The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 486 Who is the person over there...

"It's okay, it's not that you don't know about her, you don't care about it, besides, it's because the school approved her to go out this time, or she asked her uncle to call the school and asked for a month's leave after crying. I'm really convinced, I can understand you saying that a girl is a fan of a male star, but what about a fan of a female star." Li Chengqian said helplessly.

When Ye Xingchen heard this, he glanced at Mai Mai, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and his voice became softer: "Maybe Zhao Jinmai looks better when he smiles."

Li Chengqian: "That's true, although this person is not particularly amazing, but she does have a kind of magical power when she smiles, okay, it's fine if it's not you, I thought you gave up your school status to record a show."

"You think too much, that's why you called?" Ye Xingchen said helplessly.

"Not really, you kid hasn't called your brothers after going out for such a long time, it's too much, how is it, how do you feel about the exam this time, can you win the first prize?"

Hearing Li Chengqian's teasing voice, Ye Xingchen smiled wryly and said, "Don't make fun of me for your size, I'm afraid that I won't even be able to pass the exam this time, and I won't be able to find a job by then. "

"It's easy to say, when the time comes to my company, I will give you 8000 a month and then 12000. You can just sit down. It's absolutely fine."

Ye Xingchen frowned, with a black line on his head, why did these words sound so familiar.

"Fuck off, don't disgust me."

"Hahaha, I'm not joking anymore, but remember that no matter what happens to you in the future, you are still my brother. Don't forget about me in the future, and don't recognize us brothers."

"I will never forget you, okay."

"Tch, you are very popular, you have so many friends, and I'm missing this one? I'm afraid that we will forget about our roommates and go carefree." Li Chengqian's tone actually contained a little resentment.

Ye Xingchen got goosebumps: "Get lost, don't disgust me."

"No, you swear!"

Oh, it's because this guy is not in front of me, otherwise let alone the son of the leader of City A, even the son of the Jade Emperor, I beat him to the point where I don't even know his own mother, but he knows this guy too well, if you don't show it It is impossible for him to let you go, and he will keep calling you to harass you.

Helpless, Ye Xingchen could only endure the nausea and say what he just said, and then the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After Ye Xingchen came over, everyone looked at him with different eyes, which made him feel a little nervous.

"Uh, what's the matter? I left, what happened? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ye Xingchen took some more firewood and added more firewood.

Yang Mi smiled and said, "Hi. It's okay. It's just that you've been on the phone for so long. Isn't this the one we guessed who called you just now?"

"And then, what did you guess?" Ye Xingchen didn't take it seriously, and asked casually.

I saw Yang Mi said with a embarrassed expression at this time: "It's not easy to say, after all, alas, what do you say?"

Ye Xingchen smiled subconsciously, thinking that when Yang Mi didn't dare to speak, the car usually speeds directly, but now he has scruples, something is wrong, there is something wrong with 10 points out of 11, and there is something wrong.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. It looks embarrassing to me." Ye Xingchen glanced at the time and said, "Why don't we just do this today, there are other activities coming tomorrow, so go to bed early?"

"Okay, then let's say goodnight to each other." Seeing that Ye Xingchen's purpose of escaping was obvious, Yang Mi didn't stop him, but only looked at Mai Mai's appearance while speaking.

Zhao Jinmai didn't know why she was flustered, even though she knew that Ye Xingchen was definitely not that kind of person, but what she just said just now made people think wildly, she felt like asking clearly now, but she couldn't speak directly.

Just now when Sister Yang Mi asked, Ye Xingchen started to avoid again, which made her even more cranky.

"Good night, get up early tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Good night, sleep."

Ye Xingchen also smiled and said good night to Zhao Jinmai.

"Night, good night." In the end, Zhao Jinmai still didn't ask about this matter.

Looks like today is destined to be another sleepless night.

Ye Xingchen changed into pajamas after returning home, said goodnight to the two people next to him, and fell asleep.

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin were already familiar with Ye Xingchen's "special function" of falling asleep, and they were also quite tired today, so after packing up their things, the two of them also fell asleep.

On the other hand, the girls' tent was holding a seminar again at this time.

Li Sidani lay on the bed and looked at the two people beside her and said, "Who do you think is the person who called Ye Xingchen today?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Yang Mi said with a smile.

Li Sidani: "No, I'm just curious if it's a man or a woman. I don't think it's a man."

"Oh? Reason!"

"You see, what Ye Xingchen said at the end is too strange, only women would say that, and the relationship is not simple." After Li Sidani finished speaking, she looked at Mai Mai next to her. It was obvious that she was I said this on purpose to tease Mai Mai.

"Hey, Mai Mai, how do you feel?"

Zhao Jinmai crouched under the quilt, shook her head and whispered, "I don't know."

Seeing this scene, Yang Mi flicked Li Si's head angrily in the past: "Don't tease Mai Mai, really, no matter how old you are, you still have such a big playful heart."

"I'm not joking. Mai Mai, don't take it seriously. I deliberately teased you. Ye Xingchen is not that kind of person." Li Sidani also saw that Mai Mai really took it to heart, and quickly explained.

Zhao Jinmai covered her head proudly, and said, "It has nothing to do with me."

Yang Mi and Li Sidani looked at each other the same way, they both shook their heads tacitly and didn't talk, anyway, let Ye Xingchen explain this kind of thing by himself, otherwise you can tell by Mai Mai's appearance, I'm probably going to sleep again tonight I don't feel well.

Zhao Jinmai wasn't sleeping when she hid under the blanket, and secretly took out her phone, turned down the brightness, turned on mute, and then clicked on Ye Xingchen's WeChat.

He hesitated and typed a few words: Who is the person who called you today.

But I felt that asking such a question was a bit abrupt, so I deleted it all and edited it again: Auntie called you?

But I also feel that asking is not very good, it seems too deliberate.

Just typing and deleting, deleting and typing again, the cursor kept flashing in the typing field.

Ye Xingchen suddenly couldn't sleep today, so he picked up his pillow and remembered his phone, clicked on WeChat inexplicably, and found Zhao Jinmai's WeChat, and found that it showed that the other party was typing a few words...

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