The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 485 I was discovered by a classmate that I was recording chapters

Ye Xingchen was suddenly at a loss for words, he seemed to have really said that just now, and it was useless to explain it now, looking at each of them, it was impossible to let him go.

"I think Ye Xingchen can not only play this piece, he can tune the strings, and when he played it just now, it was very smooth, without any pauses. It seems that he is very proficient. It is very good to reach this level of proficiency. He must have a certain understanding of the score, so...he just doesn't want to sing for us." Li Sidani looked at Ye Xingchen with a little anger while talking, the reason is that Ye Xingchen deceived herself that she couldn't play You Cleary.

Ye Xingchen's heart skipped a beat. He forgot that Li Sidani is a singer herself, and she is an expert. She is very familiar with music scores and the movements of playing the piano. The tune is so simple.

"That's why you don't want to sing for us. Well, we can't force others to make things difficult for us. Hey, it's just the relationship between sister and brother these days. How can I say it? Why do I feel so stuck in my heart?"

Yang Mi pretended to be heartbroken, with one hand still on his chest, as if in that kind of heart-wrenching pain, maybe he really believed her.

Zhao Jinmai, the little traitor, naturally chose to rebel without hesitation at this time. She might have pretended to comfort Yang Mi, and looked at her with righteous indignation.

Although Zhang Kaili is relatively slow, she seems to understand at this moment that this is a group of people bullying her younger brother. How can this be done, so she hurried out and said: "Why is this? Ren Xiaochen doesn't sing if he doesn't like it. You can't force it either."

Yang Mi saw that Zhang Kaili seemed to be taking it seriously, and quickly explained with a smile: "No, sister, we were playing around with Ye Xingchen, and we didn't bully him."

Zhang Kaili: "You can't play around. What if Ren Xiaochen takes it seriously? He won't be able to get off the stage. Let me tell you, it's just this one time, and it can't be like this in the future."

"Got it, got it, sister, we know we were wrong, please forgive us for being ignorant." Yang Mi said awkwardly.

Ye Xingchen, who was ready to be punished at first, saw that Zhang Kaili had rescued him. He quickly showed an aggrieved look, went over and hugged Zhang Kaili lightly, and said, "Sister Kaili is still good to me..."

"It's okay, let me know whoever bullies you in the future, and I will deal with them." Zhang Kaili still did not forget to support Ye Xingchen at this time.

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed at this moment, he turned his head to face Yang Mi, Li Si, and the little traitor Mai Mai with a smug smile, not to mention the expression that deserved a beating.

Yang Mi saw that the back molars were almost crushed, but there was nothing he could do about him now, so he could only secretly give Ye Xingchen a hard look, but in return Ye Xingchen looked even more arrogant.

Zhao Jinmai covered her eyes and looked at Ye Xingchen shamelessly. This guy was indeed as skinny as before. When he was at the airport, he always pretended to be a warm guy. It was too disgusting, and he still deceived him.

At this time, Ye Xingchen's WeChat ringtone suddenly rang. Who is calling him at this point, probably not his parents, because he just sent a message to his family today. Don't let them worry, who could it be?

"Whose phone is ringing, Xiaochen's?" Zhang Kaili asked.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said to everyone apologetically, "Then I'll answer the call."

"Okay, let's go." Liu Mintao waved his hand and said.

Ye Xingchen took a few steps before answering the phone.

Looking at Ye Xingchen's back, Li Sidani said, "Who hit it?"

"Maybe it's a family member. After all, he's been out for a long time." Han Dongjun guessed.

Yang Mi shook his head and sighed, "Oh, the child still treats us as outsiders, running so far to answer the phone."

Liu Mingtao laughed and scolded after hearing this: "What you said, in case someone is on the phone with his girlfriend, you can still listen to it."

After speaking, I felt that the atmosphere on the field was a bit weird, and then everyone turned their attention to Zhao Jinmai at the same time.

Zhao Jinmai still had a dazed expression at this moment, thinking to herself, what am I doing, is there something on my face?
"What... what's wrong?" Zhao Jinmai asked cautiously.

"It's okay." Yang Mi blinked at Mai Mai and said.


Zhao Jinmai naturally heard what Liu Mingtao said just now. It's not that she didn't think about it, but she passed the idea after thinking about it for a long time. Although Ye Xingchen was a little straight, she was absolutely dedicated to herself.

Thinking about it, Zhao Jinmai looked towards Ye Xingchen and listened carefully to the voice over there.

"I won't forget you"

"Really, it's impossible for anyone to forget you."

"I'm going to tell a lie, and the sky will be struck by lightning..."

"It's a deal, and that's it."

Although Ye Xingchen's voice was not very loud, it could still be heard in the quiet night.

Everyone naturally heard Ye Xingchen's conversation, and his tone was full of... ambiguous, so it should be considered, and at this moment, everyone turned their eyes to Zhao Jinmai again.

Zhao Jinmai was sitting there at the moment, constantly rubbing the down jacket Ye Xingchen gave her with her fingers.Well, she is panicking now, as if she really doesn't understand Ye Xingchen, even though he is really innocent in other worlds, but this is the main world, and at that time he told himself that there is someone he likes girls are coming...


The perspective came to Ye Xingchen's side...

Ye Xingchen took out his phone and saw that it was Li Chengqian's call.Li Chengqian, Ye Xingchen's roommate, has a good relationship with Ye Xingchen. He lives up to his name. It is true that he is a prince. His family is very rich. Ye Xingchen only heard that his family seems to be the leader of City A. Anyway, that's what he said .

But Ye Xingchen didn't care too much, after all, it had nothing to do with him, as long as there was nothing wrong with him.

After answering, Li Chengqian's voice came from the receiver: "Hey, Ye Xingchen, where are you now?"

"At home, what's the matter?" Ye Xingchen was a little puzzled, what's wrong with this kid.

Li Chengqian: "At home? At your house?"

"Yes, otherwise, no, why are you calling in such a hurry?"

Ye Xingchen became more and more confused. Hearing this tone, he was very anxious. What happened?
Li Chengqian: "My girlfriend said that he seemed to see you in Zhangjiajie, is it true that he is staying with a group of celebrities?"

Ye Xingchen was particularly shocked at this moment. He stabilized his mind and said, "How is it possible? I'm at home now, waiting for my grades."

"I don't think it's possible, but she said that when she went to squat in Zhao Jinmai, she did see someone who looked very similar to you, and it wasn't a normal one." Li Chengqian's tone was not as excited as before.

The doubt in Ye Xingchen's heart was resolved, so it was like this, but he didn't hang up the phone in a hurry, but asked: "It's not a holiday yet, your girlfriend actually ran out privately, at this time, I guess I was caught Get expelled from school."

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