The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 491 How about you two marry Jinlan

Seeing the three of them having so much fun, Li Sidani couldn't help getting up and joining them:

"Hey, how do you translate this, teach me."

"Sister, it's very simple, just take a run-up and then jump hard. The bottom is special, so it's easy to turn over, you see." Ding Chengxin gave Li Sidani a teacher, although Ye Xingchen didn't turn it over. It was beautiful, but it still managed to turn somersaults.

Although Li Sidani wanted to try it very much, Naihe still didn't have the courage: "I, I'm afraid of what to do, I'm afraid of poking my head down."

"No sister, the most you can do is fall with your back towards the net, and it doesn't hurt here, even if your head is down."

After listening to Ye Xingchen's words, Li Sidani's fear did decrease, but her anger level increased. I don't know why she seemed to beat Ye Xingchen up.

And Ye Xingchen also seemed to smell the danger, and found a reason to run away: "Well, sister, you play first, I will go to rest for a while."

Li Sidani let go of her tightly clenched fist and said, "You're running fast."

Then he said to Ding Chengxin and Han Dongjun: "I will fall on my head and you have to catch me."

"How do you answer this?" Ding Chengxin and Han Dongjun looked at each other, both of them had the same question mark face.

"Go and pick it up, stupid."

Han Dongjun: "Stupid is stupid, we two are afraid that you will fall and kill us."

"How to talk, forget it, I don't bother to talk to you, look at me."


Ye Xingchen walked over slowly, blocking the light from Mai Mai's side.

Although it was not under the sun, it was not so obvious when it was blocked, but Zhao Jinmai still noticed that there was a person standing in front of him, and when he opened his eyes, Ye Xingchen was looking at her with a smile.

"What are you doing, is there something wrong?"

Uh, indifferent face...

Ye Xingchen found a place to lie down unceremoniously, just facing Zhao Jinmai head to head, and said, "Nothing, I just want to rest."

Yang Mi, who heard the conversation between the two, couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, why do I feel that what Ye Xingchen said is so wronged, why not, I just want to rest, haha."

"I didn't bully him, ah, it hurts." Originally, Mai Mai wanted to sit up, but Ye Xingchen accidentally pressed some of her hair, so it hurt a little when she got up.

"What's wrong?"×4
Ye Xingchen and Yang Mi both got up to check, thinking that something was wrong with Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai covered her head, then shook her head and said, "It's okay, Ye Xingchen pinned down her hair just now."

"Ye Xingchen, can't you lie down there a little bit, you're hurting Mai Mai." Although she seemed to blame, Yang Mi's half-smile expression had already betrayed her.

Ye Xingchen rolled his eyes and lay down to rest again, and said: "The weather is also unpredictable. It was so cold yesterday, but today it is sunny, and the sun is still so hot."

"Did you not wear sunscreen?" Zhao Jinmai asked doubtfully, "I remember I gave it to you."

"You don't paint it for me, I'm too lazy to paint it myself." Ye Xingchen said eloquently.

This sentence made the people around him laugh, and of course Mai Mai was also annoyed when he heard this sentence, it was all his own fault for doing it for a long time.

"That's right, it's your fault." Ye Xingchen rested his head on his hands and said with raised eyebrows.

Zhao Jinmai bit her lower lip angrily. She swore that even if she wasn't recording a show, she would never beat Ye Xingchen to death.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Miss Kaili, look at this happy couple." Yang Mi couldn't help showing her auntie smile.

"How wonderful, it feels a bit like a brother and sister." Obviously, Zhang Kaili got the point, but not completely got the point.

Yang Mi couldn't help being stunned, this answer is really...

"Who is his sister!"

"Who is her brother!"

Liu Mingtao, Yang Mi, and Zhang Kaili looked at each other, and then laughed tacitly.

These two children are absolutely dead.

After a while, the other three also ran over. They were too tired from playing and took a rest.

"What's the matter, are you tired from playing?" Yang Mi's tone was slightly mocking, although it was just a feeling, it was just uncomfortable.

So Li Sidani didn't have a good attitude: "I'm tired, rest, what were you talking about just now?"

"Let's talk about whether these two should directly marry Jinlan today, after all, the two of them have a tacit understanding." Yang Mi said playfully.

Li Sidani: "Okay, that's a good idea. You two should just recognize each other as siblings. It's not a waste of time to come to this show."

Ye Xingchen looked calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was already exploded. If it wasn't for the drone in the sky and the camera next to him, he really wanted to know that the beautiful round kick would be taken away by these two people.

But he also knew that he couldn't talk to them, or the two of them would definitely go too far.

As for Mai Mai, she also looked like she had nothing to do with her. Anyway, as long as she didn't name Dao's surname, I didn't know it was me.

At this time, another kimchi teacher came over and said: "There are two ways for everyone to go down, one is to descend by rope, and the other is to swing."

"Well, how about swinging, I want to swing." Mai Mai raised his hand curiously.

"Okay, then Mr. Kimchi will tell you how to play."

"Okay, Mr. Kimchi."

"Teacher Kimchi, please tell me."

"This big swing is just swinging in the air, swinging in the air, it may spin in the air, but you can rest assured in terms of safety, the tension of each of our ropes is about two tons, and we usually hang two, so no matter you It's heavy, and we all use less than one-tenth of its power, so anyone want to try it?"

After Mr. Kimchi's explanation, Ye Xingchen raised his hand without hesitation. Anyway, as long as no one can die, let alone a big swing, even bungee jumping is fine.

"I want to play too." Mai Mai also raised his hand.

Then there is Ding Chengxin.

Staff: "Okay, then who of you will be the first to challenge?"

"Let me do it." Ye Xingchen got up and looked at Mai Mai and Ding Chengxin and said, "I'll test the safety for you two first."

"It's so windy and Yishuihan." Han Dongjun clapped his hands.

This pattern increases points.

"Be careful." As the only person who knew Ye Xingchen best, of course he knew that he was setting an example for himself, so he couldn't help reminding him in the end.

"Hey...Mai Mai is caring about my brother." Li Sidani immediately found out that there was something to eat, and couldn't help booing.

Yang Mi on the side patted her politely and said, "Don't spoil the atmosphere, what if you're not sensible."

Li Si: "I was wrong, I was wrong."

Zhao Jinmai's face flushed instantly when he saw the teasing of the crowd. Fortunately, the sun was shining today, so it didn't violate harmony at all to say that it was sunburnt.

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