Chapter 474 Weight
"Where are we going next?" Ye Xingchen asked while eating eggs.

Yang Mi handed Mai Mai a corn and took one himself, and said, "Zhangjiajie, it seems, is it Zhangjiajie?"

Both the staff and the camera nodded.

Ye Xingchen sighed, and went out to camp to check in, but now he only had to check in, and he didn't feel like camping at all, but luckily there was Mai Mai, otherwise it would be really boring.

"How many trips do we still have, are we halfway there?" Ye Xingchen continued to ask.

Regarding Ye Xingchen's question, Li Sidani said in surprise: "Xiaochen, you must be homesick, so you want to finish recording the show early and go back."

"I don't love my family. I just asked how many schedules I have left. I know what to expect. I also want to eat corn. Get me a sister."

A girl's mind is delicate, and he hit his mind right away, so Ye Xingchen had to eat to cover up his embarrassment.

"Xiaochen has a really good appetite, mainly because he eats a lot and doesn't get fat, which is really enviable." Yang Mi said sourly.

We have lived together for more than a week, and we know everyone's food intake. Han Dongjun and Ye Xingchen are the kind of people who eat without any scruples when it comes to meal time. The purpose is to have enough food, regardless of body shape. Xiaoding Although sometimes I eat more and sometimes eat less, the main reason is to subconsciously control my diet and not let myself eat too much.

"Weight has nothing to do with how much you eat. Dieting is the worst way to lose weight. It bounces back a lot. I used to run in the morning every day, but I haven't exercised these days." Ye Xingchen said while gnawing on corn.

When it comes to the issue of body shape, the girls seem to be very interested.

"Xiaochen, how many kilometers do you run in the morning?" Yang Mi asked.

Ye Xingchen really can't answer this question, because his running is always counted by time. If his speed is a little slower now, it will be more than 20 kilometers per hour.

So Ye Xingchen said a conservative number: "20 kilometers, sometimes it will be more, sometimes it will be less."

"My God, does this happen every day? It can't be bragging." Li Sidani was a little shocked. What she thought was that Ye Xingchen's physique would be at least 10 kilometers, but she didn't expect that morning runs would start at 20 kilometers.

Ye Xingchen was not angry at everyone's doubts, but patiently explained: "If there is no urgent matter, I will finish it, and if there is an urgent matter, I will end it early, but it's almost the same."

Mike can attest to this.

But he didn't say it out, after all, it's really hard for the two of them to explain when they first met.

"Sure enough, people like me who don't want to move can only go on a diet."

Li Sidani also wants to exercise self-discipline like Ye Xingchen every day, but she is too lazy, and this easy way to lose weight is suitable for her.

Both Yang Mi and Mai Mai feel the same way, especially Mai Mai, she feels that she is already fat and her face has grown a lot, although she is still so cute and beautiful, but this is not enough.

Looking at the corn in my hand, I suddenly felt that it was not fragrant.

"Mai Mai, why don't you just look at it and don't eat it? Isn't there still half of it?" Yang Mi turned his head and looked at Mai Mai staring at the half corn in his hand in a daze, and couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Jinmai pouted, and then asked seriously: "Sister Mi, have I gained weight these days?"

Yang Mi held back a smile and looked at Mai Mai seriously and said: "Sister, you are not fat at all, eat obediently, eat quickly."

Although she was affirmed by Yang Mi, Zhao Jinmai still had no appetite. Now she felt that if she ate half of the corn, she would feel particularly guilty, but if she didn't eat it, it would be a waste of food.

After thinking about it, she finally ate the last half of the corn, and secretly made up her mind that she must eat less at night.

Seeing the sisters who had a good appetite just now, they all stood up and made Ye Xingchen wonder, could this food be poisonous?

Looking at the very clean corn cobs that he had gnawed, Ye Xingchen frowned in confusion, but when he found that Han Dongjun was still sucking the noodles, he finally felt relieved.

"Are you all full? Just eat this little? Could it be that we don't have enough funds?" Han Dongjun raised his head and asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen got up and poured another bowl of noodles, went to Han Dongjun's side and said, "Maybe my sisters will carry forward the spirit of dedication and specially leave some funds for the two of us to eat more."

"Really? It's a good feeling. I'll make another bowl. I'll drive for more than two hours later. Eat more and get on the road."

"Damn, I ate lunch and breakfast together, so I won't get back both meals."

Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun were indeed the most compatible among them. Except for Mai Mai, they didn't care about getting along with Han Dongjun.

Ding Chengxin was also good. Compared with Han Dongjun at the time, Ye Xingchen felt that he got along better with Han Dongjun in terms of personality. After all, Ding Chengxin's thoughts were more delicate. Although Ye Xingchen was the same, it depends on the situation.

Looking at the two people who have no scruples, it is true that other people are envious, and most importantly, these two have more money to eat than them, which makes everyone a little unbalanced.

"Eat it, and pay for it yourself, sister Kaili, don't pay for the two of them, it's the two of them who can eat." Yang Mi said angrily.

Li Sidani: "I agree, they eat more fun alone than the two of us, that's not okay."

Mai Mai also silently raised her hand: "Add one."

"Add one!" ×3
This made Han Dongjun who had just picked up the plate at a loss: "Don't, let people have enough to eat, and you want the horse to run, but you don't want the horse to eat grass. Are you a bit human?"

"No, I'm not a proper person anymore. I'm the team leader. I have the right to plan our daily board and lodging expenses for our team." Yang Mi got up and said nervously.

Han Dongjun helplessly put down his small plate, there is no way, after all, he is not in charge and can't be the master.

Ye Xingchen didn't listen to Yang Mi's words at all, he could eat whatever he wanted, he had money, he could pay for it himself, this is the player of the legendary Hua'er and Youth Transformation Meter cracked version.

"Ye Xingchen, you still eat, sister Kaili won't pay you." Zhao Jinmai couldn't help reminding.

Ye Xingchen just took a mouthful of noodles, then silently took out his mobile phone and put it on the table.

Now everyone understands that they have money themselves.

"Brother Ye." Han Dongjun put his hand on Ye Xingchen's shoulder and looked at him "affectionately".

Ye Xingchen nodded quickly, because he was afraid that he would not be able to eat the noodles anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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