The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 500 Chapter 497 Did you do something bad?

"What's the matter, why are you arguing again? The spoils are not evenly distributed." Han Dongjun saw the excitement here, so he came over and said.

Li Sidani said to Han Dongjun in a coquettish tone: "cp, the two of them bullied me, don't you care?"

"Let's see who is so bold and dares to bully my cp, who doesn't want to live anymore?" Han Dongjun immediately assumed this identity, glaring at Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai.

Ye Xingchen stood in front of Mai Mai, then said with a faint smile, "We didn't bully her."

"That's right, we didn't bully her. It's hot." Zhao Jinmai said, biting into the sausage fiercely.

It's just that I bit too much and accidentally burned it.

"Spit it out, spit it up quickly." Ye Xingchen said hastily.

But history is always surprisingly similar, and this guy ate the sausage in his mouth again.

Ye Xingchen: "..."

"You can't waste food." Looking at Ye Xingchen's slightly angry eyes, Zhao Jinmai pretended to be calm and said.

"The spirit is commendable, but the approach is too stupid."

Ye Xingchen turned his head and said speechlessly.

Zhao Jinmai took out a tissue from the side and wiped her mouth nonchalantly: "Cut!"

Han Dongjun and Li Sidani suddenly felt that the two of them were completely redundant here, looked at each other and left silently.

The dinner continued. During this time, Mai Mai stood beside Ye Xingchen, eating Xiaozao alone with great enjoyment.


After the dinner, Huashao reunited to formally start the summary of this stage and hold a meeting.

"I just joined, do I still attend this meeting?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Liu Mingtao: "Of course, you must participate. You are also a part of us."

"You joined on the first day, how can you say you just joined?" Zhang Kaili asked puzzled.

Ye Xingchen gave an explanation: "I mean, I didn't participate in the position and work you assigned, and the seven of you must have planned something in the beginning, but it was completely broken when I came in. I just don't care about this balance."

"No, I will arrange a position for you later, don't be lazy!" Yang Mi directly rejected Ye Xingchen's proposal.

Helpless, I can only hold this conference that seems to have no effect, but actually has no effect.

The theme of the meeting was for everyone to sum up their own shortcomings and re-elect the position. Ye Xingchen naturally became the first person to choose.

"Brother Xingchen didn't participate in our job selection last time, let him choose first this time." Yang Mi suggested.



"no problem."

Seeing that the unanimous vote passed, everyone's attention was also shifted to him.

Ye Xingchen looked at the eyes that seemed to be looking fierce, and had to express his thoughts: "First of all, because my participation in the middle did lead to the phenomenon of more pits and fewer carrots, so I decided to temporarily add a position to break the Minister of the Ministry of Affairs, this position is very powerful, assisting everyone to do their jobs well is an all-around position, and I, Ye Xingchen, feel that I am qualified for this all-around position."

Yang Mi nodded in agreement after hearing this, because it is said that each person holds a position, but in fact it is everyone who helps complete the work together, and it would be nice to have an extra all-round position.

"Is it okay for the director team to do this?" Yang Mi didn't rush to draw conclusions, but asked the real boss behind the show.

Tao: "The team leader can decide on his own."

After getting the acquiescence from the director team, Yang Mi decisively agreed to Ye Xingchen's request, and the others didn't have any opinions and thought it was particularly good.

Afterwards, everyone reassigned their duties, with reservations and adjustments, but in the end it was really not bad.

The next thing is tonight's big show, re-selecting the team leader.

Although the position of the head of the group is very big, everyone doesn't like this position. First, it is too tiring. Second, it cannot satisfy everyone and it is easy to attract hatred.

And Ye Xingchen is not worried about this, after all, it is impossible for such an important responsibility to fall on him. The position of team leader is usually done by the elders, so he should take a good chance.

Sure enough, as Ye Xingchen expected, the position of team leader fell to Sister Kelly. Although Sister Kelly was not particularly willing at first, Yang Mi said that he would assist her, and finally accepted the position.

The new official took office three fires, and the first fire burned the time to go to bed at night. From the original two o'clock to one o'clock, you must sleep before one o'clock.

Ye Xingchen raised his brows, it's not a big problem.


After 20 minutes, the meeting finally ended, and Ye Xingchen could wash up and go to sleep.

Just after washing up, Zhao Jinmai called to stop her.

"Ye Xingchen!"

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen stopped and walked towards Mai Mai.

After hesitating for a long time, Mai Mai finally said: "It's okay, are you going to sleep now?"

Ye Xingchen glanced at the time on the wristband: "Um, it's past one o'clock now, sister Kaili just issued a curfew order, you want to commit crimes against the wind?"

"Secretly, anyway, it's not like I haven't done it before." Maimai leaned forward with her hands behind her back, her face was very close to Ye Xingchen's.

Ye Xingchen frowned slightly, how could he refuse such a duck that was ready to be delivered to his door, then leaned forward and kissed Zhao Jinmai's cheek: "Okay, I've already given you the goodnight kiss, don't push yourself too hard, Hurry up and go to sleep."

Zhao Jinmai stared at him with wide eyes.

Ye Xingchen gently lifted the hair next to her ear and said softly: "Why, one goodnight kiss is not enough, one more?"

Zhao Jinmai looked at him speechlessly and said, "I said, can you stop being so narcissistic?"

"It's surprising what I said. Why am I so narcissistic? I'm just telling a fact." Ye Xingchen retorted.

Zhao Jinmai was annoyed: "Bah, I didn't let you kiss me."

"You didn't resist either."

"I, how can I resist you so fast."

Why did Ye Xingchen hear this sentence ambiguously? Is she humiliating herself?Damn, is it tolerable or unbearable.

He put his arms around Zhao Jinmai's waist, bowed his head and leaned over... There was no prelude at all.

Zhao Jinmai didn't even react, it was too fast...

(Wait, the more I write, the more I feel wrong... Forget it, I won’t write.)
After the kiss was over, Ye Xingchen wiped his mouth clean and quickly slipped away, not giving Mai Mai a chance to react.

Even people had been gone for quite a while before Zhao Jinmai came back to his senses, and then whispered, "Why am I here?"

Sister, are you here to deliver food, or to arrange yourself on a plate and bring it up.

After Ye Xingchen returned to the tent, he changed into his pajamas, put on his headphones, and fell asleep.

"Why did you go there just now? Why do you feel so flustered?" Han Dongjun asked Ye Xingchen suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen closed his eyes and said, "I'm taking a shower, what can I do?"

"It's not right, 10 out of 11 is not right, you definitely did something bad."


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