"Work, don't just play." Ye Xingchen rolled his eyes.

"No! Use! You! Control!"

After speaking seriously and angrily to Ye Xingchen, he continued to pick cucumber flowers, not forgetting to pick one for his sisters.

In the end, Ye Xingchen didn't bother with them anymore. After almost picking them, Yang Mi led them out and entered the next base.

"My family also grows cucumbers, and they grow bigger than this one." Ye Xingchen chatted with them after they came out.

"You have a vegetable garden? Wow, that's great."

Li Sidani said enviously.

Ye Xingchen shook his head: "No, my grandfather will grow a little vegetable in the yard, like cabbage, cucumber, beans, loofah, all of them."

"Grow it yourself? Are you selling it?"

"No, I ate it myself, and during that period of time, I caught this kind of vegetable and ate it crazily. What impressed me most was that one winter, my family planted a lot of cabbage, fried cabbage for breakfast, stewed cabbage for lunch, and cold salad for dinner Cabbage, I felt like I was turning into cabbage when I ate it."

Ye Xingchen unconsciously brought a smile on his face as he recalled.

"I'm so envious. I also hope that one day I can grow and cook my own vegetables, and live a self-sufficient life. It's comfortable." Li Sidani pouted her lips, looking forward to it.

Ye Xingchen felt very strange. To be honest, there are almost a lot of farmers like this in some small villages, but the people in the village want to earn more money to escape this kind of life and go to the "good life" outside, but on the other hand These celebrities, even some business tycoons, want to live a more primitive life. Could it be that this is going back to basics? (Actually, I was full.)
"Okay, I have a chance to take you to my hometown. When the time comes, I will let you experience it. You may find that it is different from what you imagined." Ye Xingchen also said casually, and he didn't take it seriously, but Li Sidan But Ni took it seriously, and Mai Mai next to her was also very interested in it. It seemed that they all wanted to experience what it was like to eat cabbage all winter.

Well, the good times have passed for a long time, I just want to play some vibrato, play flowers in the city.

Soon the staff here brought them to the potato planting base.

"What kind of plant is this?" Han Dongjun said, pointing to this piece of land.

Before the staff could speak, Ye Xingchen said first, "Potatoes."

"Yes, this handsome guy is right, this area is our potato planting area, and this large area is full of it." The staff looked at Ye Xingchen with some surprise, he didn't expect that among these celebrities, there would actually be someone who knew this kind of potato. For plants, he thought that the stars were the ones who didn't enter the world, but he didn't expect there to be an expert.

Li Sidani asked in surprise: "Have you ever grown potatoes at home?"

"No." Ye Xingchen looked at a loss.

"Then how do you know it's a potato?"

Li Sidani pointed to the green grass-like leaves and said.

Ye Xingchen's blank expression became even more confused, he scratched his head, and said cautiously: "Isn't it obvious at a glance?"


"Okay, you're cruel, can you tell me what major you studied in university?" Li Sidani really wanted to hear from Ye Xingchen about the major of agriculture, but things backfired...

Ye Xingchen said slowly: "I'm from the Department of Computer Science, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk to you. Stand far away from me, so that I won't look like an idiot." Li Sidani took the initiative to take three steps back.

Seeing two bickering Mai Mai next to her, covering her mouth and giggling, she stepped forward and hugged Li Si's arm to comfort her, "Don't compare yourself to him, he's just a freak, let's grab potatoes quickly."

Then Mai Mai took out two small shovels out of nowhere like magic.

Li Sidani just took it, and before she could make a move, Ye Xingchen's annoying voice came from there: "Shouldn't we use a hoe to dig potatoes?"

"Well, because this potato is not the normal-sized potato that we grow at home, it's the black potato, so it's a little smaller, so we don't need a hoe." At this time, the staff explained with a smile.

Ye Xingchen: "Black King Kong Potatoes, Black Beauty Potatoes?"

"That's right, it's these two. Are you really not an agronomy major?" Although this is the most basic common sense for those who are engaged in planting fruits and vegetables, it is not for ordinary people. Look up the variety of potatoes, let alone this special type of potato.

Ye Xingchen can tell the variety of potatoes at once, which at least shows that he has a wide range of knowledge.

"No, I usually read more miscellaneous things, so I saw this new type in magazines." Ye Xingchen was still very humble, as if he knew it by luck.

"That's pretty impressive." For the knowledgeable staff, the staff did have a good impression of Ye Xingchen.

At this moment, the older brothers and sisters who were standing next to him all stared at Ye Xingchen. At this moment, they all wanted to remove this person from the group chat, so as not to appear stupid.

"Forget it, I'll catch potatoes, give me a small shovel." Yang Mi took a shovel and started to "experience life" in the field.

Yang Kaili suddenly suggested, "Why don't we compare who has dug more."

"Okay, the one who digs the least will help the one who digs the most to carry the potatoes." Li Si said excitedly.

"I'll start quickly." Mai Mai walked down cautiously, gently peeled off the safety film in one place, and then dug under the vine.

Seeing Mai Mai start, the others hurriedly carried a frame and started to work. When it was Ye Xingchen's turn, only the smallest shovel was left.That is one-half of a normal shovel.

"Hey, do you dare to be more refined? It's not fair." Ye Xingchen protested holding the small and exquisite shovel.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Jinmai smiled slyly: "You can just admit defeat and carry it for us, hahahaha."

She covered her mouth and laughed loudly, because it was her pleasure to be able to trick Ye Xingchen at this moment.

Seeing this guy's naughty look there, he almost wrote the word "white-eyed wolf" on his face.

Oh, it doesn't matter, Ye Xingchen still has some experience in this kind of thing. After all, he also dug potatoes in his hometown when he was a child. Running to help, I thought it was fun at that time.

30.00% of this thing depends on luck, and [-]% depends on experience. Although the species are different, they are one species after all. Ye Xingchen knows it clearly from the beginning of digging, not to mention that knowledge in his library is not for nothing.

After a while, Ye Xingchen's basket was already half filled with "mini potato mines".

Compared with the other five or six, seven or eight, Ye Xingchen is not digging potatoes, this damn is sweeping.

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