The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 483 This Is Not Called Stealing Q

Chapter 483 This Is Not Called Stealing Q
Zhao Jinmai raised her head abruptly, looked at Ye Xingchen's hateful smiling face, the "prehistoric power" in her body reached its peak in an instant, and when it was about to erupt, Ye Xingchen suddenly said: "But no matter what you look like, I like you all."

"Ah?" Zhao Jinmai was taken aback by the sudden love words. Originally, her automatic attack system had already been activated, and the attack command had been issued. When she locked the target and was about to launch, the system suddenly encountered an error and could not lock the target.

"Why did you say this all of a sudden." Zhao Jinmai's anger just now had quietly turned into shame, and her blushing face flushed up to the ears.

Ye Xingchen walked up to Zhao Jinmai, and gently sniffed her body. There was the fragrance of laundry detergent on the clothes, and the fragrance of shampoo on the hair. The most important thing was that there was a scent between the two. The special aroma, a bit like the aroma of milk, the three flavors mixed together, coupled with Mai Mai's cute and charming appearance, couldn't help but make Ye Xingchen a little distracted.

Sensing Ye Xingchen's gaze, Zhao Jinmai felt his heart was beating very fast at this moment, and even felt a little guilty.

"No, I didn't do anything wrong, so why am I guilty?" Thinking of this, Zhao Jinmai stared at Ye Xingchen with wide eyes, not letting anyone else.

But after all, Jiang is still old and spicy. After persisting for a while, Zhao Jinmai was defeated.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen made a movement, he bent down skillfully, and slowly approached Mai Mai's face.

Zhao Jinmai asked weakly, "What are you doing?"

Ye Xingchen didn't speak, but continued his actions.

Mai Mai subconsciously leaned back and closed her eyes, Ye Xingchen gently held her waist with one hand, and put the other hand on Mai Mai's head.

When Mai Mai closed his eyes and let you pick it, Ye Xingchen only picked up a leaf from her hair, and then let her go.

After a long time, Zhao Jinmai found that Ye Xingchen didn't make any next move. When she opened her eyes, she found that Ye Xingchen was looking at her with his hands crossed and a smile on his lips.

This familiar feeling made Mai Mai angry for a while. Ye Xingchen played her tricks more than once, but every time he was ready, Ye Xingchen didn't make a move. Maybe it was the influence of the desire to win. Zhao Jinmai didn't know where. With the strength and courage that came, he pulled Ye Xingchen over and kissed him forcefully.

Ye Xingchen didn't react to this sudden and smooth operation. His instinctive feeling was that I was not clean and there were dirty things.

As a man, how could he be passive, and then Ye Xingchen turned his back on the guest, wrapping his left hand around Mai Mai's waist, with the other hand he didn't know where to go.

The "duck" delivered to the door is not eaten for nothing.

Just when the two of them were in the mood, Ye Xingchen suddenly heard the voices of Yang Mi and Liu Mingtao, and then separated from Mai Mai, and then pulled her to squat on the ground.

"what happened?"

Zhao Jinmai was taken aback by Ye Xingchen's movements.

Ye Xingchen didn't speak, and pointed to the camp.

Then Zhao Jinmai looked over there, just in time to see Yang Mi and Liu Mintao chatting over.

After Mai Mai saw it, he took a few steps back subconsciously and kept a certain distance from Ye Xingchen to cover up the two of them... Let's not talk about it.

"I said, we don't have to be so far away to chat here, do you think the sisters are stupid? Come here." Ye Xingchen looked at her speechlessly.

"Oh good." Zhao Jinmai obediently took a few steps forward, and then stood there stiffly.

Ye Xingchen couldn't stand it anymore: "Sister, do you also act like this when chatting with others?"

"I, am I not nervous? It will be fine in a while." Zhao Jinmai took a deep breath, and then let herself relax, which is still very easy for an actor to do.

Ye Xingchen shook his head, and then continued to pretend to be casual and picked up stones to play with.

Yang Mi and Liu Mingtao came to the RV and heard voices over there, and took a look and found two figures.

"You're really here, Xiaochen, what's wrong with you today? You left without saying a word, did someone upset you?" Yang Mi asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen shook his head and said, "No, I'm just a little bored there, so come here and take a walk to relax."

"Well, I thought we made a mistake and made you unhappy, what were you talking about just now?" Seeing that the two of them had stayed here for a while, Yang Mi walked over and asked curiously.

Zhao Jinmai was inexplicably nervous, not knowing how to answer this question.

Ye Xingchen said calmly: "We talked about the university and where is the family, those topics that everyone often talks about, what else."

Liu Mingtao suddenly said from behind: "I don't think Xiaochen should be that kind of straight guy, I think he should be quite good at coaxing girls."

After hearing this, both Zhao Jinmai and Yang Mi scoffed.

Yang Mi: "Sister, if you think too much, Xingchen is just a little bit better than straight men."

Zhao Jinmai nods frantically now, looking at the three worlds, let's say Ye Xingchen is straight, sometimes he really dotes on you and is good at coaxing people, but if you want to be honest, this guy is very skinny. At that time, the very romantic atmosphere was completely destroyed by his words, which made her want to take Ye Xingchen's head apart to see what kind of magical structure it was.

"Really? I think Xiao Chenchen is very good at making sisters happy." Liu Mintao was a little surprised by Yang Mi's words. After a few days of contact, she felt that Ye Xingchen and Xiaoding were both warm-hearted. Not straight at all.

Yang Mi shook his head and said, "It's not the same thing as being straight. You'll know in the future. He, how should I put it, there is help."

Ye Xingchen felt that standing here was so embarrassing, whipping the corpse directly in front of him, did he consider the feelings of the person involved, did he avoid suspicion?
Liu Mingtao said in surprise: "Is that so. I thought Xiaochen was especially coaxing girls."

I am really good at coaxing girls, then I looked at Mai Mai next to me, and finally came to a conclusion, except for the one next to me.

"Okay, you two play in the shelf, we're going to pack up."

"Okay." Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai agreed at the same time.

Before leaving, Liu Mingtao did not forget to ask: "Pay attention to your safety, the light here is dark, don't fall down."

"Understood, sister, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Yang Mi and Liu Mintao returned to the RV.

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai looked at each other, and then said at the same time: "That..."

"You speak first!"

"You speak first!"

Ye Xingchen didn't continue to be modest, and said, "Let's go over there and see if Brother Han Dongjun and Sister Kaili have reconciled."

"Okay." Zhao Jinmai nodded in response.

(End of this chapter)

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