The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 501 Two people will develop in the future

Chapter 501 The two will develop in the future

Ye Xingchen lay down calmly, and said, "You guys are overthinking, how can I do something bad here with cameras all over here?"

"Does that mean you do bad things without a camera?"

For this kind of boring question, Ye Xingchen didn't want to deal with it at all. There was still an important task tomorrow, and the wake-up time was not fixed, so going to bed early was the right way.

But Han Dongjun didn't want to let Ye Xingchen go this time. He patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, it's all night now. There is no difference between going to bed at one o'clock and going to bed at two o'clock. Let's go to bed after chatting for a while."

Ye Xingchen opened his eyes and asked, "What are you talking about? I've been chatting all day while recording the program, and I've finished talking about the topic."

"You can't talk about recorded programs, hey, do you like Mai Mai?"

Han Dongjun asked in a low voice.

Ye Xingchen subconsciously looked at the other party's microphone.

"Don't worry, it's all turned off, whoever sleeps with this thing on, the camera over there is also blocked by clothes, so we can chat openly." Han Dongjun laughed.

Seeing that these two people had done so much preparation, Ye Xingchen seemed to be definitely going to gossip this time.

Helpless, Ye Xingchen had no choice but to tell the truth, after all, it was no secret, there was only a layer of window paper left.

"Like it! What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"Wow, so you and Sister Maimai are dating." Ding Chengxin said excitedly as if he had discovered a new world.

Although the relationship between the two has been self-evident for a while, but when Ye Xingchen said this himself, the meaning is different.

"Let's put it this way, I said, don't you all know? Why do you still ask?" Ye Xingchen looked helplessly at the two people in front of him and said.

Ding Chengxin said excitedly: "It's different, well, I found that it is different from the official announcement of the party, and the official announcement surprised us even more."

"When are you going to make it public? If you make it public now, it may...not be recognized by Mai Mai's fans, and it may also affect Mai Mai's future career." Although Han Dongjun felt that the two children were a good match, the current situation did not Naturally, it is impossible, after all, the gap...

Of course Ye Xingchen knew this, and he said to Han Dongjun with a smile: "I said that neither of us is in a hurry, but you think a lot about the following things. How do you say that, the emperor is not in a hurry The eunuch is in a hurry."

After Han Dongjun heard it, he didn't argue with Ye Xingchen about it. Instead, he analyzed the pros and cons more seriously, which made Ye Xingchen stunned. He didn't know whether he was the party or Han Dongjun was the party.

"Stop, stop, I didn't think too much about it at all. My plan is to wait for the grades to come out, get admitted to the school I want to go to, and then slowly develop and improve myself, and maybe I will continue to develop in this circle , we may continue to partner at that time. Okay, I'm sleepy, go to bed, good night, don't disturb, thank you!"

Ye Xingchen covered himself with a quilt and was about to go to bed. He could hardly keep his eyes open now, and he knew that this topic would be endless, because as long as the heart of gossip was ignited, he wouldn't be able to talk about it all night.

Han Dongjun looked at Ye Xingchen who was covering his head, sighed, and said to Ding Chengxin on the side: "Oh, Ding, look at Xiaochen, who just came to the show and cheated our most beautiful and cutest sister away Already, you have to work harder in the future."

"Brother, I don't think the two of them just met. I think they knew each other before." Ding Chengxin didn't know who he was speaking to, but he was sure that Ye Xingchen would hear it.

"Know each other before? Hey, Xiaochen, don't sleep yet, you and Mai Mai knew each other before?" Han Dongjun lifted Ye Xingchen's quilt and asked.

Ye Xingchen said dissatisfied: "I want to sleep bro, please let me go, please."

Han Dongjun: "No, it must be made clear."

"Yes, we've known each other before, don't bother me, or I'm going to sue."

Ye Xingchen simply sent the big killer directly. It is a big taboo to openly disobey the order of the team leader.

After getting the answer, Han Dongjun naturally let Ye Xingchen go, but one mystery was solved, and another mystery appeared in his mind, that is, the two of them must have had no intersection before, how did they know each other?Fan meeting?Still online?

Ding Chengxin was also thinking about this problem, and the two of them couldn't figure it out. In the end, they basically didn't sleep well that night.


In the morning, Ye Xingchen rarely got up a little later than usual. After all, he had to sleep for eight hours, but after all, he slept past two o'clock yesterday, so the rest of the people didn't get up either, and were still asleep.

Today's task has been explained yesterday, because we have to prepare for the Zhangshuying market in the evening, so everyone has a heavy task today.

Ye Xingchen, as the first person to wake up and also the head of the accident department, naturally has the responsibility to wake up others in their sleep.

After washing up, Ye Xingchen looked at the three tents, and finally decided to go to his own tent to get the two dogs who didn't let him sleep yesterday, firstly for revenge, secondly... he was afraid that he would disturb the girls They sleep and kill themselves when they get up.

After arriving at his tent, Ye Xingchen showed an inexplicable smile, then cleared his throat and shouted, "Wake up!"

"I'm going, what's the matter?" Han Dongjun stood up abruptly.

Ding Chengxin was also awakened suddenly, and looked at Ye Xingchen with a confused face.

And Ye Xingchen did say lightly: "I still have a task today, I wake you up in advance, well, my task is completed, for nothing."

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he fled and left the tent.

After about tens of seconds, a bunch of * signals came from the tent.

And the instigator of all this also ran back into his RV, opened the movie and watched it...

After Han Dongjun was awakened, he was still in shock and didn't have the mood to continue sleeping. After dressing up, he went out to search for Ye Xingchen.

And Xiao Ding at the side said in a daze, "Brother, what about others?"

"I don't know, it's too disgusting. Don't let me catch him, go wash up first." Han Dongjun's back molars were almost gnawed.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was leisurely eating snacks, watching movies, and playing snowballs, enjoying himself.

After Mai Mai and his sisters came out, Ye Xingchen opened the car door and went out to say hello:
"It's too late for you to wake up."

"Ye Xingchen, you woke up so early. I can't help it. I slept too late last night. I've had acne since I stayed up late recently." Yang Mi said listlessly with a plain face.

The same is true for Mai Mai on the side, his face obviously lacks the usual luster, and his hair is messy, so he can only cover it with a hat.

When he saw Ye Xingchen, he turned his back shyly, not wanting Ye Xingchen to see him without makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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