Chapter 466 Really Soft! !

"Are you full?" Han Dongjun said to Ye Xingchen who was slumped on the chair next to him.

Ye Xingchen touched his chubby stomach and said, "I'm full, I'm full."

"Okay, since everyone is full, let's pay the money and go back to the camp." Yang Mi looked at everyone's satisfied faces and said.

Then he looked at Ye Xingchen and asked, "Xiaochen is so good at eating, why is he still so thin? It's really enviable to eat without gaining weight."

Ye Xingchen took a sip of Pepsi Cola and said slowly: "Before I came to this show, I would exercise and run in the morning every day. After I came, I became degenerate, and I woke up later and later every day. Now my schedule is similar to Brother Han Dongjun's." gone."

"Oh, I'm not happy to hear that. What's wrong with my schedule? I wake up very early, okay?" Han Dongjun said with a curl of his lips.

Ye Xingchen quickly explained: "Brother, I'm not saying that you wake up late, I just said that I woke up very early before. Compared to before, I'm really depraved now."

"Hey, let me tell you, you are boasting yourself in a way." Han Dongjun looked at Ye Xingchen's Versailles and couldn't help reaching out to hit him.

Yang Mi looked at the time and it was almost time, and Mai Mai had already paid the bill, so he interrupted the two of them: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's go to the camp and wait, and let them wait for us when the time is up." not good."

Zhang Kaili: "Let's go there first, let's play after we get there, fight and make trouble."

"it is good."

"Let's go."

"Back to camp."

As soon as everyone came out, they felt that the wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, and with the light rain, the temperature was getting lower and lower.

"Hurry up, it's too cold here." Han Dongjun couldn't help wrapping his clothes tightly.

"Hiss, run." Li Sidani quickly ran to the camp.

The others also changed from walking to running. The cold weather is really tormenting, especially if they haven't changed into thick clothes.

And the down jacket that Zhao Jinmai was wearing at this time was given to her by Ye Xingchen, so for others, she, Yang Mi and Zhang Kaili were wearing very warm clothes.

And Ye Xingchen was still wearing a black jacket, which looked a little thin.

The two stayed at the back of the line on purpose, so that they could chat alone for a while.

"Aren't you cold?" Zhao Jinmai looked up at Ye Xingchen's face and said.

"It's okay." To be honest, Ye Xingchen really didn't feel how cold it was. It might be because his body's cold resistance had improved after the system transformed his body.

But as soon as this sentence was finished, a gust of cold wind blew, and Ye Xingchen couldn't help sneezing:


Zhao Jinmai stopped and asked worriedly, "Do you have a cold?"

Ye Xingchen rubbed his nose, sniffed his nose and said, "It's okay, I just feel a bit itchy all of a sudden."

"You also said that you must have caught a cold." Zhao Jinmai was about to take off the down jacket she was wearing, "Hurry up and put this on, so you don't get a fever from the cold."

"No." Ye Xingchen quickly grabbed her clothes and wrapped them around her body forcefully.

Feeling the strong strength of Ye Xingchen's arm and the squeeze on his chest, the blush on Zhao Jinmai's face was perfectly intertwined with the night.

Ye Xingchen also found that his hands seemed to be placed where they shouldn't be, so he quickly let go and turned his head to look in the direction of Hua Shaotuan and explained: "Don't take it off and you'll catch a cold because of the wind, the loss outweighs the gain, my The clothes are in the car, I’ll just go over and get them later.”

"Oh, then, that's good, let's go quickly, don't worry the sisters." After speaking, Zhao Jinmai walked ahead quickly.

Ye Xingchen also slowly chased after him, walking with Mai Mai as if nothing happened just now.

After taking the clothes from the car and putting them on, the two entered the camp tent.

"Why did you two go? Could it be behind our backs..." Li Sidani looked at the two of them with an aunt-like smile on her face.

Ye Xingchen came in calmly and sat next to Han Dongjun and explained: "Just now I went to the car to get some clothes to wear. It's too cold. Mai Mai has a mobile phone, so I asked her to take a picture for me."

"Yes, I was just helping him find clothes." Seeing Ye Xingchen gesturing to him with his eyes, Mai Mai quickly responded and said.

Although it was true that Ye Xingchen had an extra down jacket on him, obviously this reason could not convince them, after all it would take so long to find what clothes to wear.

Yang Mi squinted his eyes and continued to ask: "Then it's been too long for you, isn't the clothes at the back of the car? It took so long?"

"The clothes are in the car, but there are a lot of coats and other things in the back, so it took a little longer." Zhao Jinmai is also an actor after all, and her acting skills are not a problem.

In the end, Yang Mi didn't see anything and let the two go: "Okay, sit down."

"Oh, good." Mai Mai obediently sat between Li Si and Yang Mi, wearing that beautiful little red riding hood, which looked like a little rabbit.

Maimai couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, the two of them obviously didn't do anything, why are they so guilty, but fortunately they kept the matter from the past.

Just when she wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, Yang Mi rediscovered the misunderstanding between the two of them: "Huh? The clothes of the two of you? Are you a couple?"

"What?" Zhao Jinmai didn't even realize it, and then looked at Ye Xingchen's clothes, including his own, it's really a couple's style.

"It's really a couple model. I didn't see it unless you told me." Li Sidani said in surprise.

The corners of Yang Mi's mouth turned up: "You are all wearing couple outfits now, aren't you showing off a bit?"

"No, I don't know, this dress is not mine." Mai Mai wanted to explain, but Ye Xingchenxing interrupted her suddenly.

"The clothes are indeed not Maimai's. Maimai said she didn't have thick clothes, and the weather was so cold, so I brought her one of my clothes. It happened to be the same style for men and women, so she was very suitable to wear it." Ye Xingchen "slightly changed" the version of the "couple outfit".

Yang Mi and the others then nodded, reluctantly believing the answer, and it was true that Mai Mai didn't have a down jacket when he tidied up his clothes, just some short-sleeved and long-sleeved, and how many sweaters did he bring.

"This day was really unexpected. Fortunately, I was afraid of the cold, so I brought this thick dress." Zhang Kaili said as she tugged on her down jacket.

Seeing that this matter was mentioned, Yang Mi instructed: "Everyone go to the car and change into thick clothes in a while. It's getting colder and colder, so don't catch a cold."


"it is good."


After everyone reached a consensus, several people continued to chat here.

"Some people say that everyone is transformed from an animal. The first thing I thought of was that Han Dongjun is a big bear." Zhang Kaili said with a very serious expression.

"Don't say it's really similar, hahaha." This metaphor was recognized by Liu Mintao after it came out.

(End of this chapter)

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