The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 469 You agree to my request...

Chapter 469 You agree to my request...

After passing through the fork, Ye Xingchen came to the inner room and found that the so-called night zoo was to feed the animals in the zoo at night. According to Ye Xingchen, this was nothing more than taking off his pants and farting. It was too boring.

Ye Xingchen, who was following behind, watched the big stars in front feeding the animals with such relish, and sighed that the acting skills of each of them were so good. Could it be that feeding these animals in the zoo is really more fun than feeding snowballs?

However, we did not waste too much time here, and finally returned to the camp under the leadership of the staff member Chen Qingyun after feeding the bears.

The first thing everyone did when they returned to the camp was to be interviewed. Of course, tonight's protagonists, Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen, Ye Xingchen's flashlight time, and Mai Mai's oolong incident were indispensable.

The first one was Maimai. She wrapped her clothes and went out of the tent to sit on the chair put by the interviewer, and then waited to ask questions.

"About what happened tonight you..."

Before the staff could finish asking, Zhao Jinmai smiled awkwardly and said, "I thought it was really the eyes of a tiger or a lion. Who knew that when I took a photo with a flashlight, I found that they were the photography teacher. I'm so sorry, You can cut this part out when the show airs."

Pinch off?This is something to watch, so it is impossible to pinch it off.

Then the staff asked another important question: "How many flashlights did Ye Xingchen bring?"

"Um, this, I don't know very well, why did you suddenly ask this question?" Zhao Jinmai was obviously surprised and asked very curiously.

Staff: "The main reason is that we also want to know the truth of the matter."

"So that's the case." Zhao Jinmai nodded, and then said with a smile, "Hahaha, I just want to know that he should have some more, but I really don't know how many."

After getting Zhao Jinmai's answer, the staff looked at each other and said, "Okay, today's interview is over, please call Ye Xingchen for us."

"Um, is this the end?" Zhao Jinmai obviously didn't react, and today's interview is a bit shorter.

The young lady interviewed said with a smile on her eyes, "Don't tell me, do you have anything else to say? It's okay to say a few more words if you have nothing to say."

"No, it's gone, I'm going to call Ye Xingchen right now, sister goodbye!"

After Zhao Jinmai ran away, she came to the tent and happened to look at Ye Xingchen who was wandering outside, so she walked over and said, "Why are you outside, isn't it cold?"

"Isn't there clothes? It's not too cold." Ye Xingchen shrank his head subconsciously, only showing his bright eyes, which looked very funny.

Zhao Jinmai was successfully amused by him: "Pfft, well, don't be ridiculous, hurry up and accept the interview, it's your turn."

"Me? Why are you still interviewing me?" Ye Xingchen pointed at himself, feeling baffled by the program team's decision.

"'s because you're handsome, let's go." Zhao Jinmai smiled slyly.

"Forget you have vision, I'll go." After being praised by Mai Mai, Ye Xingchen felt flattered in his heart instantly, and when he was happy, he naturally obediently went to do whatever he was asked to do.


Although only a few tens of meters away, the two of them still "pity goodbye", very tired.

Ye Xingchen came here cheerfully, and as soon as he sat down, he saw the two young ladies sitting in front of him smiling and looking at him. Ye Xingchen thought he had something on his face or body.After some inspection, nothing abnormal was found, but the other side was still smiling.

"Sister, what are you guys laughing at?" Ye Xingchen felt very strange, so he asked seriously.

After the two looked at each other, a young lady asked directly, "Ye Xingchen, are you particularly afraid of the dark?"

This sentence completely hit Ye Xingchen's Achilles' heel, which caused Ye Xingchen to directly break the defense, and quickly denied it: "No, how could it be, it's impossible."

Silky denies three in a row.

But after Ye Xingchen finished answering, the young lady who interviewed him smiled even more, so Ye Xingchen became more and more restless.

However, because of his professionalism, he still suppressed his anger and asked the staff calmly, "Yes, so, is it funny?"

Staff: "It's okay, let's continue. How many flashlights did you bring today? This is something we all want to know today."

"Three." Ye Xingchen replied quickly.



The words were almost squeezed out of the teeth.

Seeing Ye Xingchen who was almost losing his composure, he didn't continue this question, but asked the next one: "Then can you tell us why you bring so many flashlights?"

Ye Xingchen didn't want to stay in this place for a second now, so he replied angrily: "Be prepared, I said it."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, you can go back to sleep." This time the young lady suddenly became more formal, which caught Ye Xingchen a little off guard.

After being suspicious for a while, he got up and left, ready to return to his tent, but before he had gone far, he heard bursts of laughter over there.

Ye Xingchen stopped and took a deep breath, then comforted himself: "I didn't hear anything, they didn't laugh at me, um, they didn't laugh at me."

Under this kind of self-comfort, Ye Xingchen slowly returned to the camp. He thought that Mai Mai had already returned to the tent, but he didn't expect that she was waiting for him here.

"Why don't you go into the tent, isn't it cold outside?" Ye Xingchen came over and put the hat on her back and said.

Who would have thought that Mai Mai would actually imitate the way he was just now, shrunk his head into his clothes and only revealed his lively eyes and said, "Isn't there clothes? It's not too cold."

This really made Ye Xingchen laugh.

Looking at Mai Mai in front of him, Ye Xingchen said suddenly: "You're not going back anyway, let's go for a stroll?"

"Okay, just exercise." Zhao Jinmai quickly agreed to Ye Xingchen's request.

Ye Xingchen took the initiative to grab her hand this time and said, "Then let's go over there."

Zhao Jinmai didn't resist or speak, just holding hands with Ye Xingchen, walking in the dark night, what's amazing is that it was still raining lightly just now, but now it doesn't rain anymore, maybe God doesn't want to disturb this young couple Be romantic.

As they walked, Zhao Jinmai suddenly asked a question: "Ye Xingchen, why are you so timid?"

"Who, who is timid." Ye Xingchen was stubborn, who would admit such a thing.

Zhao Jinmai walked in front of him, stared at him and said, "I still don't admit it, remember how scared you were when you were playing in the secret room in the first year of high school."

"I was..."

"Did you do that on purpose? Only ghosts would believe it!" Mai Mai rolled her eyes, "However, I was quite touched that time. I was obviously very scared and stood in front of me. To be honest, I really felt that You are my real one."

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed, and asked while the iron was hot: "Then you promised me..."

"not at all."

To be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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