Chapter 503 Crazy for Painting
Hearing what Li Sidani said, Zhao Jinmai breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. After she calmed down, she suddenly realized that she was really not very smart, and she took it seriously even though she was just kidding herself.

After taking a deep breath, she went out to see if there were any scenery to take pictures for tonight.


Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered the time when he drew cartoons for Lin Xiangzhi. At that time, he really recorded her every move and all the important things that happened every day.

This gave him some inspiration. He could make Huashao into a comic version, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was meaningless. After all, who would read comics when there was a live broadcast?

But it can be used as a souvenir for everyone.

After Ye Xingchen made up his mind, he continued his painting.

The time spent concentrating passed quickly, and Ye Xingchen only completed four pictures before it was noon.

Yang Mi came over and directly picked it up to have a look, it's okay if you don't look at it, but if you look at it, you won't make a fuss.

Four pictures, three Maimai, to be precise, Maimai's character, and a cartoon version of "Family Portrait" of 8 people.

"Ye Xingchen, you want to carry out the eccentricity to the end, right?" Yang Mi said, slapping the painting he just drew on the table.

Ye Xingchen just glanced at it, then stood up and stretched a few times and said, "Time is limited, I've only painted so much, so I have to take my time drawing, isn't it time for dinner? Go eat!"

Then he leisurely went out to breathe the fresh air, and waited for them all to come out later.

Yang Mi: "It's too hateful."

The scene of Yang Mi's "angry" happened to be seen by Mai Mai, so he gloated and asked, "What's wrong? Is Ye Xingchen doing something that both people and gods are angry with?"

"Look for yourself." Yang Mi handed the three pictures on the table to Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai hurriedly grabbed them one by one and looked at them carefully, and gradually the smiles on his face grew more and more.

"Isn't this a pretty good painting? It's quite similar." Zhao Jinmai suddenly felt sweet in his heart. After so long, he still remembers the way it was back then.

Yang Mi: "It's a good drawing, but he didn't draw us. No matter if my sister is jealous, you can find a way to ask Xiaochen to draw one for me."

"Oh, he will definitely draw it, and it will take time, sister, let me take a picture for you, and the effect will not be worse than the one drawn."

The only one who is happy here is probably Zhao Jinmai. After all, she is the protagonist in the painting, so she has no reason to be angry.

How could Yang Mi be sent away like this, and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't care if I want three more."

"Okay, okay, let him draw 10 pictures." Zhao Jinmai thought to himself that it's not my painting anyway, and it has nothing to do with me, hehe.

"It's almost there."

The conversation between the two was naturally heard by Ye Xingchen not far away.

Sure enough, the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf still needs more training.

After a while, when everyone was here, everyone had a hearty lunch here.In the past two days, there are basically more than 8 dishes, and the types are not heavy, which gave this group of people appetite.

"There are still 2 hours left, Ye Xingchen, you must draw a picture for each of us, otherwise you will be punished and not allowed to eat dinner." Yang Mi said to Ye Xingchen when he saw that everyone was almost finished eating.

Ye Xingchen just swallowed what was in his mouth, and almost choked to death when he heard it.

"Why? I'm not a robot."

Yang Mi: "Who told you to paint Mai Mai all morning."

Ye Xingchen: "I drew whatever I thought of. Animals also need inspiration and touch. Once you are familiar with the painting, you will naturally continue to paint."

Obviously Ye Xingchen's explanation was not convincing, so he couldn't help but not let Yang Mi down, and when Li Sidani and Han Dongjun heard that they didn't draw themselves, they joined Yang Mi to attack Ye Xingchen.

In the end, the two older sisters opened their mouths to rescue Ye Xingchen.

"Xiaochen draw slowly, there are still so many days anyway, why are you so anxious? There must be some, right Xiaochen." Liu Mintao smoothed things over with a smile.

Ye Xingchen naturally nodded, expressing that everyone would have a share.

"But isn't the Zhangshuying market starting in the afternoon?" Ding Chengxin asked puzzled.

"Silly boy, are you confused? Are you willing to exchange the painting for someone else?" Liu Mintao said with a smile.

Zhang Kaili: "I definitely can't, no matter what, it's Xiaochen's wish, so what's the matter with others."

Ding Chengxin understood in an instant, and said with enlightenment: "Yes, mine, how could I have such thoughts, brother, I'm sorry for you."

Sleeping with Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun, these two people will naturally be assimilated by the two of them after a long time.

Ding now is not the shy Ding he used to be, his skin is already one-third thicker than Ye Xingchen's.

Ye Xingchen suddenly sat up and said solemnly: "Forget it, I will forgive you this time, and I won't make an exception."


Seeing the two of them still performing there, everyone couldn't help but smile.

In the end, Ye Xingchen also promised to draw a picture for everyone before leaving, as a parting gift, and then let this matter go.

Because no one wanted to barter self-portraits, so Ye Xingchen started to paint the scenery here in the afternoon. Time was running out, and he only spent three paintings. After coloring, he listened to the artistic conception.

After Yang Mi saw it, he was reluctant to give it away and wanted to keep it for himself.

Others shared her thoughts, and in the end Ye Xingchen said to draw a new picture for everyone after the market was over, which made everyone reluctantly treat these three pictures as commodities.

As for the three cards in the morning, Mai Mai has carefully put them away. Although Mai Mai is not a person who eats alone, he must eat alone.

When the time was up, Sister Taozi took everyone to the market.

At this time, they found that everyone had already set up booths in advance, and it looked more lively.

"Wow, there are so many people here." Li Sidani exclaimed.

"It's okay, did you just take a look around before you found out? They should all be villagers in Zhangshuying." Ye Xingchen looked around and said.

Tao Zi: "Yes, because of the Yi relationship, this place has not been opened for a long time, and August 8st is the time when we open tourist attractions to the whole country."

"That's it. Don't be dazed, set up a stall quickly, and take out all our things." Zhang Kaili ordered.

Yang Mi: "Yes, brothers and sisters, put our things on the display. By the way, those three paintings are our treasures. Yes, Mai Mai just gave me a picture. What about my painting. Sister, can we exchange this too?"

Because this painting is a special family portrait, Yang Mi didn't want to trade it.

Zhang Kaili took it over and looked at it, then hugged it to her chest: "Mi, I personally don't want it, I want to keep it."

"Sister, I want to keep it too." Yang Mi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Kaili said, "Then keep it, why change it if you are not willing to change it."

(End of this chapter)

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