Chapter 478 What is the Name of CP

"Huh?" At first, Mai Mai didn't know the stalk, but she immediately understood after seeing Ye Xingchen's eyes. She looked at Ye Xingchen with contempt and said, "Pervert!"


Zhao Jinmai bypassed Ye Xingchen from the other side, walked in front carefully, and took pictures of everything around her.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Ye Xingchen went to the car and took out his portable digital camera, intentionally or unintentionally, took a picture in Maimai's direction.

The number of sneak shots is too long to avoid being discovered. When Mai Mai turned around, he saw Ye Xingchen taking pictures of her. Seeing that he was discovered, Ye Xingchen did not panic. small stream.

"Tch, let's just say how could you have so many photos of me, all of which were taken secretly, hum." Mai Mai looked at Ye Xingchen who was serious about taking pictures and said arrogantly, "I want to take pictures, and I don't disagree. .”

It was whispered, so Ye Xingchen didn't hear it.

However, the moment Mai Mai turned his head, Ye Xingchen immediately turned around and took a quick photo of Mai Mai's side face, but fortunately, the photo presented was not out of focus.

"Fortunately, my photography skills haven't deteriorated." Flipping through the photos he took in the past few days in his camera, Ye Xingchen unconsciously had a smile on his face.

"What are you looking at?"

The voice came from behind Ye Xingchen, scaring him so much that his skin got goosebumps.

Looking back, it was Han Dongjun, Ye Xingchen patted his chest, looked at him dissatisfied and said, "Brother, can we stop being so scary, I almost threw the camera out just now."

"Only people with a guilty conscience will be frightened, saying what was captured in your camera? Is there something that shouldn't be there? Huh?" Han Dongjun said with a smirk on Ye Xingchen's face.

With this expression, the more I look at it, the more I want to hit him.

Ye Xingchen held the camera tightly in his hand, and held it where the trouser legs were placed. His hands drooped naturally, and he looked very helpless and said: "I took pictures of flowers and plants, and there are people, what can I take."

"People? Who is this filming?" Han Dongjun explained the key point in one sentence.

Ye Xingchen picked up the camera, took a picture of Han Dongjun's big face approaching him, pointed to the newly taken photo and said, "Obviously, there is someone."

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen walked to other places to take a stroll, and really took pictures of the scenery here.

But the more you want to be alone, the more you don't do what you want. Just now, I asked Han Dongjun to harass me, so Yang Mi came over curiously to see what Ye Xingchen was filming here.

"Xiao Chen, you and Mai Mai each have a camera, and if you say that you two are not CP, I won't believe it."

"It's okay to form a CP, but the group CP must have a name, what's it called?" Ye Xingchen didn't show boredom, but asked the CP's name with great interest.

Yang Mi thought for a while and said, "Mai Chen?"

"I don't know if the name sounds good or not, but it's easy to identify the two people CP is. It's easy to understand, simple and rude."

Ye Xingchen glanced at Yang Mi and said.

Although Ye Xingchen didn't mean to be sarcastic, it was easy for Yang Mi to misunderstand this sentence.

"Okay, I think my sister is uneducated, so come on, I'll see what good cp name you can come up with." Yang Mi said angrily.

Ye Xingchen put down the camera of his mobile phone, touched his chin and thought for a while, and said, "I think it's better to keep it simple. Let's call it Michael Picking the Stars. It's good to be easy to understand."

"Michael can pick the stars, hand can pick the stars, not to mention that there is no sense of disobedience, okay, you are quite smart with your little head." Yang Mi repeated it in a low voice, thinking it was quite fluent.

Ye Xingchen immediately showed a smug smile: "It's inevitable, it's all wisdom."

In fact, this name was changed from Miao Ke Jie Xing Chen, I remember it was Miao Miao's own name at the beginning.

"You're still out of breath. Take two photos for me." Yang Mi ordered Ye Xingchen after setting up the post.

Ye Xingchen took a few photos helplessly, then gave her the camera and asked her to choose a few to save, and delete the rest.

At this moment, Taozi, the manager, called Hua Shaotuan and told them that dinner was ready and told them to hurry over.

"Sisters and brothers, let's go eat first, and then play when we come back." Yang Mi returned the camera to Ye Xingchen, and then called everyone to eat.

"Alright, let's have dinner." Li Sidani stood up happily and said.

Han Dongjun: "I'm really hungry. It's because I ate more in the morning, otherwise I wouldn't be hungry by this time."

At this time, Yang Mi suddenly found that Ye Xingchen was gone, and asked: "Hey, who of you saw Xiaochen, and just took a picture of me, why did you run away as soon as you talked about eating?"

"Xiaochen may not be hungry yet, so I deliberately plan not to eat, let us eat more."

At this time, Mai Mai said slowly: "Maybe go feed the cat."

Yang Mi: "Mai Mai, go and have a look, why is this person not active in eating?"


Mai Mai trotted over, poked her head and looked inside, Ye Xingchen was indeed preparing food for the kitten inside, when she saw the packaging bag, she laughed angrily:
"Okay, I found out this time, you really lied to me."

Ye Xingchen felt bad when he heard the voice. Now that he has stolen the money, he is still thinking about how to explain this to Mai Mai. It is hard to admit it directly.

Ye Xingchen turned around slowly and looked at Maimai who was furious behind him and said, "Would you believe me if I said I found it by accident?"

"What do you say?"

Ye Xingchen sighed, and could only tell the truth: "Well, I did hide a bag. You ate all of Xueqiu's snacks by yourself, and Xueqiu protested. Is there such a mother as you? A cat snatches food."

"I, I'm that... Snowball..." Zhao Jinmai was also very wronged, he was aggressive just now, but now he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Ye Xingchen continued to take the opportunity to step up the offensive: "You don't think it's appropriate, what's wrong with me hiding a pack of snacks for Xueqiu, why are you still angry, what, you are a big star now and you can have unlimited sex with a cat Did you steal food?"

"I do not……"

"Doesn't your conscience ache? Do you have a conscience?"

Ye Xingchen's words made Mai Mai's face blush hot, and the momentum just now was gone.

"You think about it carefully, and go to eat." Ye Xingchen said pretending to be serious.

Don't say it's really like that, seize the momentum first, strike first, and catch her by surprise.

It took a while for Mai Mai to realize, shouldn't he be asking him why he lied to him?Why did he reprimand himself instead?

"Okay, Ye Xingchen is playing tricks on me again." Zhao Jinmai followed angrily.

When they came outside, Yang Mi urged the two of them: "What's the matter with you two, you have been feeding the cat for so long."

(End of this chapter)

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