The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 479 About Ye Xingchen's score

Chapter 479 About Ye Xingchen's score
"No, I cleaned up the trash again." Ye Xingchen prevaricated.

Yang Mi: "Xiaochen, your cat is quite obedient and doesn't run around. He stays in your RV all the time when we're not in the camp, and he's not bored."

Ye Xingchen scratched his head and didn't know how to answer. After all, the two cats in the car, one black and one white, chatted every day, and Heitan would also show it some TV shows, cartoons about cats and mice, and snacks Eat, this little life is better than my own, how can it be boring.

"This cat is quite obedient. After all, it was a birthday present from someone else." There was something in Ye Xingchen's words, but only Mai Mai could understand the meaning.

Mai Mai, who was still a little emotional at first, suddenly stopped being angry after hearing Ye Xingchen's words.

I thought silently in my heart: "This guy still has a little conscience."

"Hey, it seems that this gift giver is not ordinary."

Yang Mi joked.

Ye Xingchen didn't answer the question, but asked, "Do you want to eat yet? I'm hungry."

"Stop talking, let's go, let's eat."

"Go eat."

"Let's go and see what's delicious."

"It should be prepared with local characteristics."

A group of people shifted the topic to dinner, discussing one by one.

Ye Xingchen and Maimai slowly followed behind.

Seeing Zhao Jinmai following unhurriedly, Ye Xingchen asked softly, "What's wrong, are you still angry?"

"No, mine, I've always wanted to ask, this cat..."

Ye Xingchen understood what she wanted to say in seconds, so he answered her this question: "When I came back, I wanted to go out for a walk one morning, and then I found it under a tree. At first I just thought it was like it, but when After I walked over to pick it up, it was exactly the same, and later I found out that it was Snowball, so..."

"It's so fantastic." Zhao Jinmai sighed.

"Yeah, it's quite fantasy. Well, let's not talk about this, let's follow up, otherwise Sister Mi will definitely make fun of us with others again."

Ye Xingchen didn't continue this topic, after all, it's enough for the two of them to know about it.


Zhao Jinmai nodded in response.


Soon a group of people came to this local restaurant. Not to mention, although the camping fee that everyone needs to pay is not cheap, the food is not bad. There are some famous local specialties, as well as various snacks and desserts. I have a special appetite.

Liu Mingtao: "It smells good, it's delicious, I'm hungry."

"Sit down, sisters and brothers." Mituan waved her hands forward.

"I'm so hungry, can I eat now?" Li Sidani bit her cuff, looking like she couldn't bear it any longer.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai next to him, stretched out his hand and said, "Why don't you bite to satisfy your hunger too?"


Zhao Jinmai glared at him and didn't answer.

"Just eat, don't get out of the way, hurry up and eat, dazzle is over."

"Got it."

Following Yang Mi's words, everyone let go of the arrogance that a star should have, and each of them couldn't move their hands.

"The special dishes here are quite good, and it would be even better if I had some vinegar." Zhang Kaili said with satisfaction.

As soon as the words finished, Tao Zi came over with a small tea bowl and asked, "Who wants vinegar?"

"Sister Kaili, it must be Sister Kaili who wants it. Sister Kaili is always jealous," Yang Mi pointed to Zhang Kaili and said.

"Yes, yes, I want it. I like to drink this stuff. I feel very strong after drinking it. Thank you, Tao Zi."

"You're welcome, eat slowly, and just call me if you have anything to do."

"Okay, go slowly, Taozi."

Yang Mi waved goodbye.

Zhao Jinmai also greeted politely: "Goodbye, Sister Taozi."


Ye Xingchen watched Teacher Zhang Kaili drink vinegar directly, and unconsciously began to salivate: "My sister is too powerful, I drank vinegar directly."

Yang Mi also teased: "Sister Kaili who is jealous is really hammered, I love the jealous sister Kaili."

"Jealous Sister Kelly, isn't Sister Kelly's husband..." Li Sidani blinked at everyone.

"Ahem. You can't say that."

"Cough cough cough."

"I don't know anything."

Everyone was pretending to be stupid at this time. Zhang Kaili looked up at everyone after drinking the jealousy, and asked with a confused face: "What's wrong, I didn't hear what Li Si said just now."

Yang Mi quickly smoothed things over: "It's okay, sister, she just sees you jealous and greedy."

"No, you can't drink this, you're not used to it." Zhang Kaili waved her hand at you, Li Sidani, and said.

"Don't drink, I'm confused when I look at it, haha." Yang Mi said with a smile.

After Ye Xingchen had finished eating and drinking, he suddenly said to Zhang Kaili, "Mr. Kaili should be from Shanxi."

"Yes, I am from Shanxi." Zhang Kaili nodded.

Ye Xingchen smiled gently: "That's not surprising, Shanxi people like to be jealous."

"Yes, I also heard that Shanxi is very jealous. I don't understand why." Yang Mi asked suspiciously.

Zhang Kaili didn't know how to explain it. Being jealous is just like being born with it: "I don't know about this. Anyway, my family likes to be jealous. Generally, vinegar is used more when making cold dishes at home."

At this time, Ye Xingchen explained the problem for Sister Yang Mi: "Sister Kaili's people are really jealous, mainly because of the eating habits, geographical environment, climate temperature difference and other reasons.

Eating vinegar can maintain the acid-base balance in the body and alleviate the damage caused by the dry climate. Shanxi prefers to eat pasta. Vinegar can increase the acidity of gastric juice and can also disinfect and sterilize the intestinal tract. Shanxi produces a lot of coal, and acetic acid can be eliminated The effect of gas, vinegar also has the functions of softening blood vessels, anti-virus, lowering blood sugar and blood lipids, and has cosmetic effects. "

"He knows a lot, really amazing." Li Sidani looked at Ye Xingchen with admiration.

Yang Mi became even more curious about Ye Xingchen. How did a student majoring in computer science know so many things? Prompted by curiosity, Yang Mi asked Ye Xingchen: "Does Xiaochen usually like to read?"

Ye Xingchen scratched his head: "Let's take a look once in a while."

"Then what are you reading? Life books or novels?"

"It's all there. I read more miscellaneous things. I usually just pick up what's next to me. I don't pick anything. Sometimes when I'm waiting in the barber shop, I'll pick up the magazine and read it."

Ye Xingchen lied, he had indeed read a lot of books, but he read them in the system library space, although he counted on less than one-tenth of the books in it, but now all aspects of knowledge involve a little , billions of points.

"It's a habit. I feel that it was pure accident that you took the second exam. You will definitely pass the first one this time." Yang Mi now sincerely admires Ye Xingchen. From him, he can see that education and knowledge are really two different things.

(End of this chapter)

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