Ye Xingchen was very dissatisfied with the title of his vase, but who told her to praise him for being handsome, reluctantly... let her go.

Then Yang Mi looked around for a week, then locked his eyes on Ye Xingchen, and said with a smirk: "Since you are so resistant, you can come first. The process is to introduce yourself, and then what is your nickname, that's it."

"Uh... isn't it too embarrassing." Ye Xingchen scratched his head in doubt, wondering what's the use of filming this?
"No embarrassment, you can say whatever you want, don't be limited to what I just said, in case you have your own fans after the show airs, this must be a commemoration." Yang Mi has already begun to give Ye Xingchen instilled the idea of ​​entering this circle, "Let's start when you are ready."

Ye Xingchen looked at the camera helplessly, and simply said hello: "Hi everyone, I am Ye Xingchen, a member of Hua'er and Boy from Heaven."

Yang Mi and the others were still waiting to talk, but Ye Xingchen had already sat down and was drinking water calmly.

"Is this the end?" Liu Mintao asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen nodded: "That's right, don't just say it casually, I prefer simplicity."

Yang Mi sighed and said: "Forget it, let me come. Hello, everyone. I am Hua'er and Boy. My nickname is Yang Mi. The handsome guy I just introduced is indeed our guest who descended from the sky. Well, you can call him Xingchen by nickname, but now let me introduce the other members.”

Following Yang Mi's pointing, the camera shot at the rest of the people.

After a while, everyone finished introducing themselves, and then the camera zoomed out... and started shouting slogans together!

Too two.


After everything is done, I can finally eat quietly.

Ye Xingchen was quite full for breakfast, so even though the dishes are very rich, he still didn't eat much. He basically watched the celebrities eat, especially looking in the direction of Maimai when they were busy.

Compared to Miaomiao, Maimai is a little more mature at this time, and also seems a little fatter.

Finally, Ye Xingchen couldn't hold back and asked: "Mai Mai, do you usually eat so much?"

Mai Mai's face turned red when asked this question, and then he said falteringly: "I usually eat less, but I just can't control it here."

"I mean, I feel that you seem to be a lot fatter than when you first came here." Ye Xingchen said indifferently.

Yang Mi: "!!!!"

Liu Mingtao: "!!!"

Ding Chengxin: "!!!"

Zhao Jinmai suppressed her anger and showed a smile, the chopsticks in her hand had already poked into the bowl.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and watched Ye Xingchen's next move to die.

"Oh? Am I fat?" Mai Mai asked harmlessly, still smiling.

Although Ye Xingchen sensed that something was wrong, he was honest and trustworthy, and said truthfully: "It's a bit fatter, the face is indeed a bit bigger, but it's cuter this way, really."

Yang Mi and the others had already covered their eyes at this time, they couldn't bear to watch it any longer, they could all think of Ye Xingchen's dead body.

Zhao Jinmai took a deep breath, and said silently in her heart: Don't get angry, don't get angry.

Then he said to Ye Xingchen, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

When Ye Xingchen heard Mai Mai thanking himself in a gentle tone, he couldn't help but feel a little flattered, and suddenly felt a good appetite, so he filled another bowl of soup.

Seeing all of them staring at him, Ye Xingchen said suspiciously: "What's wrong? Are you all full, or is this soup not good?"

"It's okay, it's delicious, drink it slowly, kid." Liu Mintao raised his hand to signal Ye Xingchen to taste it.

"Really? Then I'll try it." Ye Xingchen couldn't wait to take a sip, let alone, it was really delicious.

"That's right, Mai Mai, do you want to try it too?"

Zhao Jinmai just glanced at it, then put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, "Drink more, maybe you won't be able to drink again in the future."

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that it was a little strange for Mai Mai to say this, but he didn't think much about it, and continued to cook.

"Ahem!" Yang Mi coughed twice, and then winked at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen is not a fool either, after seeing Yang Mi's eyes, he immediately understood, then turned to ask Mai Mai: "Why don't you eat, we have activities in the afternoon, how can you have the energy to play all afternoon if you don't eat. "

"I can't lose weight. If you like it, you can eat it." At this time, Maimai's tone was still not warm, and he was not angry.

However, based on Ye Xingchen's understanding of her, it is estimated that there is a high probability, very likely, that she is angry, and she is very angry.

Ye Xingchen tried to make amends quickly: "Mai Mai, I was just joking, I feel that you are thinner than when you first came here, eat more."

Han Dongjun on the side couldn't stand it any longer. This coaxing method was too late.

Mai Mai didn't listen to Ye Xingchen's nonsense, and got up and ran out.

"Where are you going, Mai Mai?" Yang Mi asked worriedly.


Li Sidani was worried about Mai Mai, so she chased him out: "I'll go to Mai Mai too."


After the two left, everyone in the room looked at Ye Xingchen.

And Ye Xingchen sat there at a loss like a child who did something wrong.

Yang Mi was the first one who couldn't help it, she asked curiously: "Mr. Ye Xingchen, let me interview you, why did you just say that Mai Mai is fat, what do you think? "

"I didn't say she was fat, I just wanted to emphasize that Mai Mai is cute again, but there must be a reason for being cute, isn't it just..." Ye Xingchen said plausibly.

After hearing this reason, Yang Mi almost choked (*⊙~⊙).

"Brother, to be honest, your operation just now is like Lu Ban flashing to give away the head. It was a surprise, and I didn't realize it." Han Dongjun, a straight man, couldn't help complaining about Ye Xingchen now.

Ding Chengxin raised his hand: "Add one!"

Zhang Kaili didn't say much, and only said to Ye Xingchen: "Xiao Chen, go down and watch Mai Mai, coax her, to be honest, my sister can't stand it anymore, how can you say that girls are fat."

"Yeah, Xiaochen, I can't do this in the future. You are sometimes too straight. Why are you so heart-warming when you help me and my sister? Why is it so troublesome to get along with people of the same age?" Ye Xingchen, but this matter really can't find a place for him to open up.

Ye Xingchen nodded repeatedly to show that he understood clearly.

In fact, he wants to smack himself now, why has his IQ become so low, could it be that the system has been weakened by me after returning?Or have I not used magic for a long time, and I have backfired?
"Well, shall I go down and have a look?" Ye Xingchen asked cautiously.

Liu Mingtao urged: "Then you go."

"Hurry up, see you don't bother others." Yang Mi also waved his hands in disgust.

Of course, even though they behaved like this, they were just mad at Ye Xingchen.

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