zhao Jinmai obediently responded, "Oh, good."

Then he put on his hat and got out of the car slowly under the umbrella.

Just when Ye Xingchen was about to go down, Yang Mi's teasing voice came from behind: "Ding, did you hear what Chenchen said just now? Slip carefully and put on your hat."

Ding Chengxin was also very cooperative. After laughing, he replied, "Oh, good."

The two were completely imitating the conversation between Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen.

However, their teasing was destined to be ineffective against Ye Xingchen. After turning off the car, he opened the umbrella and got out of the car, and followed Mai Mai all the time, for fear that the tiger girl would accidentally fall down.

"Be careful." Ye Xingchen put the umbrella between the two of them. The two of them were not very close, keeping a certain distance, which inevitably made half of their clothes wet.

Maimai ran out quickly after seeing it, and then said loudly to Ye Xingchen: "Don't catch a cold, I have a raincoat, you can wear it yourself."

Ye Xingchen shrugged and said, "Alright, put on your hat, and don't let the rain blow in."

"I know." After Mai Mai finished speaking, she turned her head and followed the brothers and sisters in front.

At the beginning, everyone entered a cucumber field, and each cucumber vine had freshly grown cucumbers, which reminded Ye Xingchen of the cucumber field in the yard of his hometown.

Before finishing recalling, Zhang Kaili had already picked one and ate it: "It's delicious, it's so fresh."

"Sister, pick more if it tastes good, and we'll take it home." Yang Mi's voice came from behind.

"it is good."

Then everyone started to sweep the whole yellow garden, carefully picking up the long, big and beautiful cucumbers.

Ye Xingchen was no exception. Since the head of the group had issued the task, the free vegetables were not picked. Moreover, he just tasted it. It was a specially cultivated cucumber garden, which was quite crispy.

However, there are also some other types among them. Among the "working people", there is obviously one who is "playing with things and losing his mind", who does not pick cucumbers, but picks cucumber flowers.

And after picking it, I didn’t forget to use the camera on my chest to take a photo of myself and Hua: "This is cute."

When Ye Xingchen saw it, he ran forward and stuffed a cucumber into Maimai's mouth.

"What are you doing?" Mai Mai took the cucumber from his mouth, and then "waved his hand at Ye Xingchen."

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