The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 489 More and more like family members.

"It's really high, and it's steep." Ye Xingchen couldn't help sighing when he saw the high-altitude net above. It's exciting enough, and I like it.

"Oh my God!" Mai Mai blocked the sun with one hand, looked up and said, "Hey, how do you climb here?"

Ding Chengxin: "This is too high!"

Obviously, everyone was somewhat resistant to seeing this high-altitude network, and there was no lack of interest. For example, Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun were very interested in this kind of challenge.

"Are you still climbing?" Yang Mi said while sitting on the flat net under the high-altitude net and watching them.

Zhang Kaili was also hesitating in her heart, looked at Yang Mi, and gave her the choice: "Mi, you decide, I listen to you."

"I'm sure, give me a look." Yang Mi blinked and said.

"I'll give you eyes, you think about it."

So the two began to make eye contact under the eyes of everyone.

Although Ye Xingchen has dabbled in all kinds of languages ​​in the world, and even understands Braille, he really doesn't understand this look.

In the end, Yang Mi made up his mind after confirming it: "Sister, let's try it, everyone is here."

"Try?" Yang Kaili confirmed again.

Yang Mi nodded and got up and said, "Try it, this trip is not for nothing."

"Then let's line up who comes first. In this way, the boy will be the first, and which one of you three is going to be the first?" Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen and the others.

"Let me do it."

Ye Xingchen raised his hand and said.

Han Dongjun felt that as an older brother, he should take the lead, so he discussed with Ye Xingchen: "Why don't I be the first one? An older brother can't let his younger brother rush ahead."

Now that brother Han Dongjun said so, Ye Xingchen didn't refuse, they were all going up anyway, it didn't matter who came first.

"Look, we have such a good atmosphere. We help each other and give in to each other. The elder brother thinks about his younger brother. I love and love." Liu Mintao felt emotional for the scene just now.

Yang Mi: "It's becoming more and more like a family."

When Ye Xingchen heard this, a line of lyrics suddenly popped up in his mind.

"We are all a family, a family that loves each other."

As soon as I thought of this, Li Sidani sang this song again, and Mai Mai, who is so stupid, also sang after her, Ye Xingchen felt numb.

Yang Mi: "Okay, okay, stop singing, Han Dongjun is the first, the second girl, who will come?"

"Me! I'll do it." Mai Mai volunteered to raise her hand.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen said directly: "I'll do the third one, so that a man and a woman are separated."

Yang Mi understood Ye Xingchen's careful thinking, but he didn't expose it, and continued to follow his words: "Okay, then Ye Xingchen is the third, sister Kaili is the fourth, sister Mintao is the fifth, and Xiaoding is the sixth." Well, Li Si and I are at the back, so that's the way to go."

"Okay, that's fine." Liu Mintao nodded and was quite satisfied with the assignment.

At this point everyone sat here to rest for a while, and the staff started to teach them how to use the rope, help them set up their gear and check it one last time.

"Okay, everyone will come up in order according to the order just divided. First, we will use this safety ring to align with this gap and pass through. Then when we are on the top, step on the knotted place in the middle and step on the rope. Hands on both sides, OK, everyone must be careful."

After the staff gave an order, they handed over the stage to them, and they were responsible for ensuring their safety at the end.

Han Dongjun was the first to go up. Mai Mai looked at him and then at the height, and turned to Yang Mi and asked, "Sister, are you also afraid of heights?"

"A little bit." Yang Mi said while sitting there looking at the front.

Maimai looked ahead hesitantly, then walked over slowly, carefully grasping the nets on both sides, fortunately there were staff beside her to relax her a bit.

Ye Xingchen followed closely behind Mai Mai, and waited until about a quarter of the way Mai Mai stopped.

"What's the matter, are you scared?" Ye Xingchen asked softly from behind.

"A bit."

Zhao Jinmai didn't hold it anymore at this time, and now it takes a lot of courage to take a step forward.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, I'll be right behind, and I will protect you as soon as possible, don't worry, come on!"


After receiving Ye Xingchen's encouragement, Mai Mai took a deep breath, and then continued to move forward bit by bit.

Zhang Kaili from behind also followed slowly, this time Ye Xingchen not only looked at Mai Mai, but also at Sister Kaili.

Slowly, Han Dongjun came to the middle position, because after reaching the middle, looking down, it was empty, without the dense jungle just now, so this time is really a test of the heart.

He looked back at Ye Xingchen and Maimai behind and asked, "Xiaochen, Maimai, are you scared?"

"It's okay, but I feel a little flustered." Maimai grabbed the nets on both sides vigorously, thinking that this would reduce the shaking a little.

But what she didn't know was that it wasn't herself shaking, but those people behind.

Ye Xingchen was behind helping Mai Mai to fix the net as hard as possible, then stopped to watch Mai Mai climb up little by little, and he would hurry up when she was resting.

"Let me tell you, don't look down when you come here later." Han Dongjun said.

He was a little scared as a trained person, let alone others.

"Got it, we don't look down, we look up."

"Don't look down."

"Why does it feel so swaying all of a sudden." Ding Chengxin squatted down and said, grasping the nets on the left and right sides.

At this time, Han Dongjun also felt the shaking of the rope at the top. He leaned down and said, "Don't grab the rope, everyone will shake like this. Grasp the rope, which can reduce the shaking a little."

The rest of the people tried it one after another after listening to it, and finally found that it seemed to be really useful, and it was easier to catch the net than the rope.

In fact, the net below is more like a soft ladder, so it is easier to climb up.

But at this time, Zhang Kaili has a problem, because her height has reached the middle position at this time, and this hurdle is also the most difficult position, just like a bottleneck. After breaking through, it will be very easy. If she can’t break through, there is no way to continue forward.

Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai took the initiative to stop, stood in place to stabilize the rope, and then said to Sister Kaili: "Sister, don't grab the rope, grab the nets on both sides."

"No, I don't dare, what should I do if I don't dare to climb." Zhang Kaili held on to the rope tightly, fear spread all over her body, and tears came out unconsciously.

That's right, I cried.

"Sister, don't be afraid, Coach Ziqin will be there right away."

"No, I can't go up, I dare not let go."

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