The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 499 How Can You Snatch Things With Little Girls?

Watching the sunset is the last activity of the day. Although everyone is tired, they still go together.

The last time we watched the sunset together, this time we mainly took pictures of the sunset, and took pictures of everyone watching the sunset together.

Of course, our protagonist and the protagonist's wife are indispensable to record the most beautiful and warm moments with the camera.


Soon it was time for dinner. This time, Tao Zi specially prepared barbecue items for everyone, including the oven and ingredients. Ye Xingchen originally didn't plan to eat today because he was not particularly hungry, but when he heard that it was barbecue, Gene The things in it are instantly activated.

"Let me come, you don't want to touch your hands." Ye Xingchen took over the task of grilling from Xiaoding.

Yang Mi saw that the meat skewers were almost cooked, so he took one to try and said, "You can eat it, sisters, the taste is not bad. By the way, Xiaochen is from the north, right?"

Ye Xingchen: "Didn't I already say that, Shandong."

"Big guy from Shandong!" Yang Mi pursed his lips and smiled, "Do you Shandong people drink beer when you eat barbecue?"

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows, turned the barbecue in his hand and said: "No, no, to be precise, the whole country eats barbecue with beer, this is the correct way to open it, okay? Ask Mai Mai if you don't believe me! Mai Mai?"

"What's the matter?" At this time, Zhao Jinmai was holding a piece of freshly roasted corn in his hand and was sipping. When he heard Ye Xingchen calling him, he subconsciously hid the corn. Don't ask, asking is stealing. Eating the instinctive reaction of being caught.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said after seeing it: "Don't worry, no one will snatch it for you."

Zhao Jinmai's face instantly turned red, and she couldn't help scolding herself for hiding it. I didn't steal it, and then asked angrily, "Why do you want me to?"

"Sister Mi just asked me if people in Shandong drink beer when they eat barbecue. I said no, people all over the country drink beer when they eat barbecue. Didn't I come to you to collect evidence?" Ye Xingchen repeated the conversation between the two just now again.

Yang Mi looked at Zhao Jinmai with a half-smile and asked, "Is what he said true? Is it the same in your place?"

"I guess so?" Zhao Jinmai doesn't drink alcohol, but Lin Miaomiao does. It seems that barbecue and beer are a perfect match.

Yang Mi seemed to have discovered a new continent, and asked in disbelief: "Mai Mai, have you ever drunk?"

"Isn't this normal? Besides, beer is like a drink. Although it's hard to drink, it's definitely the best match with barbecue." Ye Xingchen assisted.

"Okay, come on, brother, this group of people is waiting for you to feed." Then Yang Mi took a few skewers of meat that had passed the test and passed them to the sisters.

And Mai Mai came to Ye Xingchen's side, ate the corn in small bites, and looked at the sausage that Ye Xingchen was roasting from time to time.

Ye Xingchen asked in a small voice in surprise: "Why are you eating so elegantly? Didn't you always eat big mouthfuls before?"

"Shut up, I'm talking and killing you." Zhao Jinmai raised the corn in her hand and said in a threatening tone.

"Okay!" Ye Xingchen obediently lowered his head again and worked on the barbecue.

The main reason is that she is really afraid that this girl will throw a corn. Lin Miaomiao has always been a stickler. As long as she dominates, she really dares to throw it.

Then Ye Xingchen took a fried sausage and handed it to Mai Mai: "Nuo, your favorite sausage."

Zhao Jinmai's eyes lit up when he saw it, and the half corn in his hand instantly tasted stale, but he couldn't waste the food, so after thinking about it, he stuffed the corn into Ye Xingchen's hand without saying a word.

"Miss Ben is very merciful. I'll give it to you. Eat up. Don't waste food."

Then she ran to the side with the sausage she had just tested.

Ye Xingchen looked at the half corn and smiled, then ate it one by one.

It’s not that she dislikes Maimai, that’s how Zhao Jinmai ate just now, eating one by one, so that she can look younger and look better in front of the camera. Girls still pay more attention to their image.

Ye Xingchen didn't care about this, he tasted it and felt good, so he ate it up in big gulps.

Then I put on my gloves and slowly started grilling the rest of the food. I tasted it before I finished the exam, so as to ensure that everyone could eat it cooked.

"It's so fragrant, it's absolutely delicious." Liu Mintao said in admiration.

Li Sidani stepped forward and took a grilled sausage and asked, "Hey, Ye Xingchen, did you often barbecue part-time in college? Otherwise, how could you pass the exam so well?"

"No way, this is talent." Ye Xingchen pretended lightly.

Li Sidani: "Heh, you said you are fat and you are panting, sister, the grilled sausage is ready, do you want to eat it?"

Yang Kaili: "Give me one, it's so delicious."

Yang Mi: "I'll take one too. I was planning to skip dinner today. Hey, it seems that my weight loss plan can't be carried out in a short time. It's all Ye Xingchen's fault!"

Ye Xingchen: "???"

"Hahaha, Ye Xingchen is to blame no matter what you do, right?" Li Sidani laughed.

Yang Mi: "That's right, the blame-blame man."

Ye Xingchen muttered softly, then ignored them, and secretly put a roasted one aside.

At this time, Li Sidani looked at Mai Mai and asked, "Do you want to eat? I'll bring it for you."

"No need, I'll get it myself." Mai Mai declined, and then bounced to Ye Xingchen's side.

Ye Xingchen also handed the sausage to her tacitly, and said, "Eat slowly, be careful not to burn it."

Zhao Jinmai took a small bite, and then gave Ye Xingchen an OK sign.

Li Sidani looked at Mai Mai and felt that there was something tricky in it, so she went over quietly, looked at the grilled sausage in Mai Mai's hand, and found that the skin of the sausage was very crispy, just right.

Okay, it's too much to open a small stove.

"Mai Mai, let's switch." Li Sidani walked over and said.

Both Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen felt strange.

"Ah, why?" Zhao Jinmai asked puzzled.

"Your one tastes better than mine, Ye Xingchen is really partial."

Ye Xingchen lowered his head and pretended to be stupid, pretending he couldn't hear me, and not caring about my business.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the intestine in his hand, and subconsciously grasped it a little bit: "No, it's mine."

"Don't grab it for me, will you give it to me?" Li Sidani made a gesture of preparing to grab it.

Mai Mai stepped back and looked at her warily.

At this time, Ye Xingchen couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Sister Danni, how can you grab something with a little girl?"

"Little girl? You mean I'm old." Li Sidani looked at Ye Xingchen angrily, as if he was the only one who would rush forward to fight him desperately if he said yes.

"Uh, with your comprehension ability, let's talk about it, and I will continue to prepare dinner for you."

Reasoning with girls is really not a conscious choice.

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