The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 462 Keep a Safe Distance of 3 Meters

Chapter 462 Keep a Safe Distance of 3 Meters

Faced with Yang Mi's accusation, Zhao Jinmai's face was full of grievances: "Just now I really almost fell, Ye Xingchen just pulled me, if you don't believe me, ask him."

Zhao Jinmai and Yang Mi sent people to look at Ye Xingchen at the same time.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then smirked: "She's right."

Zhao Jinmai: "..."

It's better not to explain your expression, Mai Mai thought in his heart at this moment.

Yang Mi waved his hands impatiently, and said, "Okay, you, you two, you two are not allowed to get so close today, keep a distance of 3 meters, and neither of you is allowed to talk to each other, and you two will be the same in the future." , let's talk."

"?" Ye Xingchen's eyes widened and he looked at Yang Mi incredulously, thinking to himself, didn't you tell us to restrain yourself just now, why are you still on the highway now?

After hearing Yang Mi's words, Zhao Jinmai's slightly red face and eyes instantly deepened, and she said angrily, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

Only then did Yang Mi realize that what he just said was ambiguous, so he explained to the two of them again: "I mean, you two will talk about it later when you have a chance to make an official announcement. What are you thinking? It's too dirty."

Ye Xingchen frantically rolled his eyes at Yang Mi, didn't he know who polluted you?

That is to say, Zhao Jinmai didn't know anything about this blank piece of paper, and thought it was her own reason for wanting to be crooked.

Afterwards, Yang Mi brought Mai Mai to play, and then asked Ye Xingchen to go shopping elsewhere.

Ye Xingchen was a favorite among the alpacas, and they all went to Ye Xingchen, which caused Ye Xingchen's mobile phone to feed all the carrots and they didn't disperse. Zhang Kaili and the others didn't pay much attention to them.

"What's going on here, why are you looking for Xiaochen?" Liu Mintao asked.

Li Sidani felt aggrieved and hugged Liu Mingtao next to her, crying: "I don't know, I feed them and ignore me, it's too bullying, they all bully me, even the alpacas bully me."

"Who bullied you, hit him." Liu Mintao quickly hugged Li Sidani, patted her on the back and comforted her.


Looking along the position of Li Sidani's finger, it was impressively where Ye Xingchen was standing.

Ye Xingchen hesitated for a moment, pointed to himself and asked, "Me? What's wrong with me? I didn't tell them not to eat. They didn't eat it themselves. It has nothing to do with me. Hey, hey, don't lick me." Ah, don't lick, help, help."

Ye Xingchen struggled among the alpacas.

This made the people next to him laugh, and Mai Mai also stood there looking at Ye Xingchen who was calling for help, and couldn't help but feel it was particularly amused.

While Ye Xingchen resisted, he saw that this group of people didn't help him, and he was still watching his excitement from the sidelines, a black line could not help showing on his forehead.

In the end, Ye Xingchen was able to escape with the help of the staff.

"I didn't expect my brother to be so handsome that he could kill him all. Those alpacas ignored us, but were very kind to you." Yang Mi teased.

Ye Xingchen smelled the smell on his body. Fortunately, because of the protective clothing, he didn't get it on his clothes, otherwise he would really have suicidal thoughts.

"None of you saved me just now. I was still laughing until I didn't save me. It's too hateful." Ye Xingchen turned around and angrily condemned everyone.

Han Dongjun held back his smile and said, "I'm surprised by this. We saw that the alpaca was kind to you, so why bother us?"

Ye Xingchen curled his lips, wanting to swear, but in the end he held back, and then looked at Zhao Jinmai who was still giggling, this time he was so angry that he wanted to "teach" her a lesson.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen wanted to come over, Zhao Jinmai quickly hid behind Yang Mi, and gently pulled Yang Mi's sleeve with his hand.

Immediately, the smile on Yang Mi's face disappeared, and he warned Ye Xingchen not to let him come over with his eyes: "Huh? Forgot what you just said?"

Ye Xingchen stopped helplessly, thought for a while and took a few steps back.

Mai Mai showed his little head from behind, stuck out his tongue at Ye Xingchen mischievously, then shook his head triumphantly.

This action really stunned Ye Xingchen, and suddenly a different feeling surged from his body, and he was no longer as angry as before.

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, let's go to the next place." Ye Xingchen shook off his sleeves and turned his head to start to the next place.

"Let's go, keep up."


The staff prepared two cars for Hua Shaotuan, which were four-wheeled luxury convertible electric cars.

Because of what happened today, Ye Xingchen was successfully driven by Yang Mi to Han Dongjun's side.

"Why did my brother come here? I don't want you over there." Han Dongjun watched Ye Xingchen walk over with his head down and sighed, and asked casually.

"Ang, Sister Mi asked me to come here, and brother and brother please take me in." Ye Xingchen sat in the back row regardless of whether he agreed or not.

"Okay, they don't want us to." Han Dongjun didn't care, and readily agreed. After all, here is the real division of labor between men and women, and the boys' team is against the girls'.

The camera returns to Yang Mi.

"Who is driving, Mai Mai, come on, can you drive Mai Mai?" Yang Mi asked.

Zhao Jinmai sat in the driver's seat, dictating the steering wheel and said nervously, "Let me try."

Seeing Mai Mai's nervous look, Li Sidani sat next to her and said, "This is very simple, I'll help you look after it."

"En." Zhao Jinmai stepped on the accelerator carefully and started the car slowly.

The clumsy movements can't help but make people feel amused.

"Where should I go?" Mai Mai, who was driving slowly, was a little confused.

At this time, Han Dongjun's car passed by, Liu Mintao pointed to the car in front and said, "Mai Mai, just follow them."


Mai Mai carefully turned the steering wheel, his whole body was very serious, and his movements were obviously a little stiff.

Yang Mi couldn't help teasing from behind: "Look how serious Mai Mai is, this posture is straight and straight."

"Haha, I'm afraid of overturning the car, it's a crime." Mai Mai said cutely covering her mouth.

Yang Mi: "We don't blame you if the car overturns if nothing happens. The main reason is that I am afraid that someone will blame us."

Li Sidani and Yang Mi glanced at each other and understood what she meant immediately, and immediately said: "Yes, I'm afraid someone will blame us."

"What, weird?" Of course, Mai Mai sensed what the two of them meant, after all, he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with the first score in the art test.

Slowly Mai Mai caught up with Han Dongjun in front, and the two cars were driving side by side. Only then did Ye Xingchen see that Mai Mai was driving, and he looked stupid.

"Mai Mai, be careful." Ye Xingchen instructed in a very gentle tone.

In fact, I was too tired, so I felt a little empty when I spoke.

Zhao Jinmai: "I know."

(End of this chapter)

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