Chapter 480 Dinner?

Ye Xingchen heard that Yang Mi had such a high opinion of him, so he quickly took over the conversation and said modestly: "No, no, it's not a good thing to say, if I don't pass the exam, it will be over after it is broadcast."

"It just so happens that we are fine, why don't we make a bet on whether Ye Xingchen will go to a university, I can bet." Yang Mi said both the bet and his own choice.

"I'm the same as Sister Mi." Then Mai Mai followed, she knew Ye Xingchen's grades too well, and she was the one who ruled the entire elite high school back then.

Li Sidanni raised her hand and said loudly: "I'm not exactly the same as you, I bet Ye Xingchen will be admitted to a key university."

Zhao Jinmai, who had just made a choice, suddenly realized that he had miscalculated, and he should be there.

After arriving at Han Dongjun, let alone the result: "I have a choice with my cp."

Of course, the rest is the same choice as Li Sidanni. Whether it is confidence in Ye Xingchen or being able to live with this choice, Li Si's answer is a must for everyone, but everyone still thinks that the first option is more likely.

"Thank you for such a high evaluation of me. I am very panicked at this moment. What can I do..." Ye Xingchen was about to give an acceptance speech when he was interrupted by Yang Mi.

"The results haven't come out yet, but you're the first to express your gratitude. Why are you so unflattering?"

Ye Xingchen: "Hahaha, isn't the atmosphere here?"

Yang Mi rolled his eyes at him, and then said to everyone: "Academic qualifications really don't mean knowledge. Education qualifications are not worth mentioning in front of knowledge. The first time I had this idea, it was Guo Qilin. What is Da Linzi? We all know that the knowledge reserve is too strong. Now you look at Xiaochen, you know everything, and I really can't compare it."

"Sister, if you praise me so much, I'll blow me away, I feel like I'm going to heaven," Ye Xingchen also used this remark to joke with everyone.

He succeeded in amusing everyone.

"It's okay, you fly slowly, there is a roof up there. If it doesn't work, the seven of us will tie a rope for you, and tie it to the pillar over there, so as not to know where you are going."

"Hahahahaha." ×7
Seeing everyone laughing, Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that this small group was really showing signs of integration. At least everyone had begun to leave the stage of testing each other, and they could joke around like ordinary friends.

"When will we finish recording?" Ye Xingchen asked suddenly.

"What's the matter? You have something to do. If you have nothing to do, you can talk to the director. You can go to your own business first, and then the salary will be paid." Liu Mintao is very considerate of Ye Xingchen. She really likes this brother, no matter where he is from She has always taken good care of her, so if Ye Xingchen quits temporarily, she will definitely help to communicate.

Ye Xingchen was a little moved when he woke up, but he really had nothing else to do: "I just wanted to ask, the college entrance examination result seems to be on the 24th, today is the 19th, there are still five days left."

Liu Mingtao: "Really, that's great. If we're still together, we can help you celebrate."

"It's not sure whether to celebrate or comfort." Ye Xingchen showed a subtle smile.

"Cut." A small and imperceptible voice came from the side, and the owner of this voice was of course Mai Mai.

Yang Mi said firmly: "It must be a celebration, come on."

"come on."

"come on."

"come on."


At this moment, Ye Xingchen felt the blood in his body boiling. Could this be the legendary blood boiling?Group soul will.

"Okay, this table will definitely let you eat."

Zhao Jinmai whispered to Ye Xingchen next to him, "Tell me, how many exams can you take?"

"Guess." Ye Xingchen said pretending to be mysterious.

Regarding Ye Xingchen's results, Zhao Jinmai had a rough guess: "A score of 700 or higher is for sure. If this year's questions are not difficult, you will definitely get close to a full score."

While talking, Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen and kept looking at her without blinking, making her a little shy and nervous: "Look at me, talk."

"I suddenly found that you seem to have become smarter after you came back." Ye Xingchen said seriously.

Although this sentence really praised Maimai, and Ye Xingchen's original intention was also to praise Maimai, but hearing it in Zhao Jinmai's ears, it was as if he was mocking himself.

Yang Mi had watched the two children muttering there just now and didn't know what to say, so he asked, "Hey, why do those two children like to hold small meetings by themselves, they have no team spirit. "

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai hurriedly turned their heads away from speaking.

However, the little actions of the two just now have been made public, and now everyone is curious about what they just talked about.

"What kind of meeting are you two having? Tell us about it." Li Sidani, who was sitting next to Mai Mai, said coquettishly to Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai's face turned even redder, and she quickly explained: "We didn't talk about anything, I asked Ye Xingchen how many points he estimated he could score in the test."

"That's right. After the college entrance examination, isn't there a score assessment? Xiaochen, don't you have a score assessment?" Hearing this, Li Sidani remembered that there is a procedure for score assessment. As for the small meeting between the two of them just now, it was thrown away. In the back of my mind.

Yang Mi also came to his senses: "It does seem that there is an estimated score, let's talk about it, how is the test?"

Estimation?Ye Xingchen really didn't have a score estimate. After the college entrance examination, he simply packed up and came here. He wanted to recall the little things with Miaomiao, but who knew that he joined the recording of Huashao's variety show for no reason, and then passed With no clothes on... Bah, living a poor life.

"I came here after the college entrance examination. I didn't evaluate the score. Shouldn't I relax after the exam? Why do I have to put so much pressure on myself?"

After listening to Ye Xingchen's words, everyone didn't continue to ask questions.

"After the college entrance examination, you should really relax. Isn't this just a chance to meet us? These days are considered relaxed." Yang Mi said with a smile.

Ye Xingchen shrugged: "A few days ago, I just felt very rushed. I was in a hurry and had to hurry. This made me suspicious of this show. I don't think I want to go camping at all. Exile is more Exactly."

"Hahaha, exiled by God..." Zhao Jinmai laughed at Ye Xingchen's words.

"It's not good this time. We have one more person in our budget for no reason, so it has become so difficult. Well, don't you feel heartbroken when you say that?" Yang Mi said with an "aggrieved" face.

"I've been a driver for so many days, and my salary is just enough to pay off the debt, and it's even worse. I haven't asked you for money yet."


(End of this chapter)

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