Chapter 467 Husky?
While talking, Zhang Kaili gestured with her hands: "Besides, whether it's his current body or his character, he looks like a fool."

Han Dongjun also posed like a big bear. Li Sidani asked him to pose like a bear eating honey. Han Dongjun also imitated it in a good way, which made everyone laugh.

Zhang Kaili continued to talk to them with interest: "I will also look at it from the appearance, for example, Mi Mi, who looks like a fox."

"I really like foxes. My screen name is all foxes, and I have always been foxes." Yang Mi said.

"That's right, I saw that you look like you, and you look like that, and the spiritual energy is also like that." After getting affirmation, Zhang Kaili became more confident.

Then she began to analyze Mai Mai again: "Next, Mai Mai, I think Mai Mai is very similar..."

"Mai Mai is very cat-like, just as cute as Ye Xingchen's white cat." Yang Mi sat up straight and said suddenly.

Liu Mingtao clapped his hands and expressed his agreement: "Yes, it is exactly the same as I thought. I feel that Mai Mai is very like that kind of cute and cute cat, very sweet, very quiet, and soft."

Ye Xingchen stood by and listened, not to mention agreeing, Maimai's body is indeed soft and waxy, and she couldn't help being soft and slippery...

After the analysis, Zhang Kaili turned her attention to Ye Xingchen again: "What do you think Xiaochen looks like?"

"Little wolf dog, especially like the kind of domineering president." Li Sidani said first.

Han Dongjun thought about it carefully and said, "Little wolf dog, don't mention it looks alike."

"What, Xiao Chen is so talkative, but the little milk dog is not bad." Liu Mintao defended Ye Xingchen.

And Ye Xingchen couldn't listen to it anymore, he became a dog anyway, is there any difference between a milk wolf, Ben Shao is obviously a great tyrannosaurus warrior. (hahahahaha)
"They all look alike. Is there one that leans closer to the middle?" Yang Kaili put her hands together in the middle with a serious face.

Yang Mi thought for a while in silence, and then suddenly an influence flashed through her mind, and she slapped her leg and said, "Husky."

"That's right, that's right, I just wanted to say that it looks like a husky, and a husky was pretty handsome when he was young." Liu Mintao said with a smile.

"Hahaha, hello, Husky." Maimai covered her mouth and sniggered aside.

Ye Xingchen's eyes almost turned to the sky. At this time, he didn't want to talk but just kept silent. Stupid human being, no matter what you say, this young master is a great Tyrannosaurus warrior, hum!

"Speaking of which, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai are quite a good match, Cat and Dog Diary?" For some reason, the images of Sun Ce and Da Qiao suddenly flashed out of Yang Mi's mind, and the more they looked at the two, the more they felt really like.

"Okay, it's time to talk about Li Si." Fortunately, Teacher Zhang Kaili likes to ponder and guess things, and she can't wait to change the topic from here to other places.

And everyone's attention is really focused on other people.

Ye Xingchen exchanged a tacit understanding with Mai Mai and heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he skipped both of them.

I have to say that this group of stars is really naive. Ye Xingchen thought that watching cartoons at his age was very naive, but the behavior of these big and small stars is so naive, which is absolutely amazing.

After a boring "chat" with Maimai to send messages with eyebrows, the staff arrived late.

Ye Xingchen got up and stretched the moment he opened the tent. He had been here enough, the atmosphere was extremely "scary", and he would be ridiculed by everyone if he didn't pay attention. He was fine, mainly Mrs. Mai Mai Stupid, her morality can't stand up to Yang Mi's gossip, she can easily fall into the opponent's rhythm, and it's up to her if she doesn't save her.

"Is everyone ready for a night tour?" Chen Qingyun said.

"Ready." The eight people said in unison.

"However, how do we get there, by car or on foot?" Zhang Kaili tilted her head and asked an important question.

Chen Qingyun suddenly smiled and said, "Let's go on foot."

As soon as this remark came out, Ding Chengxin hurriedly said, "Walking is not possible."

"This won't work." Liu Mintao also said.

Zhang Kaili held a big question mark: "Walking?"

Mai Mai also resisted: "No."

"No!" ×7
no! ! ! ! ! !
Ye Xingchen looked left and right at Hua Shaotuan who was struggling hard, and then walked backwards.


In the extremely dark night, a group of people were holding... lanterns, that's right, lanterns with only a little bit of light, and they were walking on the way to the zoo under umbrellas.

Because the light was very dim, Ye Xingchen subconsciously wanted to get closer to the person beside him. Coincidentally, Mai Mai happened to be on Ye Xingchen's right hand side.

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen who was approaching, and knew that this guy must be afraid of the dark again. Although everyone was here, his subconscious reaction remained the same.

Ye Xingchen also noticed that Zhao Jinmai turned his head to look at him, so he pretended to be okay and looked forward, but what he didn't expect was that a small hand suddenly grabbed his hand.



Mai Mai made a silent motion towards Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen was also very obedient and didn't make a sound. Feeling the softness in his hand, he couldn't help kneading it a few times.

Zhao Jinmai raised her hand in dissatisfaction, and gave Ye Xingchen a hard look, but Ye Xingchen pretended not to see it, and continued to go her own way.

There's no way, it's not once or twice that the rogue, Mai Mai is used to it, let him pinch the quilt.

The pitch-black night perfectly blended the two of them into the darkness, not to mention the strong wind, no one had time to take care of the two of them, after all, it was already a lot of trouble to open an umbrella.

Although the rain was not heavy, but the wind was blowing at an oblique angle to the human body, so everyone had to use their umbrellas to walk against the wind, which took a lot of effort. Ye Xingchen deliberately blocked his umbrella at the front, so that Mai Mai would be affected by the wind. The wind will be less.

When she reached a place with many headlights, Zhao Jinmai quietly withdrew her hand.

When they arrived at the zoo, they were greeted with a wolf howl, a real wolf howl, not the howling of the two husks today.

"This sound is terrifying. It's the first time I've felt their calls so close." Li Sidani said nervously.

"That's a tiger over there." Yang Mi shot a beam of light and shone on the tiger.

Zhao Jinmai stood behind Ye Xingchen and whispered, "It's really a tiger, see the one with green eyes?"

"Big sister, I'm not blind yet." Ye Xingchen took out a small cylindrical object from his "Dingdang Cat Pocket".

Han Dongjun asked suspiciously after seeing it: "What is this?"

Because it is relatively dark at night, even with the dim light of lanterns, it is difficult to see clearly.

But Mai Mai seems to know what it is...

(End of this chapter)

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