The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 464 Ye Xingchen Explains the Wolf Pack System

This time, Ye Xingchen, Han Dongjun, Ding Ding and the others walked to the fence and looked at the wolves below.

It was obviously the first time for Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin to actually see an animal like a wolf, and they were obviously more excited, and even these two foolish howls imitated the cry of a wolf.

Ye Xingchen was caught in the middle and looked at the barking of the two next to him speechlessly. This barking, this posture, and this temperament were obviously two huskies. He shook his head and began to observe the wolves below.

"Wow, their howls are so vicious." Zhao Jinmai felt inexplicably nervous and frightened when he heard the low growls of the wolves below.

Hearing this voice, Han Dongjun suddenly thought, "Is it time for dinner and you're hungry?"

"Yes, they are greedy for your meat, we will throw you in after a while." Yang Mi said with a smile.

"One box per person, this is food for them."

The staff began to give everyone a small transparent box with something white in it. They also took several pairs of gloves for everyone. Ye Xingchen guessed that this should be food for the wolves.Well, sure enough, they came here today to be free breeders.

After Ye Xingchen put on the gloves, he took the box, lay down on the fence, grabbed a little with his hand, and threw it towards the wolves.

The two or three wolves in front rushed up to fight, while the others stood still on the periphery.

"Did you see, it jumped up just now, so powerful." Yang Mi grabbed the food and threw it at the wolf below.

It was those wolves who came to snatch the food, and two of them even bitten, and the wild roar continued to reach the ears of the members of the Hua Shaotuan.

"It's so fierce, that one, it's biting other wolves." The kind-hearted Maimai said with some embarrassment when he saw this scene.

Yang Mi also noticed that this wolf was different, because the wolves on the periphery were all afraid of it: "This should be the alpha wolf, he is the boss of this pack of wolves."

"However, the other wolves didn't eat at all. It is too greedy. I'll try to throw it farther away so that it can't grab it." In fact, it's not just Mai Mai who can't bear it, but also Li Si and the others who are girls.

But the result of this was not very good. Although this move successfully allowed the wolves on the periphery to eat a little food, at the same time, those wolves who ate food were also bitten and warned by the head wolf.

"My God, this wolf is so ruthless, it really bites its neck." Han Dongjun pointed down and said in shock.

And Ye Xingchen hasn't fed food since he fed it once, but has been lying on the railing to observe the wolves below, looking for their respective ranks.

At this time, Yang Mi also found out that Ye Xingchen had been lying there without saying a word since throwing the food once. For some reason, she thought Ye Xingchen was frightened, so she patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder and laughed: " What's the matter, our Young Master Ye is scared?"

Ye Xingchen smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't continue teasing him after ignoring him, Yang Mi asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

This time Ye Xingchen was not silent, and told her directly: "I am observing the status of each wolf in the pack."

"Oh? Then do you understand?" Yang Mi continued to ask with great interest.

Ye Xingchen casually pointed to the stronger wolf that was biting other wolves and said, "That is the leader of this pack of wolves."

Yang Mi chuckled: "This fool can see it, okay, you are still here to study."

Ye Xingchen ignored her but continued to point to another brown-black wolf and said, "And this one is the spouse of the head wolf. The two of them make the rules for the whole pack, and then strictly abide by the rules. Each wolf pack is led by a dominant mate and even has its own defined social structure."

Ye Xingchen turned around and leaned back against the railing and continued to say to them: "You guys also noticed that these two wolves are basically grabbing food when feeding, and the rest of the wolves are waiting outside, not daring to go up." Ahead. Probably because they were too hungry, some of them wanted to go up to snatch it, but they were dismissed by the low growl of the wolf, which was a warning.

The members of the wolf pack are very clear about their physical structure, and generally barking their teeth and growling among themselves is enough to maintain the system. "

"That's it." Mai Mai and the others nodded half-understanding.

"What's wrong with that wolf, it's been outside all the time, and it runs away when I throw food at it." Ding Chengxin asked, pointing to the outermost wolf.

Ye Xingchen also turned his head to see the wolf and continued: "It is the lowest in the whole wolf pack, and it will only eat after all the wolves are full. This is the rule."

"This rule is too cruel." Zhao Jinmai said, looking at the wolf's helpless and timid look.

"These fights may seem cruel, but the resulting social structure will promote the unity and strength of the entire wolf pack, and these are necessary for the wolf pack. After you see the scene of the wolf pack hunting for food, you will find them Great teamwork, which is inseparable from these systems."

Ye Xingchen, like Baikuquanshu, took the trouble to explain the whole system of wolves to them.

Even the wolf breeder at the back couldn't help but praise a few words: "This handsome little guy knows a lot, that's right, that's how wolves hunt, it's cruel."

"Throw it far away, so that it can't grab it." Although Maimai understands, he still picks up the food and throws it farther away.

The end result is still the same, the head wolf is not full, and the other wolves will be attacked as soon as they eat the food.

After thinking for a while, Yang Mi stepped forward and said, "Come on, give it to brother."

"Also feed it, let it eat it." Zhang Kaili said.

"Ye Xingchen, do you think the other wolves have never resisted?" Mai Mai asked very seriously at this time.

Ye Xingchen knew that Zhao Jinmai was kind-hearted, so he paused and said, "Yes, the lower-level members of the wolf pack will occasionally question the authority of the elders of the wolf clan, but in the end they will be bullied by the entire wolf pack, or even expelled."

"Expulsion?" Everyone crowded around curiously, waiting for Ye Xingchen's explanation.

"Yes, expelled. The expelled wolves will leave the wolf pack. They cannot join other wolf packs again. The only way is to form a wolf pack by themselves, otherwise the result..." Ye Xingchen's tone sank, but then he continued "Normally, such a situation does not happen. Although the status is low, under the shelter of the entire wolf pack, you can still fill your stomach, unless the wolf is really strong and can replace the wolf as the leader, or form your own."

Everyone who knew the cruelty of the wolves fell silent at this moment, thinking about this system.

Because of Zhao Jinmai's memory in the workplace, he can't understand the wolf culture very well. Those with strong abilities are eaten, and those with weak abilities can only be eliminated.

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