The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 487 Hiding Under the Bed and Chatting Secretly

After Ye Xingchen was puzzled for a while, an inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on his face. It seems that they should have overheard his chat with his roommates today, maybe it was a misunderstanding.

So Ye Xingchen quickly typed with the nine keys to reply: "Still sleeping?"

Mai Mai, who was still hesitating what to call, was taken aback by the sudden pop-up message.

She turned over, then turned back again, found a comfortable position and typed back: "I've fallen asleep, and I was woken up by you."

Ye Xingchen almost didn't laugh out loud when he saw Zhao Jinmai's reply. He was obviously hesitant to send him a message, but he said that he fell asleep.

Alas, she is still a tsundere child.

Ye Xingchen didn't expose her directly, so he replied according to her intention: "Okay, it's my fault, then go to sleep, I'm going to sleep too, good night."

Zhao Jinmai's screen lighted up again, and when she unlocked it and clicked in to take a look, she regretted it instantly, why did she say that just now, how stupid.

Mai Mai rolled around with the phone, because the movement was too big, it caught the attention of Yang Mi and Li Sidani early.

Yang Mi looked at Li Si, then pointed at Mai Mai.

Li Sidani also dragged her hands, saying that she didn't know anything.

Seeing that Li Si didn't know anything, Yang Mi quietly put his hand in.Then suddenly and quickly opened Maimai's quilt and got in.

This can't help but frighten Maimai so smartly that he hastily hides the phone.

But the light of the mobile phone is particularly conspicuous in the dark, so naturally this cannot be hidden from the eyes of Yang Mi and Li Si.

Yang Mi: "What's wrong with Mai Mai? Your sister Danni and I thought you were uncomfortable when we saw you moving around."

"No, no, I'm not uncomfortable. I just, just checked Weibo for a while." Zhao Jinmai said with a guilty conscience.

Yang Mi naturally saw that Mai Mai was lying, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he pretended he didn't see anything and said, "Go to bed early, and wake up early tomorrow."

"Yes, I got it, Sister Mi. Sister Mi, you..." Mai Mai looked at Yang Mi who was in the same bed with him, shy and nervous.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, I can't go back."

Looking at such a shy younger sister, Yang Mi seemed to take pity on her more and more.No, Ye Xingchen dared to let his sister think wildly, it seems that it's time for a beating.

At this time, Ye Xingchen, who had just put down his phone, suddenly sneezed twice: "One thinks, two scolds and three underestimates, it depends on who is scolding the young master."

Ye Xingchen rubbed his nose and thought about it, but he didn't think deeply about it. Seeing that Mai Mai hadn't replied to the message for a long time, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After being teased by Yang Mi on Mai Mai's side, and because he had just ended the topic with his own hands, he didn't chat anymore.

I closed my eyes and thought wildly, and slowly fell asleep, and fell asleep.


The next day Ye Xingchen was the first to open his eyes. After he got up, he saw the two people next to him still sleeping, so he quietly lifted the quilt, put on his own clothes, and got out of the tent.

Seven o'clock is not too early, Ye Xingchen went out at this time just in time to see the slowly rising sun.

I still wash up first as before, and then when I came back, I saw an abandoned boat over there, just in time to bask in the sun.

The sun in the morning is not particularly poisonous, and it is quite comfortable to take a sunbath.

Although I just woke up, I was a little sleepy after being exposed to the sun.

After a while, everyone woke up one after another. At this time, Mai Mai also scratched her messy hair. It can be seen from her dull eyes that this state means that the person is awake, but the soul is not there yet. reset.

When Yang Mi and Li Si went to wash at the beginning, they didn't see Ye Xingchen lying on it. When the two of them came back after washing, they found that there was actually someone lying on it.

Yang Mi yelled at Ye Xingchen above: "Ye Xingchen, when did you go up?"

Ye Xingchen woke up after being shouted like this, and said to Yang Mi, "I've been lying on it for an hour."

Yang Mi blocked the sun with his hands, and said to Ye Xingchen, "Aren't you hot up there, the sun is so hot today."

Ye Xingchen also felt that the sun today is indeed a bit poisonous, and the temperature difference is too different from yesterday, so he got up and jumped down, walked up to Yang Mi and Li Si and said: "It's very comfortable in the morning, who would have thought It's so hot now, I'm going to change into cool clothes."

Ye Xingchen is wearing a sweater now, not to mention it's really hot, and he feels that the sun at noon will be even bigger.

"Go, I heard from the staff that it's really hot today, and I'll tell those two who haven't woken up." Yang Mi looked up at the tent over there.

Ye Xingchen understood in seconds, nodded and returned to the tent.

At this time, Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin had just woken up and were getting dressed, so Ye Xingchen helped them pull the suitcases in by the way, and said, "It's very hot today, please dress cooler."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. Have you come back to change without seeing me?"

Ye Xingchen opened his suitcase and took out his white T-shirt and sun protection clothing. (Originally there was no suitcase, but it was exchanged later.)
And put on shorts.

Refreshing sunshine...

To be honest, when Ye Xingchen changed his clothes just now, the two people next to him couldn't help being surprised again, because the muscles on Ye Xingchen's body are very beautiful, especially the upper abdominal muscles, which look like they want people to touch them. It's true, they Two subconscious thoughts are to touch.

If Ye Xingchen knew what the two of them were thinking, he would give him two dazzling kicks with a beautiful roundabout kick.

After changing his clothes, Ye Xingchen waved at the two of them: "You can do whatever you want, I'll go out first."

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin looked at each other, and decisively went to find Xia Tian's clothes in their suitcases.


After Ye Xingchen came out, he found that Mai Mai had just washed up and was taking pictures of sunscreen commercials, and Ye Xingchen suddenly felt playful.

I saw him go straight over and said, "Mai Mai, what are you doing?"

This sentence was originally the line of the director next to him, but it was snatched away by Ye Xingchen, which made neither the filming staff nor the parties react.

However, Zhao Jinmai reacted very quickly, and then rubbed on his hands according to the script: "I'm looking for my Lancome small white tube sunscreen. The sun is too strong today, so I need to apply sunscreen first."

"It's true that the ultraviolet rays are too strong today." Ye Xingchen covered the sun in the sky and continued to speak according to the script.

"Would you like some. This small white tube of Lancome sunscreen is super thin, it won't rub mud at all, and it won't get tanned. Here it is." Zhao Jinmai handed the small white tube in his hand to Ye Xingchen.

And Ye Xingchen smirked, and said, "Really? You can paint it for me."

Zhao Jinmai: "???"


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