Chapter 468 Shaking Me Dizzy

The corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth raised, and he switched the flashlight directly, and a beam of light that was close to reality burst out. The area illuminated by the beam was like daytime, and he didn't bother to clearly see it.

Zhao Jinmai raised her head to the sky and covered her forehead, underestimating, "I knew it..."

"Xiao, Xiaochen, where did you get the flashlight?" Yang Mi asked in shock.

Ye Xingchen replied as it should: "You must bring a flashlight when camping. Otherwise, what if the electric system in the car fails at night."

Although what Ye Xingchen said was reasonable, Han Dongjun still felt that something was wrong. After thinking carefully, he suddenly remembered and said, "You still carry this with you?"

"Just in case, after all, there are unpredictable things in the sky, who knows when they will suddenly be used. This is called being prepared."

Ye Xingchen said eloquently.

Not to mention that there is really nothing to refute this reason. After all, this family's habits have something to do with it. Maybe Ye Xingchen is more thoughtful.

Although it was strange, it was not unreasonable, so everyone didn't have much doubt about Ye Xingchen, but Zhao Jinmai knew Ye Xingchen too well, so he took this thing to "safeguard his life" if he was prepared for anything.

Ding Chengxin looked at the beam of light shooting straight into the sky and exclaimed: "Wow, this flashlight is so bright."

"Brother, let me play and see." Han Dongjun eagerly wanted to take it over and have a look.

Ye Xingchen handed it to him in a very grand manner. Who knew that after he got it, he didn't show his way, but danced wildly in the air as if he had obtained a peerless sword.

"Oh, Han Dongjun, don't dance blindly, and dazzle your eyes." Yang Mi covered his eyes with his arms and said dissatisfied.

Zhang Kaili also got a headache from being shaken, and also condemned: "Sister is dizzy, stop shaking."

Han Dongjun saw everyone looking at him unkindly, quickly turned off the light, and then returned it to Ye Xingchen: "Ahem, let's stop making trouble, let's continue visiting the zoo."

"Humph!" Yang Mi snorted angrily, and then said to Ye Xingchen, "Xiaochen, can you pass the light? The light is too concentrated and too dazzling."

"Yes." Afterwards, Ye Xingchen switched the flashlight to low beam, and he could still see very clearly after being shrouded by the beam at close range.

Looking at these "artifacts", Yang Mi threw the small lantern in his hand to Mai Mai, and then snatched the flashlight from Ye Xingchen's hand: "This is a good thing, why use a lantern if you have this. "

"Sister, those are mine..." Ye Xingchen looked at his empty hands and said aggrievedly.

But how could the things in Yang Mi's hands go back, Yang Mi smiled and said to Ye Xingchen: "What's yours is everyone's. Let's go, let's go."

Ye Xingchen followed helplessly, robbers, they are all robbers, woo woo woo woo~

This scene amused Mai Mai next to him. After snickering for a while, he looked at Ye Xingchen who was still aggrieved and said, "Okay, stop pretending, you're not the only one."

"I'm really the only one." Ye Xingchen turned his head and whispered.

But Zhao Jinmai didn't believe his nonsense, and she didn't continue talking nonsense, but silently stretched out her little hand to Ye Xingchen.

Seeing Mai Mai's move, Ye Xingchen thought he was going to hit him, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"What are you doing?" Ye Xingchen said, putting the umbrella in front of him.

Looking at the boy who looked like a living treasure in front of him, Zhao Jinmai pretended to be impatient and said, "Hurry up, take it out quickly."

"I'm really gone, sister!" Ye Xingchen spread out his hands, motioning for her to search as she pleases.

Zhao Jinmai glanced at the large troops in front of him, then turned his head again and silently looked at Ye Xingchen without saying a word, just waiting there with his hands outstretched.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Ye Xingchen reluctantly took out another flashlight from his pocket, closed his eyes and put it in Zhao Jinmai's hand in pain.

Mai Mai stretched out his hand and grabbed the flashlight, gave Ye Xingchen a white look and said, "This is the end, cheapskate."

Then he skillfully turned on the low beam mode, and kept up with the large troops in front without looking back.

Ye Xingchen feels pain now. When the system was discounted, he bought five at a time. He was prepared for any danger, but now he has been robbed of two...

Finally, Ye Xingchen took out another one from his pocket, opened it and followed silently.

After Ye Xingchen, Mai Mai and the big troops assembled, Han Dongjun looked at the two beams of light that suddenly appeared and asked in surprise, "Oh? Why are there so many flashlights suddenly, little brother, how many did you bring?"

Ye Xingchen said quickly: "Only three!"

Han Dongjun: "..."

Yang Mi: "..."


Li Si: "..."


Yang Mi wondered: "Why do you bring so many of these things? We are here to visit the zoo at night, not to catch ghosts."

"Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared."

Although I don't understand why Ye Xingchen carries so many flashlights, this kind of excellence and seriousness is still something to learn from.

But Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen who was a little guilty in front of him, and his heart became more and more clear. Combining the question Ye Xingchen asked and his reaction at the time, he seemed to understand that Ye Xingchen seemed to be afraid of the dark...that is, he was timid. .

From this point of view, he must be allowed to participate in his own show, and the effect of the show will definitely be full when he comes.

"Okay, it's so cold, Brother Chen is still waiting for us, don't waste time." Yang Mi said.

Everyone, I didn't care why Ye Xingchen brought so many flashlights, so I continued to follow them.

With green fluorescent eyes appearing on the front right, Yang Mi followed with a beam of light and said, "This is a lion."

"Its eyes are also green, hey, are the red eyes over there also lions?" Zhao Jinmai said suddenly.

"Where? Can't see clearly." Everyone followed the line of sight she pointed at, because they couldn't see too clearly because they were too far away.

Then Zhao Jinmai turned on the high beam mode and shone on the red light.

"Your eyes are going blind. Don't take photos, don't take photos." A strong local accent reached Maimai's ears.

Everyone also saw clearly that it was a person under the strong light.

Zhao Jinmai quickly turned off the flashlight, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I thought it was a tiger."

"Hahahaha, although the photographer was in the light just now, the shadow area in his heart is probably not small." Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

Ye Xingchen mourned for the photographer over there for three seconds, and stroked Mai Mai's back to comfort him: "It's okay, I also thought it was a tiger, since he stayed there, he asked you to find it, otherwise he would not be in vain." hidden."

The rest of the people are numb now, God Nima Baizang, do you think this is peek-a-boo?Cooperating with you, you came here with a flashlight, not for lighting, but for arresting people. See how many photographers are hiding in the dark and arrest them.

(End of this chapter)

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