"Enough should be enough." Ye Xingchen stood up and looked at the potatoes in his basket and said to himself.

Ding Chengxin is looking for new potato vines by himself because he has not harvested much, hoping to have a big harvest.

When he came to Ye Xingchen's side, he glanced at his receipt, and was stunned: "This can't be just dug."

Ye Xingchen took off his gloves slowly, patted the soil that he didn't believe was sticking to his body just now, and replied: "Otherwise, could it be that they crawled out of the ground by themselves? I won't bully you anymore. Let’s say it’s a one-by-one comparison, let’s go together.”

The arrogance and self-confidence in Ye Xingchen's tone were already evident. Although it made others uncomfortable to hear it, after all, the basket of "strength" was slowly placed.

After handing over his shovel to Ding Chengxin, Ye Xingchen went over there with his hands behind his back to see the battle situation of the others.

When I first came here, I saw Maimai digging out a relatively large potato. To be honest, it is not easy for this type of potato to grow to such a large size.

Seeing that Maimai dug such a big potato, Yang Mi couldn't help admiring him: "It's great, Maimai, you have been taken care of by the God of Potatoes today."

Li Sidani took it over and looked at it, and successfully added a title to Mai Mai: "Mai, you will be the legendary "God of Beans" from now on."

"Yeah, not bad, you've dug so much here. Huo, there's another big one," Ye Xingchen came over with his hands behind his back like the old man, and looked at how many "receipts" everyone had in their baskets.

Mai Mai picked up the big potato he had just dug, and threw the ball at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen subconsciously crossed his hands to block it.

When he heard Mai Mai's happy laughter, he realized that he had been tricked.

When she looked at Mai Mai again, she was holding the potato in her hand, her little head was happily shaking from side to side, with a smile on her face after a successful prank.

Just as Ye Xingchen wanted to say something, Yang Mi asked, "How much have you dug, and you still have the time to come to us to add a full stop? Is it possible that you want to promote the spirit of a gentleman and plan to give up the game in advance to prevent us from being troubled?"

Ye Xingchen glanced at Ding Chengxin, and Ding Chengxin glanced at him. After the two looked at each other, Xiao Ding understood immediately, got up and brought a basket full of potatoes over.

"I go!"

Seeing that basket, and then looking at their own, it is obvious that the winner is the point.

Yang Mi patted Han Dongjun who was digging potatoes hard and said, "Sun God, stop digging, you dig too much."

"What?" The Sun God, who didn't know what was going on, stood up and was taken aback, "I'll go, who dug this?"

"It must be me." Ye Xingchen made a standard knight ceremony, and then looked at them proudly, "I don't need to take care of the hard work now, you guys work hard."


On the way back, Ye Xingchen was walking behind with all the vegetables picked today, and Zhao Jinmai was beside him carefully holding an umbrella for him.

"I won, why do you still let me move? It's not fair."

Ye Xingchen's eyes were full of "unwillingness and dissatisfaction".

Yang Mi narrowed his eyes with a smile, then chased after Ye Xingchen and said, "I didn't tell you to move, Mai Mai is the last one, you just said that you want to promote the spirit of a gentleman, otherwise, you give these to me." Maimai, are you holding an umbrella beside me and let Maimai carry it?"

"Forget it, I'll be fine." Ye Xingchen gave Yang Mi a blank look and walked quickly to the front.

And Mai Mai hurriedly followed and helped Ye Xingchen unpack the umbrella, just like a little follower.

Ye Xingchen lowered his head and glanced at Mai Mai, and said in a gentle tone: "You still have a conscience."

Zhao Jinmai chuckled: "Of course, I know you've worked hard, Young Master Ye, so I'm here to help you hold an umbrella."


Ye Xingchen snorted arrogantly, then strode forward with his head held high.

Some people say that love is not holding an umbrella for each other on a rainy day, but two people getting in the rain together.This sentence is not entirely correct. The love between Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai is that they are reluctant to let each other get wet, so they have to hold umbrellas for each other.

After visiting the botanical garden in the morning, nothing interesting happened. The only thing that made Ye Xingchen happy was the two of them walking together in the rain, although they were forced to.

"Finally I'm done with my work, I can rest for a while, why doesn't it stop raining?" Zhang Kaili said.

At this time, everyone has come to the temporary camp, so it is convenient to have a lunch here.

"Everyone, hurry up and come in, we can finally eat."

Yang Mi greeted everyone to hurry in.

After everyone was seated, Zhao Jinmai realized where Ye Xingchen had gone?Even though she was still by her side just now, it was gone in the blink of an eye, and Ding Chengxin was gone too.

"Where did Xing Chen and younger brother go?" Yang Mi also found that two people were missing, and looked around to find their figures.

"Over there." Li Sidani pointed to the two people who ran over and said.

Everyone looked in the direction of the fingers and found that Ye Xingchen and Ding Chengxin were still holding a pile of clothes in their hands.

Liu Mingtao said, "Bring us some clothes."

"I love it, my brothers are so kind, my heart suddenly warmed up." The two younger brothers touched Zhang Kaili's tears. After all, they are old and too emotional, and they are particularly sensitive to this aspect.

After Ye Xingchen and Ding Chengxin ran over, they distributed their clothes to everyone.

Ding Chengxin was the first to give the clothes to Zhang Kaili: "Sister, put this on quickly."

"Ding, Xiaochen, hurry up and put it on, it's cold." Zhang Kaili couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw the thick clothes that the two boys hadn't put on yet.

"We also took the clothes for the two of us. Everyone has them. Sister, please put on your clothes quickly."

Ye Xingchen passed the new white down jacket to Mai Mai calmly, and it was indeed the one that he was a couple with.

"This..." Maimai looked at Ye Xingchen in surprise, wondering where this clothes came from.

Ye Xingchen smiled and blinked at her, then continued to pass the clothes to the others.

After everyone put on their clothes, they realized that the two big boys were still wearing a simple jacket at this time. Fortunately, Ye Xingchen was wearing a windbreaker, anyway, it didn't feel particularly cold in this weather.

"Are you cold? Why don't you wear these clothes." Zhang Kaili looked at the two and said.

"No, I brought thick clothes, but I didn't take them. I don't think it's very cold, you see. Isn't there a coat?" Ye Xingchen pulled up the zipper of his clothes.

Ding Chengxin sat next to Ye Xingchen, and responded: "I'm not cold either, we are young and in good health."

Now that the two children had spoken, Zhang Kaili didn't continue to force her. There was hot tea on the table, and when there was soup, she pushed them over: "Hurry up and drink some hot soup to warm yourself up. Alas, they are all good children."

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