The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 482 I don't know how to fool around, you teach me.

Chapter 482 I don't know how to fool around, you teach me.

Ye Xingchen paused and continued: "What about his parents, if I say, do they love him? It hurts! I love him very much, but this kind of love is too suffocating. So he often told me that it is really important to be able to go to college. Well, he enjoys real freedom only in college. In fact, he is not completely free in college, and his parents will call him to make him do things he doesn't like. So today, brother Han Dongjun realized this problem, and he is already very Well, and it’s raining, as a boy, he really should take on such an important responsibility and consider everyone, so on this point, I support brother Han Dongjun.”

Ye Xingchen's words spoke to Han Dongjun's heart. He still had a lot to say, but at the moment, it's not important anymore.

"It's actually not a big deal. Dongjun must have thought about it for me, but sometimes it's too rough. I said four times about driving, and then the army rejected me four times. After that one yesterday I knew I couldn’t say any more. In fact, you can see that Xiao Chen and Xiao Ding will be more delicate about this point, and they will coax you, saying that the weather is better, and let me drive when the road is easy to go.” At this point, the atmosphere has already changed. It's subtle.

After finishing, the words that Han Dongjun had just swallowed came to his lips again: "I disagree with saying that I am rough. I am quite sensitive, so I can't accept it."

The atmosphere on the field suddenly froze.

"Well, Jun, maybe I didn't... It's my sister's fault, I shouldn't have said that,"

At this time, Liu Mingtao saw that something was wrong, and hurried out to smooth things over: "What, Dongjun, let me tell you, my sister and I have lived together for so many days, and my sister is indeed a bit rough, and she is the thick one. Besides, everyone It can't be perfect when there are thick lines."

"For sure, especially actors, there are eight sides, and there is always a rough side."

"To be honest, I was a little uncomfortable just now. I think my sister didn't see my good side." Han Dongjun said in a flat voice.

"That sister apologizes, maybe what I just said was a bit serious." Sister Zhang Kaili suddenly felt particularly guilty when she saw Han Dongjun say that.

Ye Xingchen has been listening to these two people here, it can be regarded as talking to each other, that is, pouring bitter water, in fact, in his opinion, as long as this matter is opened, it will be fine, and he can't keep pretending in his heart. We will not get along well in the future.

Just when Ye Xingchen thought that this matter should be resolved immediately and was just waiting for more time, Yang Mi said to Han Dongjun at this time: "Brother, it's hypocritical to say anything else."

This time the atmosphere solidified again.

"That's the end of this matter, well, let's just talk about it."

Ye Xingchen was still a little dazed, why did he hold on all of a sudden, it was fine to talk about it with great difficulty, there was nothing wrong with it, and it was over after talking about it, it was enough to understand each other, why stop it, Ye Xingchen was very nervous at this moment puzzled.

Han Dongjun was also obviously very sad, because he didn't say what he wanted to say.

Ye Xingchen got up suddenly and left silently without saying a word.

Li Sidani pointed to Ye Xingchen and whispered, "What's wrong with him?"

Liu Mingtao looked in Ye Xingchen's direction: "I don't know, let's go to the bathroom."

"It's not like, why do I feel that he is in a bad mood." Li Sidani's intuition told her that it was not so simple.

Zhao Jinmai naturally also noticed Ye Xingchen's abnormality, even if he was going to the toilet, he shouldn't leave without saying a word, and immediately said to everyone: "Let me go and have a look."

"Okay, let's go take a look, Mai Mai." Yang Mi handed over this important task to Zhao Jinmai.

"it is good."

After Mai Mai responded, he trotted after him.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was floating on the side of the stream with stones. Zhao Jinmai slowly came to his side, but didn't speak, just stood behind him on the left, watching him quietly. .

Ye Xingchen noticed it when Zhao Jinmai came over, and asked in a gentle tone, "Why did you come here?"

"Come to see you." Mai Mai's voice was clear and gentle.

It sounded like a special cure, which instantly made Ye Xingchen feel better. He threw the stone out in one breath, then turned around and said, "Look at me, I'm fine."

"It's okay, go away alone, without saying a word." Zhao Jinmai tilted her head and looked at him with a smile.

"It's boring to sit there, why not come here, at least it's quiet."

"Hmm, let me guess, I'm sure about Brother Han Dongjun." Zhao Jinmai showed an expression that I guessed right.

Ye Xingchen didn't deny it either, and admitted, "That's right, you guessed it right."


"what why?"

"What do you say?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head and frowned slightly and said: "Actually, I really understand Brother Jun, very understanding, at least from the perspective of a boy, maybe there is something wrong with the way he handles the problem, but I don't think he's going to deal with it." Hypocritical.

In fact, I already knew that there would be such a thing, because this matter has not existed for a day or two, and it was finally settled tonight. Who would have thought of such a sentence. "

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Zhao Jinmai immediately understood why he did this: "So you are angry with Sister Mi."

"Why should I be angry with him? It has nothing to do with me. I was just thinking that I can talk about this issue, and each admit their mistakes and it's over. Who knows... forget it."

Ye Xingchen picked up another stone and threw it at you towards the surface of the water. Although it was dark at night and he couldn't see it, he could tell from the sound that there were at least three or four splashes.

Zhao Jinmai walked to his side with her hands behind her back, then picked up a stone on the ground, held it in front of Ye Xingchen and said, "I want to play too, but I can't, you teach me."

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback: "Well, you just lower your body, try to keep the stone parallel to the water surface, and finally throw it out with force, there is nothing to teach."

"Oh, that's it." Zhao Jinmai ran to the side, and threw away the imitator Ye Xingchen just now.

Seeing that the stone fell into the water without even a second splash, he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, and then asked Ye Xingchen, "Why can't I?"

"Well... I feel that character and IQ have a certain relationship." Ye Xingchen stroked his chin and paused for a while.

After saying this, the surrounding temperature was significantly lower. Ye Xingchen didn't need to look at Maimai to know that she was accumulating energy at this time. Just when the "energy value" was about to max, Ye Xingchen said again: "Good character, People with high IQs can't beat many."

Zhao Jinmai opened her clenched fists and said, "If you're smart, does it mean that those who beat up a lot are people with bad character and low IQ?"

"Water drifting is good, character and IQ are better." Ye Xingchen couldn't help praising his wit, as expected most of the time he was witty.

(End of this chapter)

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