The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 461 Ye Xingchen, Do You Have a Fever?

Li Sidani slowed down the car, then pulled out her hand and shook Ye Xingchen who was still sleeping vigorously: "Wake up and don't sleep, we are here, sleeping like a pig."

Ye Xingchen was awakened in a daze, and opened his eyes very weakly to look: "So fast? Why do I feel like I just fell asleep. Ah~"

Stretching out, I looked out the window that the rain had stopped.

"I've been asleep for more than an hour, okay." Li Sidani said disgustedly.

Looking at Ye Xingchen's listless look, Zhao Jinmai felt that he was a bit abnormal today. He had never been so tired when he was on vigil for Miaomiao at the airport, so he asked with concern: "Ye Xingchen, do you have a fever?"

"Fever?" Yang Mi quickly reached out and touched Ye Xingchen's head.

Ye Xingchen thought that Yang Mi was going to "harm" again and quickly ran away: "Sister, what are you doing?"

"Don't move, I'll check if you have a fever." Yang Mi reached out and grabbed Ye Xingchen, then touched his forehead, then touched his own, it didn't feel very hot.

Ye Xingchen also touched his forehead and said, "It's okay, I just didn't sleep well last night."

"But you were fine when you were in the botanical garden? I didn't see that your mental condition was so bad." Zhao Jinmai's eyes were full of worry, and her face also showed anxiety.

Ye Xingchen smiled at her, and then comforted her: "Maybe it's because I'm full for lunch and then I want to go to bed. After all, I feel sleepy when I'm full."

Originally, he wanted to say it subconsciously, but he was quick-witted and swallowed the last two words.

But the three people next to him were not fools, so they naturally knew what this guy said just now, so they all gave him a blank stare.

"Don't worry about me, it's just a little motion sickness, it's not a big problem. What kind of animal is that outside?" Ye Xingchen looked outside, trying to divert everyone's attention.

"Wow, the alpaca." Mai Mai glanced at it and said excitedly.

Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai in disbelief, then carefully considered his tone and said, "Uh... isn't that a goat?"

"Ah, is it a goat? I saw it wrong." Maimai covered her face in shame and smiled after taking a closer look.

Ye Xingchen shook his head. He thought that Miao Miao seems to be a little short-sighted. The two trips back and forth won't infect her. Well, I will definitely take her to have her degree tested when I have a chance.

The car took another small road before reaching the entrance of the zoo.

Yang Mi suddenly pointed there and said, "Mai Mina is the alpaca."

"Hahaha, Maimai's eyes are amazing." Li Sidani chuckled twice and parked the car behind another car, "Let's go, let's see our lovely alpaca."

After parking the car, Li Sidani was about to run down like a wild horse that had run loose.

Ye Xingchen also walked down slowly, moved his body, and then followed everyone.

It can be seen that after coming to the zoo, everyone's interest doubled. The girls have no resistance to cute things, let alone cute alpacas. Of course, I am talking about alpacas that don't spit.

"Wow, here comes the alpaca." Liu Mintao and Zhang Kaili walked ahead excitedly.

Ye Xingchen walked at the back without slowing down.

Zhao Jinmai looked at him from time to time, and finally walked straight towards him.

Ye Xingchen also walked towards her slowly: "What's wrong?"

"Are you all right?" Mai Mai reached out to touch Ye Xingchen's forehead after coming to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen was helpless, and took the initiative to lower his head so that Mai Mai's hand could reach him: "How about it, don't be hot."

Maimai didn't feel too hot after feeling it for a while: "If you don't feel well, tell us, don't hold yourself up."

"I'm not stupid, don't worry. Let's go, let's go see the alpacas."

Little did he know that when Ye Xingchen turned his head, he saw the other six people staring at them.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you looking at us?" Ye Xingchen's hair was inexplicable when he was watched.

Zhao Jinmai also subconsciously hid behind Ye Xingchen's back at this time, and then felt that he was too guilty, so he walked out without a look on his face.

"Let me say that the two of you are on the same spot as the CP, let's just officially announce the CP, and don't let the fans guess, it's quite a torment for them." Yang Mi said to the two.

"What? Sister Mi, don't make trouble."

Zhao Jinmai ran over shyly, keeping a distance from Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen shrugged and said, "Hurry up and take a look at your cute alpacas. When it rains heavily, let's see how you go shopping."

The staff who had already been waiting here said to them: "Those who need to wear isolation clothes."

"it is good."

At this time, everyone changed into isolation clothes, took the food that could be fed, and went down to have a close contact with the alpaca.

Ye Xingchen also likes cute creatures. From the way he treated Xueqiu at the beginning, he could tell that Miaomiao was neglected for a while when he first got it. Thinking about it now... he was right.

When he came to a little alpaca, Ye Xingchen took the carrot and handed it over to feed it. The little alpaca also came over to eat the carrot in Ye Xingchen's hands with dignity. Ye Xingchen took this opportunity to gently touch it.

The vicuna also seems to find Ye Xingchen very kind, after all, the buff on him can be eaten by humans and animals.

"It's cute, isn't it?" Zhao Jinmai was also holding something to feed these little ones at this time, but compared to Ye Xingchen, she was still cautious, as if she was afraid of being bitten.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai who wanted to touch but was afraid, and couldn't help laughing: "It's very obedient, it won't bite you, do you want to pet it?"

Ye Xingchen patted the llama demonstratively, and Maimai's heart was indeed a little too lazy.

"I, I'll give it a try. You help me press it." Zhao Jinmai carefully stretched out her hand and touched the alpaca's small head slowly.

When it was about to touch it, the vicuna suddenly moved, which frightened Mai Mai, and the soles of his feet slipped and he was about to fall backwards.

Ye Xingchen had to react quickly and grabbed Mai Mai's hand, and pulled it forward forcefully. Due to inertia, Zhao Jinmai directly bumped into Ye Xingchen's arms.

"You guys... are going too far."

The sudden voice startled both of them, Mai Mai hurriedly pushed Ye Xingchen away, and took a few steps back.

Li Sidani "examined" the two people in front of her, throwing dog food in front of her, it was too bullying.

"Just now I almost fell accidentally, Ye Xingchen just pulled me." Zhao Jinmai waved her hand in a panic to explain.

Ye Xingchen looked at the silly girl next to him and was speechless for a while, explaining why, the more he explained, the darker it became, and also, why should we explain our relationship, she is not blind.

"Hmph, ignore you, I want cp too." After speaking, he turned his head and left angrily.

Yang Mi and the others naturally noticed this side. After all, it's such a big place, it's hard not to pay attention. She walked over and pulled Mai Mai behind her, then poked Ye Xingchen's head fiercely with her finger , said in a low voice: "I told you to restrain yourself, but you are getting more and more presumptuous."

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