The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 490 How about I support you too?

Everyone stepped aside to give Coach Ziqin room to pass, and they came to Zhang Kaili's side after a while.

"Don't be afraid, I'll support you from behind, let's go up slowly."

Not to mention, having someone around her would really reduce her sense of fear. Although Zhang Kaili was still afraid, she was much better than before.

After Ye Xingchen saw this scene, he couldn't help but turned his head and asked Mai Mai: "Well, can you do it yourself, or can I support you too?"

Looking at Ye Xingchen's expectant eyes, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but smile, then recovered, and then rolled her eyes at him: "I can do it myself, thank you!"

Standard thanks.

Ye Xingchen was not discouraged when he touched his ashes, he just rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

Although the short road behind is very steep, we climbed up after everyone's continuous efforts.

After everyone came up, Yang Mi couldn't help applauding Zhang Kaili after standing up. According to what she said in the interview later, she might not have thought that her sister could complete this task, but after Kaili finished, everyone should applaud her .

"Sister, you are awesome." Li Sidani said with a thumbs up.

Zhao Jinmai also kept clapping for Sister Kaili: "That's amazing, sister."

To be honest, Zhang Kaili is older than Ye Xingchen's parents, and she is still a celebrity. According to Ye Xingchen's previous cognition, it is impossible to do it. This kind of feeling, maybe everyone can climb up, even if they are really scared in their hearts.

At this time, Zhang Kaili was already in tears, maybe she was frightened, or she might be excited.

Climbing here is not over yet, only after passing this cliff can it be considered as the official end, reaching the final destination, the big trampoline in the air.

"Just now when I got to the middle, I was really scared. I thought I should forget it, but when I saw Sister Kaili going up, I was like, I have to go up, I have to go up." Yang Mi Said at this time.

Liu Mingtao said: "I am also afraid of heights, mainly because there is nothing below, I am too scared."

"Ye Xingchen is not afraid. I think he has always been very calm. You can see that he is still very calm now, and he dares to look down." Yang Mi pointed to Ye Xingchen who was watching below.

"Uh, actually, I'm also quite scared." Ye Xingchen raised his head and smiled awkwardly when he heard Yang Mi calling him.

Yang Mi: "Heh, the smile on your face has already told us that you are not afraid at all. I actually heard it strange. It stands to reason that Ye Xingchen should be afraid of heights."

When he said this, Yang Mi glanced at Mai Mai suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen didn't understand at this time, what was the basis for judging whether he was afraid or not, and why his tone was so firm.

Mai Mai shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't understand, this guy is really not afraid of anything except the dark, it's really strange, not only you, but me too.

"Let's go up quickly. We're chatting after we go up, why are we chatting halfway up the mountain." Han Dongjun saw that they were planning to set up camp here, and it would be a shame if someone relaxed and fell.

"Go up first, don't talk."

In this way, after 6 minutes, everyone finally arrived at the destination safely.

Li Sidani couldn't wait to run over, one lay on her back, and then took care of the others: "Come and play, it's fun, it's too soft."

Maimai is also like a runaway hare, jumping awkwardly in front of the big trampoline. Sometimes she uses too much strength and can't stand on it, and then she doesn't move to rest.

Han Dongjun was on the other side with Ye Xingchen, and he asked Ye Xingchen next to him: "I remember you seem to do somersaults."

"Uh, yes." Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then remembered their first meeting, then nodded and said, "What's wrong?"

"This place is just right for somersaults." Han Dongjun flicked it hard twice as he said.

Ye Xingchen understood what he meant in seconds, and said with a smile: "Play?"

"try it out."

"The long is the priority." Ye Xingchen took a step back, with one hand behind his back, and the other hand stretched out in a very elegant gesture of invitation.

Han Dongjun was not polite either, he backed up and made a short sprint, then stepped down hard and turned over, a not-so-elegant somersault, still lying on the ground.

"Hahaha, look at Han Dongjun." Yang Mi and the girls were resting after jumping tired, and then they saw this scene.

Zhao Jinmai turned her head to look, and couldn't help asking, "What are they doing?"

Li Sidani looked at it and said: "The two of you are doing somersaults over there, and Ye Xingchen is about to do so."

Ye Xingchen also took a short run-up, and his legs didn't use too much force, because he can also complete this level of backflip on flat ground. Now he is on a trampoline, and it is still high in the sky. If he makes a mistake and jumps down, it will not be worth the loss up.

He jumped with the help of the elastic, and a standard knight jumping in the air appeared in everyone's eyes, and he landed steadily. He wanted to put on a poss, but he was handsome for only three seconds, and he couldn't stand still and fell backwards.

"Hahaha, let him groan, he should fall down." Yang Mi gloated as Ye Xingchen fell down.

But Li Sidani had a different feeling: "Wow, he just danced so handsomely. Did you watch Mai Mai?"

Although Mai Mai was very upset seeing Ye Xingchen acting handsome in front of other girls, he alone refused to admit that he was really handsome just now: "Barely."

Liu Mingtao said in surprise: "This is still called reluctance. I feel that Xiaochen's physical fitness is about to catch up with athletes."

Li Sidani suddenly became interested after hearing what Liu Mingtao said, she quickly turned around and asked: "By the way, I remembered something when I mentioned athletes. Do you think Ye Xingchen can play basketball?"

Yang Mi: "Yes, boys of this age can play basketball, right?"

After Zhao Jinmai heard this question, she was slightly taken aback, playing basketball,?Of course Ye Xingchen knew how to play basketball, and he played it very well.

Yang Mi looked at Mai Mai in a daze, and couldn't help scaring her: "Mai Mai, what are you thinking?"

"Why, you scared me." Zhao Jinmai looked at Yang Mi dissatisfied, it was so wicked.

"You were in a daze just now, what's the matter, are you exhausted?"

"I'm tired, and the sun is so big, I kind of want to sleep." Saying that, Mai Mai lay down, closed her eyes and rested.

"I'm quite tired too. Look at the boys, how happy they are." Liu Mintao pointed to Ding Chengxin who just joined Ye Xingchen and the others and said, "It's so energetic. Look, Xiao Ding is also doing somersaults."

"Let them play, and stop playing when they get tired after a while." Yang Mi also lay down to rest, after all, the road up just now was too tense, and to be honest, it was not very easy.

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