Chapter 473 Lie to me again

After Ye Xingchen returned to the RV, Mai Mai and the two sisters followed after greeting each other.

After arriving in the RV, Zhao Jinmai questioned Ye Xingchen and said, "Didn't you say that Xiaoyu is gone? Okay, you are lying to me again."

Although Ye Xingchen was very guilty in his heart, he didn't show it on his face. He smiled calmly and said, "No more, you mean the ones from Xueqiu's place. When I was just packing up the trash, I found that there were still garbage in the cabinet over there." A little bit, and then it's all given to Snowball."

Obviously, Mai Mai would not easily believe this kind of nonsense, and she didn't care if what Ye Xingchen said was true or not, she just followed the place Ye Xingchen pointed out to look in the cabinet, but she didn't find anything .

Then I looked at the trash can again, and it was obvious that the trash bags had just been replaced.

She continued to question Ye Xingchen: "Where's that bag?"

"What bag?" Ye Xingchen pretended to be stupid.

"That bag of dried fish, didn't you just give Snowball some of it? Then there must be a bag. Where did the bag go?"

"Oh, the bag, I took it out when I was cleaning up the trash just now, and threw it in the trash can over there." Ye Xingchen pretended to suddenly realize.

Zhao Jinmai is very angry now, but she still has nothing to do with Ye Xingchen. After all, what he said is well-founded, and she has not found any real evidence, so she is very passive.

"Very well, don't let me find out."

"I will definitely not let you find out." Of course, this was what Ye Xingchen thought in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it.

Soon the two got out of the car. Ye Xingchen was still carrying a cat on his shoulders, which merged with his clothes.

At this time, everyone has woken up one after another. At this time, they are all watching the swan by the river.

"I just finished feeding the cat, why are you all up, you're quite concentrated." Ye Xingchen walked over and said.

"What time is it and I still don't wake up." Yang Mi glared at him.

Ye Xingchen looked at the looks of these female stars without makeup, and they were indeed quite different from those after makeup.

"Okay, just wake up, I think we'll be on our way later, and we haven't eaten breakfast, so we need to hurry up." Ye Xingchen said.

"That's right, let's wash up first. After everyone washes up, we'll go to eat and then set off." Yang Mi and the others went to wash up and put on their own makeup after exchanging pleasantries, and they had to have breakfast later and then move bases.

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai, two sharp young men, were waiting for their brothers and sisters here.

"Shall we drive there later?" Zhao Jinmai said while stroking the kitten.

"Driving? You mean the car from yesterday, right?" Ye Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what car Mai Mai was talking about.

"Yeah, that's it."

"It must be by car, it's too far to walk."

Ye Xingchen replied with a smile.

"I said, why did you ask this suddenly? Did it feel really fun to drive for a while yesterday, and I want to continue driving today." Ye Xingchen understood Zhao Jinmai's little thoughts in no time.

Mai Mai did not answer, he was acquiescing.

Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously at this time: "Did you not learn to drive?"

"No, I have been filming and don't have time." Zhao Jinmai sighed.

Ye Xingchen thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "When there is a chance, I will accompany you to sign up, and then I will be your coach."

"Ah?" Mai Mai immediately thought of how Ye Xingchen seemed to be the teacher there when he went to the review class, and then inexplicably agreed: "Okay."

The two of them have officially reached an agreement. As for when to go to study, it may not be decided yet. It may be after the filming of the show, or after a period of time. In short, as long as they agree, when to go is just a matter of time.

About half an hour later, the brothers and sisters came out of washing one after another. At this time, Ye Xingchen and Miaomiao were waiting for everyone's arrival in a small sports car.

"Wow, brother and sister are so caring, the car is ready for us." Yang Mi didn't hesitate to go up and sat in the back.

Zhang Kaili also sat down and said: "When we came here, we still thought about whether we should drive there. When we came out, we saw that you two were ready. This is a tacit understanding."

"Xiaochen, you drive, so I can take a break." Han Dongjun saw Ye Xingchen in the driver's seat, and he immediately ran to the co-pilot's seat, enjoying the feeling of being driven by others.

After everyone was done, Ye Xingchen reminded one last time: "Are you done? Then I'm going."

"set off!"


Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen each drove a small car leisurely. The only pity was that both of them were in the driver's seat, so they could not interact with each other and could only concentrate on driving.

Ye Xingchen's driving skills are better, so it's easy to play, and it's not a big problem to drive with one hand. After all, it's electric. On the other hand, Maimai sits up straight, with a serious face, and enjoys driving very much, just... Stupid A little bit.

The distance is not very far, and I arrived at the convenience store where I had dinner yesterday after a short drive.

"What do you have for breakfast? Is there any breakfast at this late hour?" Liu Mintao asked worriedly after getting off the car.

Ye Xingchen's words at this time immediately dispelled her worries: "Don't worry, sister, there are only us here, and we will definitely prepare for it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Mi who was next to him patted him: "You child, what's going on, you can't tell if you see it or not."

Han Dongjun: "Where are you recording the show, can you say these words?"

"Hahahaha, variety show black hole." Li Sidani gave Ye Xingchen a nickname.

Ye Xingchen himself didn't take it seriously, the variety show must be just a few of them, after all, who is so savage to come to camp in this rainy day, anyway, everyone understands, the audience must be clear about it, don't care, hungry, Have a meal.

Everyone who entered the convenience store immediately took a look at the food inside, not to mention that although it was breakfast, it was still very rich, including porridge, fried dough sticks, noodles, chaos, corn, etc. I am very careful about eating and drinking.

Including the tent last night, they had set it up a long time ago. After all, because of the previous stops, it really takes time to set up the tent, and there are enough scenes to set up the tent in the front. If you focus on this later, the audience will get bored .

So for now, just set it up directly and wait for the guests to interact. What's more, the main focus now is Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai. Whether the super VIP content can be released depends on the strength of the two.

That's right, some of the interactions between the two have been specially edited by the program team.The plan of the program group is that if the two make an official announcement, this will be released as a hidden easter egg. If there is no official announcement, then they will wait until the official announcement is made, and it will not be a loss anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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