Ye Xingchen naturally understands that Mai Mai is caring about him. With Mai Mai's words, he feels that he is full of strength at this moment. Let alone the 20 meters, he will jump even if it is a cliff. Of course, safety measures must be taken. , the kind that hangs at least 100 ropes.

Finally, Ye Xingchen took protective measures, and slowly followed the staff to the scheduled place for the big swing.

Zhao Jinmai shouted from over there: "Come on, Ye Xingchen."

"Xiaochen, come on."

"Brother, come on."

Ye Xingchen also gave them the same salute as a legal pioneer (Zhang Wei Zhang Yida), and then jumped down with open arms, still leaning back.

"Wow... Occasionally." Ye Xingchen felt the wind roaring in his ears, and after a while, the wind became much quieter.

Yang Mi shouted to Ye Xingchen from above: "Xiaochen, how do you feel?"


One simple word answered all the questions that each of them wanted to ask.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's shriek in the air, Yang Mi said to the people next to him: "What am I talking about, this guy is not afraid of heights at all."

"Don't be afraid of Gao Hao, he's quite bold. This kind of boy has a sense of security and is not afraid of anything." Li Sidani said.

"It's a bit absolute to not be afraid of anything, right Mai Mai." Yang Mi smiled mysteriously.

Han Dongjun was confused: "What do you mean, what are you afraid of, cockroaches? Or centipedes?"

"That's what you're afraid of, Han Dongjun." Yang Mi exposed him without hesitation.

"Haha, don't tell me if you see it through, cut this part out for me in the later stage, so it can't be broadcast." Han Dongjun scratched his head and said embarrassingly.

Soon the swing of Ye Xingchen below began to decrease and fall, and slowly Ye Xingchen finally landed successfully.

Just after he landed and untied the rope, Ye Xingchen said loudly to Mai Mai: "Mai Mai, this is very safe. You just need to jump down boldly in a while. It's very fun."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Zhao Jinmai's nervousness actually eased. She ran over in small steps to ask Mr. Kimchi to help her install the equipment, and then walked carefully to the predetermined place holding the rope.

Ye Xingchen stood at the place where he had just landed, in order to wait for Mai Mai to come down and pick it up.

After Mai Mai arrived at the designated place, he took a deep breath.

Ye Xingchen waved at her from below: "Come on, you can do it."

Yang Mi couldn't help complaining after seeing it: "Look, look, Xiao Chen only has Mai Mai in his eyes, and completely forgot that we are still up there."

"That's normal, okay, what do you do when people have nothing to do?" Li Sidani said unceremoniously.

"We are outsiders after all." Yang Mi sighed heavily.

At this time, Maimai on the rope had already plucked up his courage, closed his eyes, and jumped down just like Ye Xingchen's posture.

Then came the sound of howling wind in his ears, and soon Maimai got used to it, and began to open his hands, enjoying happily.

"It's so fun, wow..." At this time, she was as happy as a child, thinking that she must try bungee jumping if she had the chance, it would definitely be more fun than here.

"Mike is great!"

"Mai Mai, you are so brave!"

Liu Mingtao and Li Sidanni gave Zhao Jinmai a thumbs up.

Mai Mai also responded with a thumbs up.

Soon after the swing was not so large, the rope began to slowly descend, and Ye Xingchen also reached out to catch her, and then helped her untie the rope after she came down.

"Did you get scared just now?" Ye Xingchen said in a very gentle tone.

"No, I think it's very fun." Zhao Jinmai still seemed a little unfinished at the moment.

"You are so brave, I must praise you."


Everyone may not believe it, but these two adults in their 20s are as naive as children when they talk, but they are also quite cute.

Although Mai Mai's bravery aroused everyone's praise, but seeing Ye Xingchen catching Mai Mai below, he couldn't help but give the single dogs above a huge blow.

Li Sidani covered her mouth and said excitedly: "Oh, this guy Ye Xingchen went down on purpose first, in order to pick up Mai Mai in advance. Wow, he is so careful and brave."

"Wolf ambition, definitely wolf ambition." Yang Mi saw that Ye Xingchen's paw just now seemed to be on Zhao Jinmai's waist.

"Xiaochen is fine. If you say that he never had a girlfriend in college, I don't believe it anyway." Han Dongjun pointed.

Yang Mi nodded and thought it made sense: "I lied to him."

"Go back and have a good torture, the kind of torture." Li Sidani said with a "cruel" smile.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Chengxin also chose to swing, and the rest of the people also used ziplines to get down.

Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen followed each other below, just like welcoming guests.

Soon 8 people successfully gathered below, but because Taozi was still on the top, they went outside and waited for the next stage of the task.

"Why go back later, walk?" Yang Mi asked.

Li Sidani: "I just heard from Sister Taozi that she has a car?"

"What car?" Yang Mi wanted to ask more.

At this time, Tao Zi came over.

Yang Mi: "Tao, shall we go back by car later?"

"Yes, over there, turn over there, the car is there." Tao Zi pointed to the direction of the turn.

Ding Chengxin trotted over and saw a row of... go-karts?

"Sister, it's over here."

"I'm coming."

Yang Mi took them and walked there, and found that there were five cars in total, because Sister Taozi would drive one back by herself later.

Ye Xingchen walked up to a car, touched the body of the car, and then said to Mai Mai: "Mai Mai, do you want to drive?"

Yang Mi rolled his eyes and complained, "What are you thinking about, Mai Mai doesn't have a driver's license."

"Oh, yes, I forgot." Ye Xingchen scratched his head in embarrassment, and then sat in by himself.

Then Zhao Jinmai walked over and sat in.

In fact, this is Ye Xingchen's purpose. He naturally knows that Mai Mai does not have a driver's license, but he just reminded him that this little girl will definitely be in the same car as him.

"Where are we going?" Maimai asked as soon as he got in the car.

"I don't know, just follow the front. Didn't you realize that I didn't choose the first car? Compliment me." Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai proudly, waiting for Mai Mai to praise him.

But Mai Mai just smiled perfunctorily, then turned his head and ignored him.

Seeing that he was in trouble again, Ye Xingchen found a topic that Mai Mai was interested in and said, "Actually, you can also drive this car. I checked and it doesn't require a driver's license, so would you like to try it?"

"Really?" Mai Mai asked excitedly.

"Really, I'll watch it for you, come and drive?"

"Eh, is this really possible?"

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