After having Ye Xingchen along the way, the task of driving was handed over to two boys. Ye Xingchen was indeed a little sleepy, the reason was self-evident, he didn't sleep well last night.

"Okay, then you should pay attention to rest, Li Sikai will do." Yang Mi said empathetically.

Ye Xingchen smiled at her, thanking her for her understanding.

After Zhang Kaili heard this, she immediately put down the food in her hand and said, "I can open it."

"Sister, it's raining today, let Li Si come."

Although the rain has lightened for a while, it is uncertain on the road. After all, the rain became very heavy when we came today, so Yang Mi is more worried about everyone's safety.

Yang Kaili still wanted to struggle a bit, and insisted, "I'm coming on flat ground, so I can drive a little slower."

"No need, sister, Danni and I, just come. You can drive when the weather gets better." Han Dongjun and Yang Mi had exactly the same idea. But it's big.

Li Sidani also said aloud at this time: "It's okay, sister, let me drive."

"The key is that I get motion sickness. I can feel more comfortable when I drive. I will drive carefully and nothing will go wrong." Facing the rejection of everyone, Zhang Kaili felt rather uncomfortable.

Yang Mi: "Wait until the weather clears up, sister, because there will be mountain roads soon, and the roads will still be slippery..."

In fact, people who don't get motion sickness can't understand the pain of motion sickness at all. Ye Xingchen also gets motion sickness, so he knows it's uncomfortable, so he will try to sit in the front when he gets in the car later.

Seeing that Yang Kaili was obviously unhappy, Ye Xingchen took out a bottle of motion sickness medicine from somewhere and handed it to Yang Kaili, saying: "Sister, I think Sister Mi and Brother Jun are more considerate, the more rainy the mountain road is, the easier it will be." Accidents. So you can sit in the front of the car, take a motion sickness pill before you get in the car, and then you can listen to a brighter song, which I always do when I get motion sickness, and it works."

Hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Yang Kaili accepted it half-believingly, smiled again and said, "Thank you, Xiaochen, what should you do if you give it to me?"

"Don't worry about me, I still have more, you see." Ye Xingchen took out two more bottles from his magic pocket and said.

For Ye Xingchen who often has some strange things in his pocket, Zhao Jinmai has long been familiar with it. How can the two of them have lived together for so many years (it can be regarded as living in a dream.), although it was true at the beginning. Will ask, but then become numb.

However, just because she doesn't ask doesn't mean others don't ask. No, Yang Mi's curiosity was aroused: "Xiaochen, is that a pocket or a schoolbag? Why do you bring three bottles of motion sickness medicine when you go out?"

Ye Xingchen thought for a while, then showed his two rows of white teeth and smiled, "Be prepared."

"Absolutely." Yang Mi couldn't help giving Ye Xingchen a thumbs up.

"Okay, let me sit in the front and try." In the end, Zhang Kaili was ready to believe Ye Xingchen. After all, he was a person who had fallen in the end of the world. As a suffering person who suffered from motion sickness, Ye Xingchen's method was quite credible.

"Haha, it won't be uncomfortable, and I can take a nap and rest on the way." Ye Xingchen swore.

Then everyone ate two more casually, and then no one moved their chopsticks again, and they all looked full.

Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Yang Mi didn't waste time: "Let's go there a little while earlier as the rain is light."

Han Dongjun got up and reminded: "Okay, then pack up your things and don't leave them behind."

Yang Mi nodded and said, "Yes, yes, take your belongings and let's go."

After throwing things away at the beginning, now the entire Huashaotuan is very sensitive in checking for gaps and making up for leaks, in order to make sure not to lose anything, because I really don't want to make trouble because of this kind of person.

When they came to the car, Mai Mai and Yang Mi specially sat in the back seat this time, leaving the co-pilot position to Ye Xingchen, paying attention to the details.

"Thank you." Ye Xingchen said to the two people behind after getting into the car.

"Go to sleep now."

"Take a break now."

Yang Mi and Zhao Jinmai spoke at the same time.

"Okay." Seeing this scene, Ye Xingchen's heart warmed up, and he didn't say much. After fastening his seat belt, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Li Sidani felt that she was being left out, and her face was a little displeased, she said savoringly: "Obviously I helped you drive, okay, you can rest without me, why don't you thank me."

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, turned his head and hesitated for a while and said, "Before I came, weren't you the driver?"

Li Sidani: "..."

Pricking Lao Tie's heart, Li Sidani felt that her heart had been frozen into ice slag from this moment on.

"Just kidding, thank you, Miss Danni." Seeing Li Sidani's aggrieved look, Ye Xingchen chuckled, and quickly coaxed her.

Remedial after the event is definitely not as good as preparing in advance. It is obvious that the heart has been hurt, how could it be easily "repaired" by such "perfunctory" words.

"No sincerity, go to sleep and leave me alone, it's really annoying."

Li Sidani waved away Ye Xingchen in disgust, now she just wanted to keep this guy away from her.

Ye Xingchen looked at her, then looked back at the two people behind who were gloating and giggling, spread his hands helplessly, folded his hands on his chest and continued to sleep, and soon fell asleep under the blessing of motion sickness medicine.

On the way, Li Sidani became more and more angry as she thought about it. Looking at Ye Xingchen who was sleeping next to her, she turned on the car music with a smirk.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen who was on the co-pilot, and said puzzledly: "Sister Danni, Ye Xingchen is sleeping, don't wake him up."

After listening to Mai Mai's words, Li Sidani hesitated for a moment, turned off the music, looked at Mai Mai in the rearview mirror and said in a low voice: "Mai Mai, your elbows are turning out now, right?"

"Where do I have it?" Mai Mai said with her arms folded on the seat in front of her, and she poked her head forward.

"Yes, after Ye Xingchen came here, he didn't care about me at all, woo woo woo." I have to say that the star's acting skills are superb, and tears came out of his eyes in a few seconds.

Seeing her funny look, Yang Mi couldn't help but blame her: "Okay, stop making trouble, drive well, be quiet and let Xiaochen sleep for a while. The sentence you just said will be cut out again, don't edit it for others Teacher is causing trouble."

"Okay." The so-called one thing is one thing, Li Sidani is the existence ruled by Yang Mi. One of the two is a "eater" and the other is a "ingredient". The food chain is very clear.

He didn't wake Ye Xingchen up just now, maybe he was really tired, and he slept soundly on the way.

After about another half hour, everyone finally arrived at the zoo, and the rain became very light.

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