Mai Mai, who couldn't believe it, asked again, and after getting confirmation from Ye Xingchen, he immediately became interested.

At that time, the idea in her mind was to give it a try, but in the end she couldn't summon up the courage:
"Forget it, I'm afraid I accidentally overturned the car, it's a crime."

Seeing Mai Mai's appearance, Ye Xingchen stepped down decisively from the driver's seat: "It's okay, at worst we can drive slowly, and I'll show you that nothing will go wrong."

Ye Xingchen continued to encourage Mai Mai, and patted his chest to promise.

At this time, Mai Mai seems to be very difficult to make a decision, but she is really cute when she wants to play but dare not.

In the end, she still couldn't resist the temptation and sat in the driver's seat.

Naturally, Yang Mi saw that the two had changed positions, and said worriedly, "Will Mai Mai drive?"

"No, but you can learn. I'm teaching her." Ye Xingchen replied.

"Then you... Be careful, Mai Mai, drive slowly, don't drive so fast at the beginning."

"Understood, sister, don't worry." Mai Mai gestured OK to Yang Mi.

After Yang Mi received it, he took care of everyone to get in the car and leave.

Sure enough, Maimai's car was the last one to start, and it was still far behind.

"How to do this, just step on the gas pedal, right?"

Maimai looked at the two black pedals below, because he had driven that kind of electric four-wheeler in the zoo, so he knew about these two things.

For some reason, after Ye Xingchen heard this sentence, he subconsciously grabbed the handrail next to him, and then reminded: "Don't step on it too hard at first, and speed up bit by bit when you get used to it."

"Okay." Maimai sat upright, wearing handsome sunglasses, with a serious expression on his face, looking serious.

Not to mention that it was the first time seeing Mai Maiye Xingchen like this, he suddenly thought that Miao Miao would really not feel out of place if she looked like this.

Just as Ye Xingchen was wandering, the car suddenly accelerated in a daze, bringing Ye Xingchen back to reality in an instant, and the heartbeat test of the bracelet also reached 144.

Fortunately, Ye Xingchen had already taken all the safety measures, otherwise he would probably be able to fly out this time.

Before Ye Xingchen could reprimand him, Zhao Jinmai quickly admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally used too much force."

Seeing the guilt on Mai Mai's face, Ye Xingchen still had no one to reprimand her in the end, so he just said lightly: "Put harder little by little, don't scare me like that, I'm not very strong."

Mai Mai nodded frantically: "Yeah."

The movements became more and more cautious, she slowly started the car and walked steadily, but the speed was very slow, it seemed that this was the limit speed that Mai Mai could drive.

Ye Xingchen felt that he was driving a classic car, so he said softly: "You can try to increase the speed a little bit, increase slowly, don't use too much force."

Zhao Jinmai slowly increased the speed obediently.

After the two of them had been inking behind for a while, Mai Mai was already familiar with driving this car, except that it was a little clumsy when turning, but there was no major problem when going straight.

"You're so smart, you learned it so quickly."

Of course Ye Xingchen's compliments are indispensable here, after all, girls still prefer to be praised by the boys they like, so Ye Xingchen sometimes "follows what he likes" appropriately.

When Mai Mai heard Ye Xingchen praise himself for being smart, the joy in his heart was fully displayed on his face, and his mouth was about to burst into grin, but he still said modestly: "It's all because of your good teaching."

After Ye Xingchen grabbed the armrest, he turned his head to look at Zhao Jinmai, and said in surprise: "Maimai, I found that not only your IQ has improved, but your EQ has also improved. Is it true that the longer you have been in contact with me, the more likely you are? It's getting better."

Hearing Ye Xingchen's shameless remarks, Zhao Jinmai sneered and said, "That's right, the longer I stay with you, the more shameless I become."

Ye Xingchen: "..."


If they drove, they arrived at the eating place very quickly. Naturally, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai were the last two to arrive. When they went up, they found that everyone had been waiting for a long time.

"You two are too slow, I'm almost starving to death." Li Sidani looked at the two with her lips pouted.

Mai Mai's face was slightly apologetic: "Sorry, sorry, I drove too slowly. It's all Ye Xingchen's fault, he insisted on letting me drive."

Ye Xingchen was dumbfounded on the spot, obviously you like to drive it, okay, I just fulfill your wish, but looking at the unfriendly eyes in front of me, I know that it is useless to explain, so I should admit my mistake quickly Good: "Well, it was indeed my lack of consideration, my fault, next time this kind of thing happens, I will drive it myself, and I will not let Mai Mai drive it [-]%."

Ye Xingchen just bit down the last few words for Mai Mai to listen to.

After hearing this, Zhao Jinmai snorted softly, and then made a face at Ye Xingchen.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the two children who were fighting and fighting, so she waved her hand and said, "Okay, you two hurry up to eat and take pictures together."



The two sat together in a tacit understanding, and it can't be said to be a tacit understanding, because if you give him two, the seat is close to each other.

Seeing that everyone was here, Sister Taozi came over and made a request to everyone: "I hope you can help us record a promotional video to help us promote it."

"No problem, no problem, I must help. If you help, can you help us reduce some expenses or something." As the economic manager of the entire team, Zhang Kaili is a stickler for reducing money. Her main purpose is to spend as little as possible. With the most money, do the most things.

"This, of course." Tao Zi said with an embarrassed look on her face.

Because Hua Shaotuan had promised yesterday that if they participated in Zhangshuying's market, they would be able to reduce some fees, so they didn't feel ticklish when there were too many lice, so they agreed wholeheartedly.

"That's great, how are we going to record it, what are we going to say?" Zhang Kaili asked.

"Here, look at it, just play freely."

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Mi directly made up his mind: "How about this, let's have a segment for each of us first, and then tell Huaer and Boy together to welcome everyone to Zhangjiajie Zhangshuying."

Liu Mingtao thought the idea was good: "Okay, this one is pretty good."

"How is it?" Yang Mi asked the others.

"Ok, Ok."


"no problem."

When it was Ye Xingchen's turn, he slowly raised his hand and asked weakly: "Do I still use it? I don't need it. I'm not a star, so it's useless."

This proposal was rejected by Yang Mi on the spot: "No, you have to say, you are handsome, handsome is enough, you can attract little girls to come and play, at least it is a vase."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

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