Originally thought that Ye Xingchen was here to steal the show, but he didn't expect this guy to make trouble.

Ye Xingchen naturally knew that this was filming, so he added later, okay, I'll try it today.

After adding this sentence, it will be fine to cut out the previous sentence when editing later.

Although there was a small accident, the filming ended satisfactorily. After Zhao Jinmai gave Ye Xingchen a hard look, she went over there to find her sisters.

Ye Xingchen subconsciously looked at the camera next to him, and as expected, he was always looking at him, so he spread his hands in front of the camera to express his helplessness.

At this time, Yang Mi looked at the time and saw that everyone had washed up and tidied up, so he said, "Let's go have breakfast."

Li Sidani: "Okay."

"Eat breakfast." Ding Chengxin was also very excited when he heard that he had eaten.

The place to eat is still the place yesterday, and today's breakfast is still the specialty here, it looks very rich and appetizing.

Porridge, steamed buns, snack rice noodles, etc....
This is much better than camping in the previous places, at least you don't have to worry about three meals a day.

Ye Xingchen took a steamed stuffed bun casually, squeezed it in his hand, um...it feels good.

Little did she know that this action happened to be seen by Mai Mai, she cursed a hooligan in a low voice, and then stopped looking at the dirty person in front of her.

Ye Xingchen naturally felt that something was wrong with Mai Mai beside him, but he thought it was something that happened this morning, maybe Mai Mai was still holding grudges, so he didn't take it to heart.

After eating three or four buns, I drank another bowl of porridge, feeling very comfortable and comfortable.

Ye Xingchen touched his slightly distended belly, and then saw Ding Chengxin on the other side of him still working hard to cook, and couldn't help but said: "The breakfast in this place is really rich, I feel that these three days should be our journey. The most worthwhile three days."

"That is, is it worth 332 a day for one person?" Yang Mi couldn't help but feel pain when he mentioned this number.

To tell you the truth, Ye Xingchen has never watched the show Huashao, but I heard interviews with celebrities who have participated in it, saying that after participating in it once, they don’t want to participate in the second time, and after Yang Yang participated in this show, he hasn’t appeared in variety shows for three years.

So this program should not have much funding for the stars, and this camping should be about the same.

Han Dongjun was also full at this time, and asked, "What are we going to do later?"

"I don't know, I'm waiting for Tao." Yang Mi replied.

"Right, where is Tao Zi? Is Tao Zi there?" Liu Mintao shouted.

Sister Taozi hurried over after hearing her call and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Tao, can you tell us what is there?" Liu Mintao said after moving a stool for her to sit down.

Sister Taozi also patiently introduced to everyone: "The zipline project and the jungle crossing over there are about one kilometer away."

"Walk over?" Ye Xingchen asked excitedly, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, go over there, it's there, you can see it."

Ye Xingchen asked Yang Mi expectantly: "Sister, this is fine, I want to play this."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's cute appearance at this time, Yang Mi couldn't bear to refuse. Although everyone was a little scared, he agreed: "We can try."

"Then try it, go." Han Dongjun said loudly, very decisively, thinking that this is a game for boys.

Although Ding Chengxin was a little scared, he still wanted to try: "Just play this."

Seeing that everyone passed unanimously, Yang Mi said to Tao Zi: "Then take us there now."

"Okay, please come and put on protective gear with me."

Tao Zi got up and led a group of people to put on their clothes, and then led them to the low-altitude net at the starting point.

Because this road is made up of nets, it is quite wobbly to step on.

"Everyone, be careful, this one is too soft, hold on to the net next to it."

As a boy, Ye Xingchen naturally took the lead, and Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin behind him slowly followed.

The staff leading the way looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone relax, take it step by step, just like a little rabbit, master the rhythm, this handsome guy has done a good job, very good."

Yang Mi got used to it and walked boldly. Seeing Li Sidani who was cautious in front of her, she suddenly wanted to do something bad.

So he walked over and flickered, and Li Si was a little scared, begging for mercy: "Sister, don't make trouble, please don't, please."

Ye Xingchen looked at the mischievous Yang Mi, rolled his eyes, and quickly ran towards Yang Mi behind him, causing the entire network bridge to shake greatly, which made Yang Mi, who was originally mischievous, squat down tightly in fright Grab the net next to it.

Frustrated, she said angrily, "Ye Xingchen, you did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Ye Xingchen actually made a face at her, and now the bridge started to shake around her.

Only then did Yang Mi realize that this guy was taking the opportunity to take revenge on himself, so he said to the back: "Is someone taking care of him? It's too much."

In fact, this sentence was said to Mai Mai.

Although Zhao Jinmai was fine, Zhang Kaili and the others couldn't stand the excitement: "Xiao Chen, stop shaking, my sister is scared."

Ye Xingchen saw that Sister Kaili had spoken, so he stopped teasing Yang Mi.

Gradually everyone got used to it and could stand up and walk freely.

But when Ye Xingchen turned around, he saw that Kaili's painting style suddenly changed. Others used to walk, but she used to crawl.

So Ye Xingchen turned back and guarded Zhang Kaili with Mai Mai.

"Sister Kelly, don't do this, it takes a lot of energy." Ye Xingchen said.

"No, I can't get up." Zhang Kaili refused.

Ye Xingchen squatted down and supported Zhang Kaili's arm, then motioned for Mai Mai to help her with the other arm, and said, "Mai Mai and I will hold you, and we will get used to it after a while, just like walking in the clouds."

"Really?" Zhang Kaili didn't believe it.

"Really, I promise." Ye Xingchen skillfully raised four fingers, and subconsciously looked at the sky, well, the weather is fine, you can swear.

"Xiaochen, don't lie to me, my sister will trust you." Zhang Kaili got up slowly with Ye Xingchen's encouragement.

Ye Xingchen: "I won't lie to you."

So Zhang Kaili opened her legs and tried to take two steps, and found that it was really not as difficult as she imagined.

"Xiaochen, Maimai, don't need to help, I seem to be able to do it myself." Zhang Kaili said.

Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai also let go of their hands, but they still watched from the side, in case Kelly fell down.

But everything went well, and soon everyone passed the first stage of the low-altitude net and came to the high-altitude net.

Here is the real cool point of jungle crossing. The angle of 60° and the distance of 45 meters seem daunting.

Yang Mi: "Look at that net over there."

"Wangzi, where is it?" Zhang Kaili walked over slowly and asked.


Following the direction of Yang Mi's finger, everyone saw this high-altitude net that was almost impossible for them to complete.

"My God, how is this going to happen."

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