However, she still couldn't bear to watch those poor wolves starve, so she and Ding Chengxin walked forward to a place far away from the wolves, and then fed the surrounding wolves with food.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen didn't say anything. Everyone has a heart of compassion, and it is because of the heart of compassion that people can be called human beings. If everyone is a selfish person, then the beautiful life we ​​have now may not be possible.

Ye Xingchen walked to Mai Mai's side, and then gave his own box of food to Mai Mai: "I will give you this too."

Zhao Jinmai looked up at Ye Xingchen for a few seconds, and said something, but just took it silently, and then threw the food to the wolves on the edge.

After feeding all the food, everyone looked at it for a while, and then the staff said: "Okay, it's almost time, let's go back to the camp."

Mai Mai sighed a little, then turned his head and followed everyone back.

Ye Xingchen followed her leisurely, and said, "Natural selection, survival of the fittest. You already understood this."

Obviously, this sentence refers to Mai Mai's experience in the workplace at that time, and it was so cruel at that time, but she also successfully used her ability to become the backbone force, at least she broke away from the bottom.

Zhao Jinmai stopped suddenly, turned around suddenly and put out a pistol, then made a biu sound to Ye Xingchen and said triumphantly, "You are dead."

At this time, Ye Xingchen looked like a flock of black crows were flying over his head. He "indifferently" passed Zhao Jinmai, ignored the fool, and walked forward.

"It's over, my sister is ignored."

Coincidentally, this scene was seen by Han Dongjun, which made Mai Mai, who was originally ashamed, even angrier.

"Hmph!" She quickly walked past Ye Xingchen and let out a heavy snort.

"Hmph!" Ye Xingchen responded unwillingly, but unfortunately the other party didn't tease him this time.

Yang Mi, who didn't know what was going on, looked at Han Dongjun suspiciously, and asked, "What happened?"

Han Dongjun walked over with a truthful smile and said:
"Just now Mai Mai's posses to my brother were ignored."

Yang Mi: "Really? That's too much."

"I think so too, it's not like Mai Mai is being pissed off again."

Han Dongjun and Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen indignantly, which made Ye Xingchen feel uncomfortable all over, and couldn't help explaining: "I just made a fool of myself, and I didn't mean it. If you don't believe me, ask Mai Mai, Mai Mai? Mai Mai ?”

Ye Xingchen tried to get Zhao Jinmai's forgiveness, and quickly asked her to explain.

But the other party didn't pay attention to him, and that's right, it was only at this time that he thought how Zhao Jinmai would help him, it would be good if he didn't add fuel to the flames.

Just thinking about it, Mai Mai turned around and complained: "He did it on purpose just now, to embarrass me there."


Self-inflicted evil, can not live.After Ye Xingchen was educated by Yang Mi, he was forced to apologize to Mai Mai, but fortunately, Mai Mai let him go.

"Okay, let's go back to camp."

A group of people drove to the new camp again, when the rain had stopped.

After everyone came down, Chen Qingyun (the staff of the zoo) began to arrange the time and precautions for everyone: "Now we have prepared three tents here, and everyone can take a temporary rest here at night. I will take everyone on a night tour of the zoo."

"Oh, good." Han Dongjun nodded to show he knew.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Chen Qingyun arranged for them to move freely: "Then you guys rest first."

"Okay, thank you." Ye Xingchen said.

"You're welcome." Chen Qingyun waved at them and left.

Yang Mi looked at the three tents and said directly: "Then the automatic distribution is over."

"Why is it over, I didn't hear it." Zhang Kaili asked with a big question mark on her head, thinking she just missed it.

Yang Mi then explained again: "I, Li Si, Miaomiao, the three of us, then you, sister Mintao, and the three boys, that's it."

"Okay, okay, okay." Yang Kaili replied.

Ye Xingchen walked towards the lake in front of him full of excitement and said excitedly: "It seems that a place can be used for fishing. I happen to have a fishing rod in my car."

"Why does it feel like moving when you come out once? There are all kinds of weird things." Yang Mi looked Ye Xingchen up and down the humanoid "machine cat", as if trying to see through him.

"After all, I come out to play once. The car is my base. Everything must be complete. The RV is a safe haven. After all, I must be prepared to survive normally when the end of the world comes." Ye Xingchen said falsely.

To be honest, this is not a lie. After all, Ye Xingchen's car is not a simple RV. This car is a product of future technology. Ye Xingchen has not seen the combat mode in it, but according to Heitan, this car is like a car. It is the same as a mobile military fortress, and it is also an S-class military fortress.

Ye Xingchen didn't understand this level division, so he always wanted to see how the battle mode of this car was, but unfortunately he never had the chance.

"Oh? Is that a swan?" Mai Mai suddenly saw four swans on the artificial lake, "It's still a black swan."

Without waiting for everyone to watch for a while, Zhang Kaili pointed to the sky and said, "Look at the wild geese."

When everyone looked up, there was indeed a group of wild geese flying in the air.

"This place is great. There are small animals on the ground, fish and shrimps in the lake, and wild geese in the sky. It's so romantic." Li Sidani said with her hands on her chest in a prayer gesture.

Yang Mi then continued: "I think it's good to live in this kind of place, and the air here is also good, especially suitable for those who cultivate their morality."

Ye Xingchen chuckled and didn't say much, thinking to himself, it's not raining, and I hope you say the same when it rains.

It was getting dark gradually, and Hua Shaotuan decided to go to eat first, and then do other things after filling their stomachs, such as sitting together and chatting nonsense.

The restaurant that everyone came to is a self-service restaurant. You can eat whatever you want, and you can take whatever you want, provided that you don't waste food.

Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun couldn't control themselves after entering this door, and began to sweep around various areas.

Yang Mi looked at the two of them and said with disgust: "Look at the two of them, whoever wants to bring them home will be poor in the future, right Maimai?"

Mai Mai just took a sip of the soup, and the last sentence almost choked her.

"What? Why are you asking me? I don't know." Zhao Jinmai blushed unconsciously when she spoke.

Yang Mi: "I'll just ask you what you think of these two... glutton-like food."

After looking at it for a while, Maimai and the rest looked at each other and said in unison: "Dinner."


Ye Xingchen was eating here while chatting with Han Dongjun, recommending each other from time to time.

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