Finally, under Ye Xingchen's miserable request, Yang Mi finally let Ye Xingchen go to change clothes.

As soon as Ye Xingchen walked into his RV, Mai Mai came out of the tent after changing into cool clothes. After looking around, he found that Ye Xingchen was nowhere to be seen, so he asked, "Sister, where is Ye Xingchen?"

Li Sidani pointed to the inside of the RV and said, "I'm going to change clothes, you two are really wet from playing on a motorboat."

Zhao Jinmai blushed suddenly when she heard it, well, she was wrong.

"Mai Mai's body is also very beautiful." Yang Mi took a look and couldn't help but admire.

"Thank you."

Zhao Jinmai whispered shyly.

A few people sat down and started chatting, chatting, or sitting in a daze, mainly waiting for Ye Xingchen to change clothes and come out to crusade.

But after waiting for a long time, Ye Xingchen did not come out, and there was no movement in the car.

At this time, Li Sidani seemed to have realized that this guy actually hid inside and dared not come out, it was too cunning.

At this time, Ding Chengxin and Han Dongjun happened to have just landed, so it was necessary to change their clothes first.

Even the title of this issue can be taken as, Surprised, it took a few members to get wet together, would be better to add quotation marks.

Ye Xingchen didn't come out after waiting for a long time, and Yang Mi's patience was exhausted. Of course, the anger in his heart was also exhausted. He had prepared a lot of educational words, but now he didn't even want to say them.

"Call Ye Xingchen out, it's okay to stop scolding him, the child is scared."

"Why did Brother Chen go and hide?" Ding Chengxin came over and asked curiously.

Li Sidani: "Originally, Sister Mi and I wanted to educate him well, but who knew that he would not come out once he ran in and closed the door."

Zhao Jinmai looked at Han Dongjun who was biting his fingers nervously and said with a smirk, "Brother Han Dongjun also bullied me just now."

"Hey, Mai Mai, it's your fault, why did I bully you?" Han Dongjun still wanted to argue at this time.

Zhao Jinmai: "You came up with the idea."

"I...that's why you mocked us first. Xiaomai has learned badly, and he has learned to beat him up." Han Dongjun got up and pretended to go to beat Maimai.

At this time, Mai Mai hid behind Yang Mi and Li Si, asking them to make decisions for themselves.

Next, Han Dongjun naturally became the point of firepower. Just now, all the words Yang Mi, Li Sidani, and Zhang Kaili had prepared were thrown on him.

In the end, Han Dongjun could only nod his head to admit his mistake. The scene was extremely cruel and appalling.

Ye Xingchen had already calculated the time at this time, seeing that it was almost time, he opened the door of the RV and walked out.

At this time, Yang Mi and the others were already tired of scolding, and they didn't bother to continue scolding Ye Xingchen when they saw Ye Xingchen coming over.

"What's the matter with you guys, I just took a shower and changed clothes and felt a little sleepy, so I fell asleep for a while, sorry for the long wait." Ye Xingchen pretended to be very innocent and sat next to Han Dongjun and asked concerned Said, "what's the matter, brother, why do you think you are not very happy?"

Han Dongjun turned his head to look at Ye Xingchen, and said unrequitedly, "Brother, why did you let me bear it alone? We agreed to share weal and woe."

"What happened?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise.



Ye Xingchen successfully escaped by pretending to be stupid, although Yang Mi didn't want to let him go so easily, but now his mouth feels very dry, and he doesn't have the strength to do it again.

Just as Ye Xingchen thought, the real breaking point has passed, and he is safe now.

"Let's go watch the sunset." Liu Mintao said, looking at the sun over there.

Yang Mi: "Okay, isn't Mai Mai the favorite to watch the sunset?"

"Can we still catch up now?" Zhao Jinmai said excitedly.

"Don't worry, you can."

"Brothers and sisters, hurry up and get your gear and let's go." Yang Mi gave Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai time to get their cameras.

Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen also understood what she meant in seconds, so they hurriedly went to the tent to take out the camera.

But when people panic, it is easy to make mistakes. Maimai accidentally fell when he was running here, but he didn't fall, and the camera fell to the ground and broke.

"It's over, I don't have to take pictures now, my camera is broken." Maimai said dejectedly, holding the dropped parts in both hands.

"Are you okay?" Yang Mi asked with concern.

Zhao Jinmai shook her head: "It's okay, I just stumbled a bit, the camera is broken and I can't take pictures."

"It's okay, doesn't Ye Xingchen have it? It's the same with his." Yang Mi comforted.


Zhao Jinmai originally wanted to get a group of commemorative photos for everyone before the end of the trip, but now that the Polaroid is broken, it is impossible to take pictures in a short time, and it will take two days at the earliest to send them by express.

Ye Xingchen came out to see this scene, walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yang Mi: "Mai Mai just fell down and the camera broke."

"Fall down? Mai Mai, are you okay?"

"It's okay, the camera has something to do."

Ye Xingchen took over the Polaroid that had separate parts and themes, looked at it, and said, "Wait for me."

"What are you doing? You still want to fix it. We don't have time. Let's shoot the sunset first." Mai Mai reminded.

Ye Xingchen smiled and didn't speak, but ran back to his RV, and walked out again within 1 minute, holding a brand new Polaroid camera on his phone.

Under the surprised eyes of Zhao Jinmai and Yang Mi, they put the camera in Maimai's hand.

"Wait a minute, let me guess if this is not the camera just now." Yang Mi said quickly.

Ye Xingchen looked at her like a fool, and then said contemptuously: "Isn't this nonsense? It was fixed so quickly, what do you think I am, Ultraman?"

"Then... where did this come from?" Mai Mai asked puzzled while holding the Polaroid in his hand.

Ye Xingchen scratched his head and said hesitantly: "I brought it myself, so I'm prepared for it, and I'm prepared for it."

Obviously, he didn't believe what Ye Xingchen said, even if it was based on the principle of being prepared, the things he brought were too outrageous.

But for Ye Xingchen's miraculous, Maimai is no stranger to it, she put the camera around her neck, and thanked with a smile: "Thank you, Ye Xingchen."

"As long as you like it." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

Yang Mi at the side was not only confused, but also ate a meal of dog food for no reason, and instantly felt bad.

"Okay, stop chatting, you two, hurry up, we won't be able to catch the sunset in a while, do you still want to take pictures." Yang Mi urged.

Mai Mai shyly hid behind Yang Mi and walked slowly.

Ye Xingchen shook his head slightly, and walked in front with Han Dongjun. In short, the farther away from Yang Mi the better.

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